What would make you stop watching X


Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
Sorry, that's the only name I could come up with for that topic.
So, do you remember that "Nostalgia Chick's abortion: what this means for Channel Awesome" topic? It was quite stupid, honestly, but there was one idea that made me wonder. What would it take to make me stop watching, say, Zero Punctuation or Jimquisition? Is there something that Yahtzee could say on Twitter or some act that Jim could commit, within legal boundaries, that would make me say "Hmm... I'm not sure I want to watch this guy anymore". So the question is, well, IS THERE, at least for you?
TLDR:What X person have to do or say to make you stop watching his/her videos (except making his/her videos bad)?


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Hmm, I'm not sure. Jay n' Zed would have to do something pretty drastic to turn me away. Possibly becoming right wing/left wing extremists or something would do it, but that seems very unlikely.

Come to think of it, I can't really think of a specific scenario where I'd go "That's it, I'm done" on the top of my head. You'd have to have pretty disagreeable opinions on very touchy subjects before I'd consider walking out.


New member
Mar 17, 2011

I watch their videos because they're entertaining. Some comment made beyond that won't affect the entertainment of said videos.

I'd only stop watching if they changed the format such that it becomes was unwatchable, like how MovieBob killed off all interest I had in the GameOverthinker by introducing the Antithinker character.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Not exactly a web video, but I stopped watching 'The Simpsons' regularly after four seconds into their episode with the Ke$ha intro.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
I stopped watching most of Jimquisition since the last few episodes have been more drops in the endless bucket of negativity and I'm tired of that kind of thing. Although I don't avoid the ones that aren't talking about how something is terrible and/or ruining the industry.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Eh, yeah.

Escapist entertainers like Yatzhee or Jim's entire job revolves around giving their opinion on things. They're public figures who are meant to influence with their words. And while I don't believing in policing what a person can or can't do (so long as it doesn't infringe on another person's freedom or safety), I do expect them to be mindful of what power they can have and conduct themselves responsibly- on and off the podium.

So... say, and I doubt this would ever happen, Jim goes on Twitter and releases a barrage of hateful slurs about race x. I would stop following him. He's not just another idiot on the internet: he's an idiot who has the power to shape the viewpoints of others. I would stop watching in protest.

It'd have to be fairly extreme. Explicitly racist, sexist, or cruel.
A misguided remark here and there is only human.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I've never watched anything in The Escapist beyond Zero P, Unskippable and Lisa Foiles. I can't think of anything shark-jumpable that would make me stop watching them except getting tired of them.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Turning Twilight into an Alicorn! No, wait. I'm kidding. I still love that show and her. :)

Hm...I'm trying to think of any time I just stopped watching something. I gave up on X-play once they started doing half stars, but by then I had long since lost the channel, so I was just reading their reviews. There's one guy on Cracked.com who I don't read his articles anymore after his opening paragraphs were nothing but a slam on religion and how I've wasted my entire life following some dusty old book (or something along those lines). There was no humor in it, just a rant.

So I guess what it would take for me to stop watching something would be for something to change at the show's core. Like, say, Yahtzee becomes a goody-little-two-shoes. Or Movie Bob no longer talks about comics, but instead politics. Or changing your reviews from being honest, critical, but funny and full of jokes, to two minute segments that just barely scratch the surface (cough X-Play cough). Seriously, watching that show was like watching a train wreck. Nothing I could do but watch as it was utterly destroyed. And...I appear to have gone off topic. Sorry.
Long live Princess Twilight!

Zombie Sodomy

New member
Feb 14, 2013
If they both came to my house and blinded me, I'd stop watching. That's not exactly within legal boundaries, but it's all I could think of.


New member
Jan 14, 2012
Wait, what? The Nostalgia Chick had an abortion? I don't watch her, so this is news to me. Just...What?

Eh, I guess it would take say...oh...Fraser at Video Games Awesome to start hitting his girlfriend or something for me to stop watching him. Which I so very doubt will ever happen. That's it really. He can literally say anything and it be written off by the thousands of people who watch his live-streams as him being "Good old Frash Frash." And I would have to agree with them.

I guess if I found out Nakateleeli over on youtube was all for nazi regime and nazi propaganda, I might stop watching him.

The Nostalgia Critic...I honestly can't think of anything that would get me to stop watching him. Nor can I think of anything that would get me to stop watching Spoony, or Linkara, Suede, or JewWario.

Edit: I might need a non-Internet example so...MLP:FiM. If, and this is a very big if, they ever bring in humans of any kind into the main show, it has to be as a villain. At the VERY LEAST not a new main character.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
Ldude893 said:
Not exactly a web video, but I stopped watching 'The Simpsons' regularly after four seconds into their episode with the Ke$ha intro.
I think you might be confusing a willful act to not watch with a brain hemorrhage.

If Jim or Yahtzee or any other show (web or otherwise) added in ponies on a regular basis. MLP ponies. I stopped watching an artist on deviantART because he went full Brony, never go full Brony.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
specifically speaking, the range of possible satisfactory answers to this question breaks the threshold of reasonability; the question is too vague. generally speaking, the answer would have to be that the entertainment became uninteresting, or the information became unreliable.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
If ZP or Jimquisition started doing cutaway gags or sketches in their episodes - you know, like the Nostalgia Critic - that would be the end of that.

crimson sickle2

New member
Sep 30, 2009
If a show ever becomes uninteresting, like how Unskippable seemed to just rehash 4 jokes over and over again, I stop watching of course.
If we're only talking about a person's personal beliefs, I'd stop watching a series if they came out and said in seriousness something that doesn't really grasp the big picture, like saying a video game industry wide crash would be a good thing, always on DRM is a reasonable proposition, or communism works in the long-run. A statement like that just shows me that the person's views are not completely viable, factually sound, or interesting.

Lady Larunai

New member
Nov 30, 2010
sexism, racism, homophobic comments, general boredom, or if it gets overly biased due to "we are paying you don't badmouth this game"


New member
May 31, 2011
I already don't watch ZP, his reviews provide almost no real insight into the game and they're just not funny.

A little bit more casual game worship would probably get me to stop watching the Jimquisition, same for Bob.

I can't think of anything specific that would definitely cause me to lose interest in a show, but the inclusion of new people and fan interaction have caused me to stop caring about a fair few content providers (e.g Roosterteeth and the Yogscast).

Having a sponsor that makes you actively plug them is also a big nono for me. It's even worse if they try to pretend they're just genuinely having a conversation about it.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Not possible. I watch videos because i want to see those videos. What the folks do outside of those videos do not change that. Sure if i dont like what they do outside i stop following what they do there, but videos are videos.
What could happen insdie videos that i wouldnt like. Blatant product placement. And i dont mean something like a guy uses a mac. I mean something like a guy uses a mac and has 10 minutes monologue how good it is. Product placement when it is incorporated into the video is fine. they need to earn a living. its when they go out of their way to show us that its bad. And trust me, those attempts of "now lets play with some mountain dew" is really easy to spot as forced.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Casual Shinji said:
If ZP or Jimquisition started doing cutaway gags or sketches in their episodes - you know, like the Nostalgia Critic - that would be the end of that.
I hear you. It seems to be a common curse for online reviewers to try and shoehorn half-baked "epic" dramas/crossovers/sketches when there isn't a need or use for them in the first place. It doesn't help that most of them aren't even very good at it to begin with.

The worst part is that the Nostalgia Critic ones are interspersed throughout the video, so I can't really skip them to get to the review itself. At least with other reviewers like Linkara, I know that it's usually at the beginning or end so I can just skip it and get to the "meat" of the video. I still watch new NC episodes, but my interest is waning knowing I have to slog through needless filler. I'm starting to reach the point where I'm considering to stop watching altogether and stick with the "classic" ones.

So yes, if Jim Sterling started including segments of him fighting "Super Duper Ultra Mega Jim Clonebot Satan" with a Buster Sword, I might be inclined to stop watching the Jimquisition. Or if he reverted back to the style of his early videos. Likewise, I'd probably stop watching Zero Punctuation if Yahtzee suddenly gained a new cast of "wacky" supporting characters with spoken dialogue and "witty" banter.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Neverhoodian said:
Casual Shinji said:
If ZP or Jimquisition started doing cutaway gags or sketches in their episodes - you know, like the Nostalgia Critic - that would be the end of that.
I hear you. It seems to be a common curse for online reviewers to try and shoehorn half-baked "epic" dramas/crossovers/sketches when there isn't a need or use for them in the first place. It doesn't help that most of them aren't even very good at it to begin with.

The worst part is that the Nostalgia Critic ones are interspersed throughout the video, so I can't really skip them to get to the review itself. At least with other reviewers like Linkara, I know that it's usually at the beginning or end so I can just skip it and get to the "meat" of the video. I still watch new NC episodes, but my interest is waning knowing I have to slog through needless filler. I'm starting to reach the point where I'm considering to stop watching altogether and stick with the "classic" ones.
I checked out that Pearl Harbor review, or at least, I tried. I couldn't even get past the gag intro.

Seriously NC, don't quit your day job.