Quick story:
The only game from Bethesda I've ever played is Fallout 3.
Fallout 3 is currently sitting in the #3 spot of my "Worst games ever" list. Number. Three. It was only outdone in shityness by Kane and Lynch 2 and Metroid Other M.
Needless to say, Bethesda found it's way to my list of worst developers because of it.
Now I've been glancing at Skyrim every few weeks and I actually thought that it looked like Bethesda was a going through a phase with the development of Fallout 3 where some sort of narcotic found it's way into the building's water supply... actually, if that did happen, Fallout 3 probably wouldn't have been anywhere near as dull, so it was probably something else.
Now I hear that they modelled a fair amount of Skyrim off of Fallout 3. Looks like I won't be paying anymore attention to Skyrim... or any near future Bethesda game. Oh well.