What would you do if every videogame franchise just ended?


New member
Nov 27, 2013
Cry. Most franchises have a bad tendency of running their material into the ground, but if it means living in a world without great franchises like Grand Theft Auto, The Elder Scrolls and Fallout then there would be a big hole in my gaming life.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
I would be happy and excited to see what kind of new ideas the devs would come up with and then Activision would announce their new title "Duty calls" and all hope would be lost.


New member
Mar 1, 2014
What kind of scenario is that? If they all just up and ended tommorow than I'd feel most befuddled as I'd wonder what just made all those companies up and decide not to do sequels/spin offs/so forth. Than annoyed, and than pleased when they inevitably as they aren't idiots say it was an April fools joke and they aren't really doing it.

If we're talking alternate reality where those games never existed to begin with than why would I feel anything? They never existed so I couldn't feel any loss for them.

If we're talking that bunkum peddled around by a couple of people that we should oppose games in the same universe because "money grab" than to those people I say: Nope. Let it be known that when Roz enjoys a game he more often than not wants to see further games set in the same universe. A few bad eggs that don't deliver doesn't make more games in the same universe a bad thing.


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
I'd feel nothing but disappointment. On the one hand the games i love wont be getting sequels, on the other hand the concepts will no doubt be recycled into near identical copies with none of the charm that made the original special

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Well, Nintendo would stop making games altogether, for one thing.
As for the rest, I dunno. I don't think I care that much about franchises to be honest. At least the problem of "when to jump in" would be solved.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
MHR said:
Well there goes the future. I'd have none of the games I look forward to and all of the drudgery >.>


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Pretty much this.

All the games I look forward to are franchises. This is because I've played prior installments and have a general idea of what to expect. I have a very tough time trusting new IP's because of the tendencies to give them too much slack.

That's not to say I only buy franchise games. In fact the vast majority of my favorite games in the last 5 years have been non-AAA. Games like Defense Grid, Hearthstone, Dust: An Elysian Tale, Limbo, Marvel Puzzle Quest, Rogue Legacy, Don't Starve, World of Goo, and more.

These are games I just gradually learn about and try. There's almost zero hype and I tend to pick them up for under $5.00 or as part of bundle package.

Without franchises, gaming would lose a lot of it's excitement. It probably wouldn't 'improve' the industry in any way either as companies would just copycat one another even more than they already do.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
I would pretty devastated to be honest. All the recent new IPs have been lackluster to me. I have little interest in most indie games, so yeah, my gaming life would suck.

I can't believe the gaming industry would enter some kind of golden age of innovation and creativity either. I'm not against new IPs, but in the end, if franchises were abolished, we would still do all the same stuff we did before with a different title screen.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
Excited about finally maybe getting something new. The only franchises that I particularly care about have been stuck in development hell and haven't had a release for years (Unreal Tournament and Timesplitters in case you're wondering)


New member
Jul 25, 2014
Well that means a whole lot of new characters for smash brothers.

Wait that also means no new smash brothers.

...I'm sure they can make a clone of smash brothers, remove the master and crazy hands, call it something else and it would be fine.

Which is the saving grace of this idea, clones.

Most of the game series I love, I love for the gameplay and not for the characters. I mean if GTA ended right now, (or right after they released heists), they could release a new sandbox crime game that lets you go on rampages and carjack everyone then I'd be fine, even if they didn't call places Liberty City, or San Andreas or whatever. They could change the tone and I wouldn't notice since GTA changed its tone a lot already.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
I could easily live with it. I want another TR and Mirrors Edge game (although with ME it's for the game-play so I wouldn't care if someone made a game with similar mechanics) but presumably this wouldn't stop similar in style games being made under a different IP. AC I'm sick of, in Mass Effect the Shepard plot is done and like with DA I'm not that into the settings themselves that I'm going to flip my shit if they don't use them again. Bioware's going to be making RPG's like those regardless of having those franchises because that's their style of game. Generally I think 3 games in series is good enough.

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
Honestly? I won't be giving a damn considering I start to care less and less for any modern game. Only game serie that I still really follow is Borderlands.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
I would miss Dead Space because I want to know how they're getting out of that mess in one piece and...uh...Oh! Half-Life and Portal! Thanks a lot, Valve. I still want to know what happens in those stories too!

Also, the Souls series, Bloodborne included since there's a rumor that it's sort of Demon Souls Two. And I suppose Halo, but Halo 4 ended at a point in the story where I'd be okay if they didn't continue it.

Everything else, I'd be a little perplexed, but I'd survive.

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Probably rejoice, despite being somewhat obsessed with the series that I'm into. Also, when did 'series' become 'franchise'? I think that's a bad path to take, in your head.

Then again, mosty game-types aren't as enamoured by indie or lower budget/ambition games as I am, because at this point you are not having AAAs of the same budget or scale coming up to replace them.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Meh. If I go nostalgic, I'll probably replay my old games. But besides that, I would look forward for new stuff.
Aug 19, 2010
Being one of those quaint people who still loves the Assassin's Creed franchise (bite me), I'd be mighty sad. Not to mention TES, the Witcher, the Blizz stuff, Deus Ex, Mass Effect, etc, etc.
Sure, many franchises have a tendency to run themselves into the ground, but there a a few ones I really really like, so I'd be thoroughly dismayed.


Nunc est Durandum
Aug 19, 2014
I would miss Civilization.

I would certainly miss Grimrock.

Elite, I'd be sad to see go after coming so close to returning.

I can't really think of anything else that I'd be heartbroken over ending.

Then, I'd try to get some of the already dead franchises resurrected.
Master of Orion, for example.

After which, I'd play wonderful, wonderful new games...
That would probably be hard to find in a market flooded with poorly made games derivative of all the old, dead franchises.
Sorry, my cynicism leaked out all over the brand new world.


New member
Nov 26, 2014
Mixed feelings, i'd hate to see the end of the elder scrolls, the Witcher, Dark souls etc.
But if it meant the end of that new release every year with slight changes BS it'd be a price worth paying.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
As long as they get this next metal gear solid out before it happens I would be fine with it honestly. Two franchises I am most attached too are Smash bros and MGS. Smash just got a new game and MGS is coming in the next year which will tie up the rest of the story line thus completing the franchise. Outside that I could care less about any other series finishing for good. If anything I was disappointed with assassins creed cause it DIDN'T finish and stopped buying when the forth game (revelations) came out because of that.


New member
Sep 16, 2014
play the games.
developers will make new franchises, I am not incredibly attached to most characters that I have to see them in another game.