What type of gamer annoys you most?

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Those people who taunt post-match in UMVC3... You know who you are, you're scum. All of you.

Here I am trying a new team in which Vergil is practically carrying the entire team because I suck with Trish and Morrigan has supah low damage even though I went ahead and learnt the "pro" mini launch, relauch combo online. I still can't end it with air Shadow Blade into missles though, fucking Shoryuken motions.

Anyway the point is i'm having fun trying new teams regardless of how well I do and some dick with Swagneto swag combos of swaginess is just blowing through my team and decides to taunt at the end just to increase the size of his e-peen a bit.

Hope you don't mind the quit sir. I'm inconviencing myself just on the off chance that me denying you the win might teach you not to taunt like a complete dickbag.

Automatic win poses after the match should be fucking mandatory dammit.

And people who scream OP at everything and anything. Yes LoL i'm talking about you. Ok, Darius is legitimately OP. I'll give you that. Xin is a touch overpowered as well but that's basically the extent of the truly OP people in the entire game.

The AP Assassin bursted you down in one combo? That's the entire point of an AP Assassin you idiot. It's not OP in the slightest.

Also people who seem to hate people who enjoy watching games played at a pro level. I don't care what your opinion is on whether "e-sports" should count as a "proper" sport or not. I consider most games played on a competitive level more enjoyable that almost all "proper" sports combined. That's my opinion though and is besides the point.

The fact of the matter is that a ton of people really enjoy watching their favourite games played at a super high level and they even take inspiration from it to try to improve themselves.

Just look at UMVC3. I know a lot of people have seen those Doom TAC swag combos and the like and have decided "I want to pull that awesomeness off too." The game would not be the same without that amazing Frank West anti-Phoenix improvised technology demonstated by Ageojoe a while ago for example.

That was so damn Hype by the way.

Finally, graphics whores. *insert game here* must be X amount of shiny or it sucks. Fuck you.

Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
Gamers who are ashamed. Example:

I was riding home on the train next to an acquaintance of mine. He was reading the paper, and I happened to have my gameboy in my bag, so I took it out and started playing some pokemon.

He sees this, and says something like "I can't believe you're actually playing pokemon right now. I'm so embarrassed."

I'm baffled by this, and answer "Wait, I thought you said you played like several hours of pokemon last week?"

"Well, yeah. But I did that at home!"

Keep in mind, this is a person who regularly gets drunk and embarrasses himself in public, but what worries him is being seen with someone playing on his gameboy. Yeah.


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
Fat_Hippo said:
Gamers who are ashamed. Example:

I was riding home on the train next to an acquaintance of mine. He was reading the paper, and I happened to have my gameboy in my bag, so I took it out and started playing some pokemon.

He sees this, and says something like "I can't believe you're actually playing pokemon right now. I'm so embarrassed."

I'm baffled by this, and answer "Wait, I thought you said you played like several hours of pokemon last week?"

"Well, yeah. But I did that at home!"

Keep in mind, this is a person who regularly gets drunk and embarrasses himself in public, but what worries him is being seen with someone playing on his gameboy. Yeah.
That's more society's fault as a whole really. When a supposedly serious documentary on video game addiction can have the line "You should put down the video game, go out, and get absolutely hammered" then you can tell how much games are looked down upon in today's society. But yeah, it's still annoying.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
If I had to be perfectly honest, I think it would be a much shorter list to come up with the types of gamers that DON'T annoy me. (Myself included, there are a lot of traits that I have when it comes to video games that still bug me)

But if I had to pick the one that annoyed me the most, it's the person who has shaped too much of their life around video games.

When video games grace all of your t-shirts, cover your room, when you buy a new video game every other week, when your car is filled with game soundtracks that you play constantly and when that's literally all you talk about...it makes you really really boring.

Yeah, as a fellow video game player (I don't really consider myself a gamer) I can talk with you a little bit about who your favorite Mario enemy is or what your thoughts are on the new Bioshock. But eventually talking about nothing but video games gets really boring really fast.

If you actually make video games, or review video games, or have some sort of job related to them, then yeah, I could understand wanting to talk about it a lot (and frankly, I like chatting with people who actually work on games. I think it's an interesting process)

But if you just love video games and treat them like some sort of lifestyle, it's boring and annoying.


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2011
PC gamers. Oh my god, did I just say that out loud?
Seriously though, elitist annoy the shit out of me. But PC gamers are the worst. Who cares what I choose to play, we're all eventually going PC anyways.

Honorable mention: Meta game haters. Yeah, I went there. I'm talking about people who absolutely hate the existence of a meta game. OK, meta game exists, why ***** about it when you can play something else? Or just play normally.
However, the people who are over the top with the meta game also earn my ire.


New member
Aug 1, 2011
Quitters. Don't get me wrong, sometimes a person has to leave the game for something urgent(an emergency, late for work, etc). But it annoys me when you're beating your opponent and the douche just decides to quit, denying you a win. Dawn of War 2 had a concede option that lets you quit AND give your opponent a win. An option like that in the game and I still get asshats that simply quit outright, which gives me nothing.

It happens a lot in fighting games. People who can't handle my Swagneto simply quit.


New member
Nov 7, 2011
CO-OP Gamers. I understand you enjoy the game mode but please understand that a game is not inherently better because it has CO-OP. Not every game needs this feature and worse, if its done cheaply it can hurt the enjoyment single player orientated people have.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
MLG and "OP" gamers.

Gears of War 3 is my main multiplayer game, so I run across a lot of these types. When you join a match you always run the risk of joining a game where a full stacked team of 5 is just dominating bots or random people who don't know each other. These kinds of players tend to play like dogshit and compensate with their numbers and communication. I'll usually go like 15-3 and still lose, and they have the audacity to trash talk because one guy on the other team was completely destroying them.

OP gamers are people that say everything that kills them is overpowered. If you kill them with anything that isn't a gnasher, that gun is OP. If you kill them with the least used gun in the game, the Gorgon pistol, it's OP. If you melee them down, fists are OP. If you kill them with a gnasher you're laggy.


New member
May 7, 2009
Vrex360 said:
The unapologetic misogynist hordes that have been cropping up as of late seemingly outraged by the notion of change.
I can only hope that the day when disgusting troglodytes like them are finally ostracized from the community is coming soon.
Got to agree with this, the idea that a franchise might dare evolve and try something different is always shouted down as 'stupid' and 'gay'. Although saying this their is also that other type of gamer who will just hate something so excessively that any change is not percieved as enough and will always find faults to complain about even if they haven't actually played the game. Heres looking at you people who excessively hate halo yet don't even own an xbox.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Vrex360 said:
The unapologetic misogynist hordes that have been cropping up as of late seemingly outraged by the notion of change.
I can only hope that the day when disgusting troglodytes like them are finally ostracized from the community is coming soon.
Yeah that.

Also, one-upping gamers.
You beat that game? I BEAT IT IN ONE LIFE IN TWO HOURS!
You think that class is overpowered? HA I FOUGHT OFF A HUNDRED OF THEM WITH NO GEAR ON!
You beat that game on nightmare? I BEAT IT ON NIGHTMARE USING ONLY MY EARS!

It's so annoying!
Sadly, I do know some people like that, you cant even say anything about a game because they know it better/did it better.... except its bullshit.

ToastiestZombie said:
That's more society's fault as a whole really. When a supposedly serious documentary on video game addiction can have the line "You should put down the video game, go out, and get absolutely hammered" then you can tell how much games are looked down upon in today's society. But yeah, it's still annoying.
I was up at stupid-o-clock once and I came across a programme about people `addicted` to WoW.
Now, I know that happens, but the people they chose weren't addicted at all, they were just excited about it. They had functioning lives outside of the game, but the show painted it as -`Look at these pathetic people!`.
So yeah, society needs to chill.


New member
May 3, 2012
Quite a few: elitists (specifically PC elitists), "hardcore" gamers, girl "gamers" (the attention whore kind, not the ones who are just girls who happen to play games. "Gamers" is in quotes for a reason.), metagamers, fratboys (those whose game libraries consist entirely of CoD4, MW2, MW3, Black Ops, Black Ops 2 and/or Battlefield 3), etc.

However, none of those piss me off more than graphics/aesthetic whores. You know, the kind that refuses to play a game solely because of the art style or bit count. I once knew I guy who though Super Mario 64 sucked because the graphics weren't up to par with modern gaming. I will admit, SM64 has not aged well at all, but this guy's only reason for hating the game was "the graphics are lame". I also know a few guys who refuse to even look into a game whose color palette consists of more than brown, red, and/or grey. They also happen to fit perfectly into the "fratboy" category listed above.

Amethyst Wind

New member
Apr 1, 2009
This is back from my Yugioh days but Exodia users. Something like 95% of their deck is draw cards.

I have never once gotten a straight answer from these people when I ask them this simple question:

"Is this fun for you?"

In all games I don't care about winning, my gamerscore or tiers. I want to have fun. I'll have fun my own way regardless of what you think. Think I'm a noob for using the boomshot? Okay then, think that. I'll be over here using the boomshot. Not running the 'best' gear setup? Who cares I'm having fun. You don't seem to be. I count that as a win for me.



New member
Apr 5, 2010
I don't know. I'd say people who take the game WAY too seriously but at the same time people who don't take it seriously ever. Sometimes I like to get shit done for a certain reward but everybody wants to screw around. But then I screw around and get yelled at... so it's like uhhh.

The mega elitists I can't stand though.


Emcee: the videogame video guy
Jun 26, 2012
hazabaza1 said:
Be it PC, console, or based on any particular game or series, they're all massive fucks.

Anyone who just full on dismisses a person's taste based on console is remarkably childish. And I mostly see people in their twenties and thirties do it, not kids.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
"Elitist" gamers, the ones that brag about their console or their pc specs. I don't care if you can run Crisis 2 at "OMG My Monitor is melting!" settings or that your PS3 has free online. Just play your games, enjoy them, and have fun.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
The whiny kind, you know the ones that ***** and whine about every little thing.
Also the so-called "hardcore" gamers who rail against casual gaming blah blah blah, stick a cork in it.
Console vs. PC idiots, why can't you enjoy gaming on both?
Console vs. Console morons, see above.
Also Gamers who take gaming waaaaaaaaaay too seriously like this for example:
Daystar Clarion said:
Probably metagamers, you know the types.

No items.

Fox only.

Final Destination.

Because fun sucks, am I right?
Incidentally, I hate using Fox.
Graphic whores, esp. the ones who keep gushing over HD. HD is bullshit, at best it makes for a slightly sharper picture, whoopty shit.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
The "OP" gamer. Every item except the ones they use are "so OP!" and you're a huge "queerfag" for using them.

Captcha: "partly to blame", how so captcha, how so?


Doing Nothing Productive...
Apr 17, 2010
Mostly the MLG wannabees and fanboys that plagued Halo 3 and Reach.

Always saying that MLG was the only true playlist and if you're not MLG you're a terrible player.

If you went onto the Bungie Forums (And i feel sorry for you if you did) A lot of topics were created by people either complaining about MLG or saying how good MLG is. It was more annoying than the General grades boasting over their virtual rank.