What sci-fi race would you be


New member
May 5, 2010
Zerg overmind!!
TheTaco007 said:

Wait, no. Protoss. Yeah, Protoss!

I would pwn your protoss *ss ;-D

(By the way: Where the hell is my copy of SC2 at?! Yes, I ordered it from amazon and it shipped yesterday. It will come tomorrow... One day late!! :p Can't wait.)


New member
Jul 27, 2010
First choice: A Sah'aaran.
http://www.sahaaran.com/Sahaarans.htm Being a furry fan is not a crime.(sorry many people believe otherwise.)

OR a Motie. (Larry Niven: The mote in god's eye)

OR, F[beep]k YEAH, A citizen of THE CULTURE!!!!

If you don't know what The Culture is, read any book by Ian M. Banks. You'll end up reading more than one though.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
IcyEvils said:
I would be a Time Lord (Doctor Who). Traveling about in mah TARDIS, picking up hot girls, showing them my 'command centre ;)', changing my face every year or so. Great life.
i'll join you,we can share the girls right?


New member
Oct 18, 2008
I would be a hobbit. Oh wait Sci-fi race. . . hmmmm then I chose to be a SPACE HOBBIT!!!

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Pariah87 said:
I'd be a Chaos Space Marine, either from the Night Lords or Emeperors Children legions. A near perfect superhuman who has gone batshit insane, lives purely to torture and slaughter all humans. Leave the planning and galaxy domination to the Black Legion or Word Bearers, we're severely messed up psycopaths and we love it!
I think I love you...

Those are two of my favorite Chaos legions personaly. I'm something of a sucker for Slaanesh though, love those Noise Marines and crazy music. :D

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
Infected Terran from the Zerg. But I'm thinking along the lines of Kerrigan Infected Terran. Not one of those 'splodie guys. If I was like Kerrigan I'd imagine if I were killed in battle than I would just be reborn somewhere else.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Cuddly Razor said:
dalek sec said:
Pariah87 said:
I'd be a Chaos Space Marine, either from the Night Lords or Emeperors Children legions. A near perfect superhuman who has gone batshit insane, lives purely to torture and slaughter all humans. Leave the planning and galaxy domination to the Black Legion or Word Bearers, we're severely messed up psycopaths and we love it!
I think I love you...

Those are two of my favorite Chaos legions personaly. I'm something of a sucker for Slaanesh though, love those Noise Marines and crazy music. :D
Hell yes, a Chaos Space Marine from the Emperor's Children legion. Crazy music, manly colours and an infinite supply of pleasure. What's not to love?
And if you're really lucky, you get to crack open those silly soul stones the Eldar have and feed Slaanesh! :D


New member
Dec 23, 2008
GamesB2 said:
It sounds awesome!
Yep, constant meditation and suppression of emotion to avoid have your soul devoured by what is essentially the god a weird fetishes taken to the extreme. Sounds fun.

No idea what I'd be.

Haunted Serenity

New member
Jul 18, 2009
Cuddly Razor said:
dalek sec said:
Pariah87 said:
I'd be a Chaos Space Marine, either from the Night Lords or Emeperors Children legions. A near perfect superhuman who has gone batshit insane, lives purely to torture and slaughter all humans. Leave the planning and galaxy domination to the Black Legion or Word Bearers, we're severely messed up psycopaths and we love it!
I think I love you...

Those are two of my favorite Chaos legions personaly. I'm something of a sucker for Slaanesh though, love those Noise Marines and crazy music. :D
Hell yes, a Chaos Space Marine from the Emperor's Children legion. Crazy music, manly colours and an infinite supply of pleasure. What's not to love?
Read Fulgrim...it gives you alot of things not to love *shudder*. Khrone Beserker would be a nice choice if i had to go to Chaos but i think i'd like to be human still. But if i can't i'll go with Eldar. The path of the warrior especially the stricking scorpians is too great of a lure. Heavy armour, stealth and chainswords. Not chain axes but then again thats not very eldary to use axes or maces.


New member
Dec 17, 2009
I know I've already been beaten to it by someone else but I'd be a Time Lord.

Seriously, who wouldn't want to be a member of the Time Lord race? You're super clever, have awesome tech, slightly Psychic, the coolest dude on two legs in any room at any moment in time, can travel through time and space with your friends, being heroic, righting wrongs, seeing the marvels of the cosmos as you go. And then there's the longevity and regeneration to go with it. Fun times to be had by all!

(P.S. for those clued up on DW, yeah I realise that not all Time Lords are the Doctor but a few go out and have some fun so I'll be one of those Time Lords out righting wrongs and kicking back and relaxing!).


New member
Jun 24, 2009
Oh boy, how do i choose.

Well, first i would want to be a Na'vi from Avatar bascially they are a massivly idealized form of North Americain native culture. 10ft tall, tails, blue, weild ballista like bows and can connect to nature and each other in a very deep way. Yeah, i would literally give anything to be a Na'vi on Pandora, *sigh*, literally anything...

But, being a Cardassian would really freaking rock as well. Taking over shit in awesome looking space ships, emphasis on family, balls of motherfucking steel when dealing with htier enemy. I know they are basically space nazis, but i still love em'. That, and the scales are cool, as is the hair.


New member
Nov 7, 2006
Tajomaru said:
Fremen. I mean you could ride a fucking 300-foot behemoth worm while doing a Sci-Fi version of cocaine. I believe you do not get more awesome than that.
Freman...are humans...Go make your dreams come true!

Personally I'd be an Asari I think.