What would be the most absurd 'gritty reboot' imaginable?

Amethyst Wind

New member
Apr 1, 2009
Professor James said:
Amethyst Wind said:
Phineas and Ferb.

The titular characters would be mad inventors who constantly unleash reality-warping abominations upon the populace, all the while maintaining a carefully constructed false innocence. Candice is a completely ignored, constantly arrested protagonist slowly being driven insane by her futile efforts to convince the people that P&F are evil. Isabella and the Fireside girls would be P&F's logistics team (thieves essentially), Bufort would by the bodyguard and Baljeet would be the twisted messwork guy. Stacy would be a cop sympathetic to Candice's cause, even if she doesn't quite believe her, and is the one who is always bringing Candice in.
what about perry the platypus and Dr. Doofensmirtz(not sure if I spelled that right.)
Perry is a womanizing, violent, corrupt, drunken agent and Doofenschmirtz is a psychotic genius who has grown tired with the world and beats his daughter (who herself is in an abusive relationship with Ferb).


New member
Dec 25, 2008
While it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, I feel the need to come up with an original idea (that is, one not mentioned on the first page of responses).

How bout a dark and gritty reboot of Sims? Everyone in the game is a crack addict or a psychopath. All the fun of torturing your creations goes away when they are already torturing themselves.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
nuba km said:
I think this wins the thread.
You mean the game aboot a mass murdering cannibal who commits regicide for the hell of it?
You don't get much darker than that buddy.


New member
Sep 17, 2008
Kinectimals.... your tiger has grown up... and is now hunting you... better start running...


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Banjo kazooie...you know what? I think I'd prefer that to Nuts n bolts


Cortana's guardian
Oct 22, 2009
Imma say Kirby....trying to imagine how they'd explain anything about Kirby and his world would be very frightening.......I believe there will be Brawl came close and go it right somewhat in how Kirby was pretty much Hannibal Lecter

Jack Cheal

New member
Aug 25, 2010
i reckon someone needs to do a gritty reboot of something like its a wonderful life
just to give a massive two fingers to god and his puny "holidays"

Variable X

New member
Aug 23, 2010
shogunblade said:
And if there was any way to create something in an awesome gritty reboot way, I would definitely say Mega Man X. No, not Mega Man, I'm talking Mega Man X.
Maverick Hunter X kinda was that. Was a good game though.

Hmm, lets see. World of Warcraft, except everyone is a deathknight and it only has three colors: black, gray, and brown. Left 4 Dead, where none of the survivors make jokes or even talk, and is rendered using the unreal engine.

Oh! How about this? Star Fox. You play as Robert "Fox" McCloud, a promising jet pilot in the war in somewhere-in-the-mid-east-istan who, after witnessing the bombing of thousands of innocents and hearing the news of his father's death, begins to slip into depression and delusion. In his fragile mental state, he develops a coping mechanism, seeing everyone as talking animals, including himself. Gameplay would randomly shift back and forth between his deluded mind and the real world.