what shouldn't be made into a film?

David Bjur

Hazy sucks, Daystar Moreso
Nov 21, 2011
Aarowbeatsdragon said:
i hope this doesnt get me hate. But the elder scrolls series. i see people say theyd want it to be put into a movie but it wouldnt work! the elder scrolls games all have loads of content in it, its about the exploration and all the stuff you can do! it wouldnt work in movie form!
Yeah, and with their "great" script, they would probably not get far. Elder Scrolls is, and will always be, relying heavily on gameplay. But yes, please, no Elder Scrolls movie.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
[Insert Any Game Title Here] Because games, being interactive medium translate badly into movies in general.

Also [Insert Most of Notable Books Here], because movie adaptations, unless made by really good crew (not just director, but pretty much everyone needs to be good), generally take out too much of the books. There is very few instances of movies coming close/being better than books.

Original scripts are better choice in 9 out of 10 cases.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
Add me to the Bored by Bombadil group. But loved the movies and excited about the Hobbit. I've read the books dozens of times, but enjoy seeing various film versions.

I shudder at Candyland the movie. Candyland the game already bores me to tears.

All of the live action Seuss stuff should have never seen the light of day.

Pratchett's stuff should should never be done by a big budget company.

I'm EXCEEDINGLY nervous about Selena Gomez in 13 Reasons Why. I fear it's going to look into her fan base, then veer into after school movie territory and end with her getting a make over, boyfriend, and living happily ever after.

El Luck

New member
Jul 22, 2011
Trivun said:
Pebblig said:
The Hobbit. Why do you have to tarnish this too Peter?

The other thing I would say would've been the Terry Pratchett Discworld novels (my favourite set of books), however they actually did a fantastic job (The Hogfather, Going Postal and Colour of Magic/The Light Fantastic) of converting these to TV. So much so that I actually look forwards to them doing more. I think they captured the characters and some of the humour particularly well.
Very good news then... The Mob, the company who made the first three features, are already in the process of making a fourth, based on Unseen Academicals (following their break to make Skellig last year). Which I also greatly look forward too, though I still wish they'd do either Night Watch (one of my favourite Watch stories) or Monstrous Regiment (including the lesbian subtext between Lofty and Tonker - partly because I'm a perv, and partly because it genuinely was one of the really interesting aspects of the book)...
aww damnit. I'm still hoping for Thud! or Carpe Jugulum


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
Mass Effect. As if the new book was bad enough, what do you think Hollywood would do to that?


Liam Starrs

New member
Dec 26, 2011
elder scrolls could work as a TV series but not a movie. Also comics like sandman and lucifer y the last man and fables would be impossible to silver screen

Rin Little

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Jul 24, 2011
Revealing what a nerd I am for 19th century British Literature... Please stop trying to make movies out of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein! It's been tarnished enough >.< The only one that came close to the original story was the one Kenneth Branaugh did and I didn't even entirely approve of that one. That and Wuthering Heights... Two of my favorite books now and I'd prefer not to see a horrid interpretation of them.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Um...the first 2-5 episodes of a series?

Editing them together to make a "movie"...yeah, don't do that.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
I would say American Psycho but it's already been butchered (and then the sequel which made no sense in any way shape or form).

Proper answer though would be pretty much any novel where the writing style and character's inner thoughts are key. A lot of my favourite books would make terrible movies and I'm OK with that.

On the other hand somebody get a move on and turn Iain M Banks' novels into movies. There's so many moments I would want to see visualised on the big screen.

Soviet Heavy

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Jan 22, 2010
lacktheknack said:
Strain42 said:
Calvin and Hobbes. I'm terrified that once Bill Watterson dies and the copyright falls into someone else's hands that we're gonna be a bunch of stuff that will literally punch us right in the childhood.

Yeah, I'm gonna agree with this one. Impassable problem 1: Who would voice Hobbes?
GAH! I have my own voice for Hobbes. Calvin I don't really get a voice for, but Hobbes is so distinct in my head that trying to imagine him with anyone else hurts.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
Matthew94 said:
ScoopMeister said:
Honestly, the only thing that I really missed in the films was Tom Bombadil.
You liked Tom Bombadil?

I found him to be the worst part of the book. It's about 1/4 of all the pages and nothing happens.
This has already been answered for me and I'm a bit late replying anyway, but hell yeah I liked him. His utter pointlessnessnessness was part of what made him so awesome! I'm genuinely surprised that someone wouldn't like him to be honest. :/

Helmholtz Watson

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Nov 7, 2011
thaluikhain said:
More or less anything by Lovecraft.

You just can't put a new colour never before seen by humans on a TV screen, and good luck trying to get dimensions that can't exist in our universe, though you can hint at that.

You can put big monsters with tentacles and all, but that wasn't the appeal of Lovecraft. Any hack can do that, and half of them do. But to create a sense of dread...you need a good director et al to do that, and if you have that, you don't need to do a Lovecraft story.
um what about Guillermo del toro and his attempt? I think he has the talent for such a thing


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Volf99 said:
thaluikhain said:
More or less anything by Lovecraft.

You just can't put a new colour never before seen by humans on a TV screen, and good luck trying to get dimensions that can't exist in our universe, though you can hint at that.

You can put big monsters with tentacles and all, but that wasn't the appeal of Lovecraft. Any hack can do that, and half of them do. But to create a sense of dread...you need a good director et al to do that, and if you have that, you don't need to do a Lovecraft story.
um what about Guillermo del toro and his attempt? I think he has the talent for such a thing
Oh, he could probably make a very good Guillermo del Toro film. It just probably wouldn't be a Lovecraft film.

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

Mostly because it probably wouldn't do very well in the box office. Then again, its so controversial it might end up like a reversal of the "Passion of Christ" incident.