What would you do to spice up FPS's these days?


New member
Mar 16, 2010
I would give them a plot (The sound you hear is that of millions of dullards across the globe gasping at the thought of narrative value in their tea bagging wankfest). You ever hear of Bioshock? that was an FPS that had a plot and it's one of the greatest games of all time. The Darkness? One of my favorite games of all time and one of the most underrated video game stories as well. I'm sick of all these fucking dullards declaring their battlefield and Call of Duty games the "games of the year" when all that they're about is centering the screen on what the game tells you to be dead and pulling a trigger. Then you walk forward and repeat the process.

Somebody please enlighten me on what it is that Black ops and bad company 2 have done that no other game has done a million and a half times before it. These are two of the most generic, boring and repetitive games since I made the ill decision to plague my ps3 with the worst RPG ever that is Final Fantasy 13. I played Black Ops with my annoying as hell younger cousin who was looking on with glee as I shot a person in the face and fired a grenade launcher down the street, and I honestly can't remember which game of the two that it was. You simpletons (you know who you are) call these piles of filth great games? These pieces of trash have all the narrative value of a grade 2 short story.

"Okay, so we're fighting Russians right?"
"Yeah, but it turns out we need to-"
"Fight the Americans, got it. Not like this has been done more times than Pamela Anderson."

People actually see trailers, interviews, reviews and gameplay footage of these games, and actually get excited, eagerly waiting for them to take their money and fool themselves into enjoying them. These people are what's giving actual gamers a bad name. Until we get rid of the Lances, Codys and Chads, this entire medium will be seen as nothing but games that involve centering the screen and pulling the right trigger.

Now that that's over, I would make a first person game that's quite literally the Battle of ragnarok. It will follow the Norse Mythology as close as possible and the soundtrack will be composed and performed by Manowar.


New member
Jul 31, 2010
Play different ones ?
I play Brink, Borderlands, Crysis 2 and Battlefield Bad Company 2. Nice bit of variety always helps.
Also I've got a random class generator for BFBC2 which is kinda fun.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
Make Timesplitters 4, I replayed 2 on the PS2 recently, you can have some of the most insane battles ever like a war between gingerbread men and snowmen!

Delicious Anathema

New member
Aug 25, 2009
Make an all-chick FPS with jet-packs. For weapons, a wedgie-making grappling hook, soul-sucking gun, brain-inflating gun, a turncoat-inducing gun, chain-shooting gun, an earthquake gun, and melee would be just a big dildo.

Lots of aliens and robots for enemies.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Let me get my list

first of all

1. allow Exploration

2. allow 5 guns...(assault Rifle, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Heavy Weapon, Etc

3. Free running (Assassin's Creed but with Guns)

4. ability to Destroy Buildings, Cover, etc

5. Top Hats (everything is better with Top hats)


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Have health regenerate in-battle when you make kills, then refill when the battle is over.
Gives the best of both worlds - In battle, you have longer-term consequences that promotes more aggressive action, and you don't need to backtrack for medikits, and can't be stuck with a post-battle autosave where you're too injured for the next fight.


New member
May 13, 2010
Heeeeeaaaaaaaaallllllth baaaaaaaars...


But yeah, health bars. I hade the fade out thingy. I dont want to sit in the corner sucking my thumb every 20th second. D:


New member
May 25, 2010
Hmm, lets see.

For starters, regen will be gone, but health kits will also be gone. Replaced with one hp for every 5 seconds in combat, or full hp regen when out of combat, or possible a rest mechanic.

Hp bar will be back, and on-screen blood will get the boot, because I hate it and I said so.

You will be able to carry lots of weapons with some restrictions and there will be a tone of weapons. For example, you can't carry on your person every type of pistol in the game. When you come across a new pistol you have to make a choice which one you like more. But you can carry say, a shotgun, a pistol, and a machine gun.

All weapons will be highly modifiable, but the choices you make will depends on your playstyle. There won't just be +5 damage, or +5 accuracy - each mod will also come with a drawback. And just for lulz, you can hurl weapons that you have no ammo for at your enemies. In fact, almost everything in the game you come across can be used as a weapon. Wanna string someone up using extension chord? Good work! Take some one out by throwing a spoon instead of a throwing knife? Go for it. Bludgeon someone to death with a trombone? Sure, why not. There also needs to be ample opportunities for players to do this.

For the player, I'm pretty sick of the whole save the world thing. So instead, the world is going to be saving itself, by trying to kill you lulz.

Chest-high walls will be gone, and instead you have to employ strategies and tactics to either dodge or counteract the enemies incoming attacks.

I think I've said too much on this subject.

Daniel Ferguson

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Borderlands 2. Colour is nice: spices up 'generic brown/grey FPSs'. Have psychadelic rainbow-coloured stuff. That you riddle with bullets. And stab wounds. Lots and lots of stab wounds. That should be healthy, right?


New member
Sep 11, 2010
SonofaJohannes said:
No cover based shooting, but instead just a guy (or girl) that can take many bullets. Weird weapons and creative ways to kill people, like kicking them into various objects. Bullet time should be included aswell. Also a scene where the protagonist rides a helicopter and is about to start a turret section, but then decides that turret sections suck, detaches the turret, jumps out of the helicopter and walks on foot with his (or hers) brand new turret a la Crysis.
He (or her) should also belong to a minority. Caucasians are too mainstream.
Oh yeah, and his (or hers) melee weapon is a scythe and the game takes place in a world that mixes elements of fantasy, steampunk, cyberpunk and feudal japan. With airship pirates.

Now THAT would be an FPS I'd play.

OT: Cover is okay, if there is an interesting movement system to go along with it, and there is limited cover and no regen health.
I love Brink because you could slide in and out of cover, hopping over walls and slide tackling enemies.

I think FPS's need more dynamic movement systems, just being able to jump and leap around, a bit like Crysis 2 if it's environment facilitated it. You could have big rooftop shootouts and health packs could be stored in hard-to-get-to places.

Meanwhile, of course, you alone have discovered how to shrink guns to the size of a pea, meaning you can pull out and re-size any weapon you want and it's totally possible to have thirty weapons with you at any one time.


New member
Apr 21, 2011
Borderlands with jetpacks, more interesting NPCs and more badguy models.

A Lovecraftian FPSrpg?

Space combat?

Time travel puzzle game?

Hamish Durie

New member
Apr 30, 2011
well replace cover based shooting with jet packs then force feed iron sights a suicide pill and then finnally bring back the BFG


New member
Feb 10, 2008
I'd like a change in battlefield; a proper zero-G shooter.

I'm also open for new sorts of multiplayer modes.
Kahunaburger said:
Replace cover with jetpacks, and ironsights with more dakka. [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MoreDakka]
Like a 16-man Serious Sam co-op? That'll be a lot of dakka. Not that it'll be enuff dakka. There's nevah enuff dakka.
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
while point-blank headshots will always kill you
Nope.avi [http://wireupdate.com/wires/13940/congresswoman-gabby-giffords-shot-point-blank-in-the-head/]


New member
Sep 11, 2009
SonofaJohannes said:
No cover based shooting, but instead just a guy (or girl) that can take many bullets. Weird weapons and creative ways to kill people, like kicking them into various objects. Bullet time should be included aswell. Also a scene where the protagonist rides a helicopter and is about to start a turret section, but then decides that turret sections suck, detaches the turret, jumps out of the helicopter and walks on foot with his (or hers) brand new turret a la Crysis.
He (or her) should also belong to a minority. Caucasians are too mainstream.
Oh yeah, and his (or hers) melee weapon is a scythe and the game takes place in a world that mixes elements of fantasy, steampunk, cyberpunk and feudal japan. With airship pirates.

Now THAT would be an FPS I'd play.

... I want that FPS...



New member
May 24, 2011
Soviet Heavy said:
Carry ten guns at once. And make sure one of them fires bacon.
I'd blow my own head off the minute I was handed something like that.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
CM156 said:
Garlic powder. I love the way it adds flavor!

OT: I would allow you to cary tons of guns at once. I would really enjoy being able to carry around an arsenal of guns

And I know it won't do too much spicing up, but I want it: a bigger-world Crysis 1 like game (with editor, that is a must) and some RPG elements. That is all for now devs, please deliver naow.

Double A

New member
Jul 29, 2009
SenorNemo said:
Double A said:
What I would do?

Make Tiberium. That GI preview looked amazing. Squad you can create/control, tactical objectives, a jetpack, multipurpose weapon, and all this in the single player? Yes please.
I have that issue around somewhere, and as a C&C fan, I was kind of exited too. However, it was cancelled for a reason: it did not meet quality standards set by the development team and the EA Games label sucked so bad, they couldn't make a salvageable game with the time and money they had. I wish it didn't. Maybe they'll dust it off one day and try again, who knows? While they're at it, maybe a decent new C&C sans DRM out the wazoo.

Anyway, I've always thought that a game based on the idea of Starship Troopers would be epic. No, not the movies, the Heinlein book. It'd be similar enough to modern FPSs to be marketable, but at the same time, mix elements of tank warfare (with long range weapons, it'd be useful to find and maneuver in and out of hull down position, for instance) and dogfighting (with the rocket boot things they have).

Also, I'd like to see shooter levels designed more like puzzle games, where the solution more often than not entails blowing things the hell up. Not so much a gameplay feature as a design philosophy. Still, this is kind of hard to reconcile with non-linearity, but given how linear most shooters are nowadays, I can't see this being too much of a problem in the big picture.
I'm not even a C&C fan but I thought Tiberium looked awesome. At the very least, another studio could take it, remove the C&C elements, and then release it as a new IP. EA might get pissed, but it's their fault they didn't lower their standards to allow games that depart from a traditional formula (y'know, besides Mirror's Edge).