What was your Game of the Year for 2013?


New member
Dec 6, 2013
It is Dota 2 for me. Have been playing it and its predecessor for years and the gameplay just stays fresh (continous patches help, but are not the whole part of the story). Probably the most rewarding gaming experience you can grab nowadays.


New member
Jun 26, 2012
If you exclude betas and games re-released from other platforms, this year has been pretty crap.

Bioshock infinite was good, but the gameplay was crap

Would probably have to give it to TWD season 2 even though only one episode is out -_-.


New member
Nov 25, 2011
It's either Bioshock: Infinite or Metro: Last Light. Both had such great atmosphere, stories, characters and gameplay that judging between the two is pretty much impossible for me, especially because at their cores they're such vastly different games. Both were absolutely delightful and the fact that you can go back and play through the entirety of both in different ways is just the icing on the cake.

Honorable mention goes to the Dishonored dlc: Knife of Dunwall and Brigmore Witches for A). being DLC and thus not full games worthy of GOTY and B). because I don't really feel that they needed to be released separate of each other. Otherwise, the characters were, generally, much more interesting in the add-on than they were in the main game and powers like pull and summon assassin really added a lot of options to the game, that's not including the new equipment. But what really got me was the new Blink that stops time as well; that damn near changed how you play the game. Who could have guessed that such a simple addition could change so much!

On the opposite end of the spectrum for me: the worst game definitely has to go to the cynical, contradictory mess that is The Last of Us. I was actually looking forward to this, which is saying a lot because I strongly dislike the rest of Naughty Dogs work, but damn, playing this game made me so angry. In a way it's fitting that I thought this game was terrible while I loved Infinite and Last Light because in many ways TLOU felt like a combination of the two just third person. It's amazing to me that Naughty Dog get's the acclaim that it does when all it really does it make games that are, admittedly, presented extremely well but with gameplay that kind of, more or less, just works. To me The last of Us was no different.


New member
May 31, 2011
the_great_cessation said:
2013 was my best year in gaming since 2005. I absolutely fell in love with so many games this year. Above all, The Last of Us would be my easy pick for game of the year though. I don't think I can really say anything original about what makes it so good, so I won't even try. It's just a phenomenal experience in every regard and easily my favorite game of the entire generation.

My runner up would be Bioshock Infinite, followed very closely by Rayman Legends and A Link Between Worlds. I also loved the first episode of The Wolf Among Us and if the rest of the episodes continue with that same level of quality, it will easily be in consideration for my GOTY for 2014...
hehe Ive yet to have anything top 1998-1999 for having provided some of the best games ever.

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. It's just that goddamn good. Any Zelda fan(specifically fans of A Link to the Past) would be remiss not to play this game.

Easily one of my favorite things to come out of that game. I went to Death Mountain, ready to kick some icy ass and BAM I'm hit with this epic theme. It was glorious.

Honorable mentions go to:

Diablo III
Dragon's Crown
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
Shin Megamin Tensei IV
Tales of Xillia

Chaos Isaac

New member
Jun 27, 2013
The Last of Us was pretty good. Really, some parts are drawn on too long. Way too many human enemies, and the ending chapter is kinda weak, but the actual ending and the characters make it up.

Xillia is a high contender too, while I think the combat isn't as good as previous titles, and the voice acting weak at first with questionable character choices. It did good.

I found it better then Infinite, which I feel is overrated. It had a more lasting impact on me then GTA V, as well as far less complaints. (Because Trevor kinda... ruined that game in some aspects.)

Of course, this is my private choices.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
ShinyCharizard said:
Casual Shinji said:
This is why it's a good thing they made those upgrades so fucking expessive. As long as you have something to pine for, you'll keep wanting to ransack other ships.

Hitting dudes right in the face with the swivel cannon was pure slapstick gold.
It was a damn good upgrade system, I just wish it didn't make the combat so easy when you are fully upgraded. And hitting the captain right in the face with the swivel gun never got old lol.
It was also a bit too easy to take advantage of ship boarding to stop multiple ships from attacking you, and to then repair the Jackdaw. Giving you a steady supply of armour the more ships you're facing. I think it would've been nice to have a timer on ship boarding depended on your ship's armour status. The longer you would take with boarding the more risk you would take that the enemy would ultimately blow you out of the water.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Released in...

damn I have played a lot of games this year but very few actually realeased in 2013
I did enjoy Pikmin 3 a lot, games I'd love to play but haven't that have been released in 2013 were Pokemon X/Y, Mario and Fire Emblem (yeah I think it'd be about time to get a 3DS soon :/)

The older games I have played have been new releases on the WiiU, does that count?
OK :(

I'm playing Splinter Cell Blacklist at the moment so maybe that when I'm done, sometimes next summer...

But for now I guess it has to be Pikmin3