What would you say to the past "you"?

Drake Barrow

New member
Jan 10, 2010
I was going to give a detailed reply, then I realized that not only was it long, it was also depressing. The short version: sufficient information (that didn't lead to suicide) to insure that the current version of myself would not only never exist, but wouldn't even be a possibility. Let someone better take the spot, the world would enjoy it more.


New member
Aug 6, 2013
I would tell my 12 year old self to be brave and go to that fancy super demanding high school I got admitted in instead of settling for high school near home out of fear. I would also smack my 16 year old self in the head for the bangs and that stupid hairdo.
That's it, I think :D


New member
May 14, 2012
I am 25 now and I would tell my 15 year old self:

1.) Founding the Gamers' Club was one of, but not the, best things you will do in life. It will get you into college and hook you up with a scholarship.

2.) You are going to lose re-election to Tony; which is a good thing. Publicly divorcing the club from your persona will be what allows it to live on, even to this day. also, totally give that black power salute when you loose, no one will recognise it or be offended.

3.) You do not need to keep the afro as an expression of cultural pride. Being yourself means being black as you are black. When those people call you white they are a.)idiots who think they are giving you a compliment and b.) not worth taking seriously.

4.) Go to your senior prom. You buddies can be your wingmen (look up what a wingman is too).


Elite Member
Jun 21, 2012
Authority figures that are supposed to be looking out for you aren't at all reliable and are usually just looking out for themselves.
As soon as someone bullies you, don't tell the teacher, punch them. If they're bigger than you, push them down the stairs.

If you don't believe in yourself, then BELIEVE IN THE ME WHO BELIEVES IN YOU.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Hi I am future you I spent a lot of money on College to know some jobs I hate, just work in restaurants you end up in several. Also you are Bi get over it and from 16 till almost 28 you have never wanted a real relationship because one and this is the largest reason you are not actively seeking one despite all the hints people drop to the contrary and two no you have not found that person who honestly may never come and I am fine with that and yeah even after sex and i am totally happy with that, at least that is true in my timeline.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
To my 15 year old self: Don't be so uptight about "that" (what "that" is is between me and my past self the internet doesn't need to know about it)There's no way you could foresee this but standing your ground on this point will cause a chain of events that will lead to the shittiest time in your life 2 years from now at witch point you will just start doing "that" anyways so you might as well just start doing it now cause you'll have a much more enjoyable high school experience and won't have to lose a bunch of friends over it.

And also get your drivers licence as soon as you can, I know you live in a small town and don't really need it right now but someday you will leave that town and not being able to drive will cause you a lot of problems in the future.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2011
To my teenaged self: No. You're wrong about both homosexuality and Harry Potter. And this is why.

To my college aged self: Don't give up so easily on that writing club. Keep pushing until you get it founded.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
What I would tell my 15 year old self.

1. Write this shit down and gorilla tape several copies to the walls of your bedroom.

2. Pay very close attention to the driver's exam road test review sheet and practice EVERYTHING on it after failing it for the first time.

3. After passing the driver's test, volunteer to drive parents around at least twice per month in order to get more driving practice.

4. Love makes you feel good, but it also impairs the fuck out of your judgement.

5. Most importantly, if you have trouble succeeding at something, find someone who is succeeding at that something and copy their methods.

6. Trying to be stoic all the time doesn't work.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Superlative said:
4.) Go to your senior prom. You buddies can be your wingmen (look up what a wingman is too).
Honestly I keep finding this to be to the contrary. People like my self all hated prom... like a lot. Ironically I never went to prom I convinced 5 outer people to do all the prom stuff save actually going to prom or dressing up. we saved a massive amount of cash and did a lot of random shit with no one around because they had all been at prom. The next say you little group of 6 that started out as a group of about 30 had all the prom goers really depressed. Perhaps our prom just sucked. Given that it was in a very conservative area that is likely true.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
21 now, and would tell my 9-year-old self:

Don't. Trust Gwen and her kids. Get out, NOW. Get yourself and mom as far away from them as possible. Get your things TONIGHT and move out while they're sleeping, both of you, seriously. Go move in with grandma, EITHER grandma, or Dad, or somewhere else, it doesn't matter, just GET AWAY FROM THEM.

Unless that escape takes you to an apartment complex named [REDACTED], then for the love of god find anywhere else.

EDIT: OH, and, I would tell my twelve-year old self: listen, Ms. Murray's going to assign this kid named Eli to be your locker partner. DON'T be a dick to him, he'll seriously be your best friend for a while, and your only friend for quite a while after that. Also, that girl Kyla? You're right, she does have a thing for you. Go hang out with her a bit.


Reprogrammed Spambot
Nov 24, 2012
To my parents and my 8 yr old self:
There's a surgery that can fix that. You CAN have a normal life.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
I tried to go as far back as I can recall to which I could honestly understand what was happening on this it was a rather fun thought exercise but I think I could go back to 10-12 year old me and the best advice I could give is. Hey you, yep I am you from the future, you are a bit odd but here is the thing, we all are a bit odd every last one of us. People want you to hate that stuff, don't. People thought every idea worth a damn was nuts from plans to the... well the internet does not exist so from planes to phones hell even fire was likely once a massive source of witchcraft, it never was and the storms are not gods they are just weather.

Granted I would not get that at age 10 but I recall a lot of odd dreams and happenings from then and even if i found this all to be a dream I could still find the truth in it.


New member
May 24, 2009
To really little me: "Don't hurt any animals. Just don't. Even the ones you're afraid of, like spiders or centipedes, because they're not even dangerous and you'll feel really guilty for it later if you do. And, hey, you like those Redwall books, right? Well, if you need to, go to the school library, pick out a nice copy of Mariel of Redwall, go to Chapter 4, and read the Abbey Charter. You see that bit, the part that says '... forsaking all unnecessary forms of violence, not only to Mossflower, its trees, grasses, flowers and insects, but to all living creatures...'? Follow that shit, you little shit."

To teenage me: "Eh, just drop all the occult mumbo-jumbo and you'll be fine. You don't have to stop wearing the pentagram - it is pretty badass - just don't waste your time actually believing that nonsense. Simple agnosticism mixed with philosophy is probably the way to go; you don't need any sort of superstition muddying up your thoughts, even if it is the cooler and edgier kind."


New member
Jun 16, 2010
to my 13 year old self;

1. Beat the ever living shit out of every bully mom will understand and your life WILL be easier.
2. the girl following you is not a stalker shes just shy and likes you date her!
3. stay with her and don't lesson to what other think they are just stupid kids!
4. concentrate on school and when you get miss treated in outdoor living sue the teacher and the school don't let them just push it under the rug this will help your friends as well as you.

5.finally the Family will be ok don't worry about it be a kid.


New member
May 16, 2014
25 now, would say to my 16 year old:

1. Your father tells you that you're lazy and this makes you angry? He's right, though. Stop being so lazy, idiot...
2. You just started smoking, didn't you? Stop it. It was really hard to quit that after all those years. Also, you shouldn't do that with your already broken lungs: you'll end up having the worst cough attacks.
3. And for god's sake, take better care of your teeth. I'm like... a permanent resident at the dentist's because of you. When I ever meet you, I'll punch you for that!

And now man up!


New member
Apr 8, 2009
23 now, would say to my 15 year old self.

1. Get a part-time job. Waiting until after university doesn't get you a job and you will be too poor.
2. You will fail your first prac at uni, maybe teaching isn't for you but I persevered and got the degree. However, you will only get a few days casual work for a while. Maybe a different course would have changed things?


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Well, in two months time I'll be 23. What I would say to my 7 - 10 year old self:

"Don't let Mojo walk through the Dreamcast controller cables like that. It will break the Dreamcast and you are going to spend the rest of your life kicking yourself for it. But hey, you're going to go to university and you will have enough money out of the loan to buy a Dreamcast. SO BUY IT! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD JUST BUY IT!"

What I would say to my 15 year old self:

"Look, things are going to get horridly difficult for you pretty soon. But just be there for your parents, alright? And your brother, look out for him too. Also, there will be a guy who comes along and that guy and that road makes you betray your friend. Now, don't despair, you and her make up in the end and even become closer for it. However, please, please leave him as soon as he has shown you Omegle. He's going to cheat on you and if you don't leave it's going to mess you up horribly. But only leave after omegle."

Then me to myself in 2009:

"Listen I know there has been a lot of mess ups so far in life. What's worse is I know you feel already that you are wasting your time with this long distance shindig. You are. And it's only going to get a lot worse. You can admit it to yourself, I know you want to and I know it's been on your mind for a long time: You are not in love with him. You're not. You've not felt that love for a while. But I know you are not going to leave, not for another year in any case. But listen, stick up for yourself more. Do your coursework, ignore whatever he tells you, don't agree to be in a skype call while you're doing your work. You are going to do well with university, but the stress he gives you won't help at all. But he's going to introduce you to the love of your life. At that point: leave."


"You already know you're going to move in. Go do voluntary work. Please. Don't be so hard on him, either."

To myself of yesterday

"Don't put the sausage rolls in the fridge. One of them is going to get eaten and it's going to make you upset but you have blisters on your feet, don't attempt to go to the shops, it's only going to hurt you more."

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
Something like "Nooo! Stop! Don't go on tumblr! Once you start you'll never be able to st- Goddamnit, you're on tumblr, aren't you? I mean me. I mean... You know what I mean!"