Whats One of the Worst Games You've Ever Played?

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
I have seen many whats your favorite game of all time, best series, etc. But I've never come across a worst game thread. So how bout it:

Whats one of the worst games you have ever played?


I would have to say mine would be "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen" It was full of maze maps and keycards. All it was missing was a fricken escort mission. Now I know Star Trek games have a history of being terrible (Though there are a few gems like Bridge Commander and Elite Force) However, this one was exceptionally awful.


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
Half Life 2. Not that it was exceptionally bad, just that it's absolute mediocrity had been inflated to make it seem as though it was a shining gem, I just felt it was very standard and as such was a massive let down considering the hype.

(Really enjoyed Ep. 1, though!)

the spud

New member
May 2, 2011
Oi, from what I've heard, the old Genesis Star Trek game had some redeeming qualities to it.

OT: Probably ET: The Extraterrestrial or Haunted House, 2 Atari 2600 games that can eat a dick.

Mr. Eff_v1legacy

New member
Aug 20, 2009
Siren. I plan on giving it another shot one of these days to see if it was as bad as I remember. From what I recall, it was boring with no clear objective and jumped around too much (there were several characters to control, some of them with escorts).
And then there was that great bit where you need to drive a car. It asks you if you want to open the door, put the key in the ignition, and drive the car. Then you just crash the thing anyways.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Raven Squad. A friend bought it for £5 out of Asda I think, and after we both played it, we agreed that it is one of the worst purchases he's ever made.


New member
Feb 7, 2011
Miami Vice for PS2, instead of having a running animation the characters just slide around the place. Thinking back it was pretty hilarious.



New member
Jul 11, 2011
Halo, world was zero, force unleashed 2 and mario kart wii.

Halo is probably the most overrated game ever, wwz no ones even heard of, for gd reason, force unleashed 2 was just a mess and MK wii might seem an odd choice, but its one of those games where i think you need luck more than skill to win.

Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
SextusMaximus said:
Half Life 2. Not that it was exceptionally bad, just that it's absolute mediocrity had been inflated to make it seem as though it was a shining gem, I just felt it was very standard and as such was a massive let down considering the hype.
Ditto. Real disappointment.

But the game that I enjoyed least EVER was probably Smash Court Tennis 3. Okay, I only have this game 'cause I bought a big pile of games along with an Xbox 360 from a friend, but the fact that some people might consider this a legitimate way to have fun can only draw an astounded "WHAAAAAAAAAT!?" from me.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Alan Wake, mediocre and derivative in every aspect after 5 years of hype. Enslaved odyssey to the west, laughably bad ending, lack of characters, dull level design, extremely dumbed down plays itself gameplay.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
My votes would go to either Devil May Cry 2 or Star Ocean: Till The End of Time.

I love me some JRPG fun, but I just couldn't get into Star Ocean at all. And DMC2? Ugh, the less said about that the better.


New member
Oct 17, 2011
Halo 3 ODST or Halo Wars. They're both tedious, boring games. And I generally like Halo games.

That or...Crackdown 2 was a real disappointment, but it wasn't *that* bad.

Oh. Duke Nukem Forever. I was so excited for the game, I wanted the fast paced, run and gun gameplay from Duke 3D. And I never got it. I got a slow game that tried its hardest to be like the games it tried so hard to parody. And it was boring.


Dec 3, 2010
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom made me feel ill while playing. If they made combat a bit more viable, ditched the retarded dialogue and removed all the backtracking it might have been an ok game... Might have.
At least I got my platinum.


New member
Jan 22, 2011
One of the worst games that I've ever played was "Turok 2: Seeds of Evil". From what I hear, that game is so universally hated that GameStop, or whatever they were called back then, refused to even take it off of your hands back in those days let alone buy it from you. I know a guy who once tried to sell his copy. The guy behind the counter refused, and when asked why he wouldn't take it, he opened up a drawer full of Turok 2 cartridges.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
This will always be my answer

CNC4 Tiberium Twilight

Its just, everything was wrong, the only thing that was done right in the game was the name GDI and NOD. Every single thing was just terrible.
-No base building
-Needs internet to play
-No resource collecting
-Changed to a "Just spam the fuck out of everything" type game
-Kanes a fucking alien that goes "Okay fuck you bai bai"
-Your commander has a wife (just in my opinion, I liked being a nameless commander that has no
Bam 6 reasons off the top of my head, need I say more?


New member
Oct 27, 2008
Alone In The Dark ranks as the worst game I've ever played.
Followed by Moto GP '06. The controls didn't even make sense.
After that... Probably The Force Unleashed on computer. Man, that game is awful.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
I'm not really sure how to respond to this topic, since I can usually find at least one redeeming quality in any game. So I guess I'd consider the 'worst' games I've played to actually be the 'most disappointing' games instead.

Any Command & Conquer title from Generals onward. Command & Conquer: Generals was C&C in title and in title only. It had no connection to the rest of the series in terms of story or gameplay (beyond being and RTS). It's not a bad game, but it's not a Command & Conquer game either. I probably wouldn't have been so disappointed with it if they'd just dropped C&C from the title. As for the rest of the games, which actually do connect with the rest of the C&C franchise... I've just been very disappointed with the quality of them. They're not terrible games, but they just don't feel very C&C to me. Command & Conquer 3 came pretty close... but still felt... off. I couldn't even bring myself to finish Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3... which makes it a bit of a rarity in my game library since there are very few games that I don't even bother to finish.

Then there's Deus Ex: Invisible War. Not a terrible game, but like Command & Conquer: Generals... it really should have just dropped the Deus Ex part. It lacked pretty much everything that made the first Deus Ex my favorite game of all time, and whatever wasn't removed ended up being "streamlined" (IE: watered down) to make the game more... accessible. I've played through Deus Ex probably 15+ times... I've played through Deus Ex: Invisible War exactly once. And I have no desire whatsoever to increase that number. It makes me extremely sad.

Probably gonna get some hate for this last one... but... Bioshock. Again, not really a game I would call "bad" per se... but definitely disapointing as someone that's a huge, huge fan of System Shock and System Shock 2. I wasn't too upset that they were going with a new IP instead of making a System Shock 3... I'm okay with that. What disappointed me was that, in my opinion, everything that Bioshock tried to do... System Shock 2 had already done it better... eight years earlier. I played through Bioshock with an open mind, and actually did enjoy quite a few things about it (the twist was great - in my mind it was on-par with the big reveal in SS2)... but I couldn't help but feel like I was playing a... "streamlined"... version of System Shock 2, which made me want to just go back and play SS2 again instead.