Whats One of the Worst Games You've Ever Played?


New member
Aug 29, 2010
I mean making an adventure game is not that hard but ocarina was really bad and they keep making em. the zelda series is probably the most overrated series ever.

I'm afraid ocarina was a really bad game for me. It really broke my heart and defied expectations in a negative way on so many levels, just in that first sequence in the forest. After 3 hours i was like "this is dull and boring me gonna play another game". worser then the ET game in my opinion, at least ET had a sense of humor, and was sci-fi .What the hell happened with the storyline?

I know zelda isn't exactly known for it's amazing plot/narrative, but usually they don't let that get in the way of the gameplay every 5 minutes...the mechanics were pretty poor too; seemed a lot more counter-intuitive than other games in the franchise.

lol, every time I read the halo/cod complaints I can't see the difference from ocarina.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
Varitel said:
One of the worst games that I've ever played was "Turok 2: Seeds of Evil". From what I hear, that game is so universally hated that GameStop, or whatever they were called back then, refused to even take it off of your hands back in those days let alone buy it from you. I know a guy who once tried to sell his copy. The guy behind the counter refused, and when asked why he wouldn't take it, he opened up a drawer full of Turok 2 cartridges.
Funny. It was regarded as one of the best games on the N64. I find this hard to believe that it was heralded so highly and now nobody likes it anymore. I play it every once in a while and find it to be thoroughly enjoyable. It pushed the limits of the N64 passed what it could do though.

Edit: I guess I should add my own...I don't really have an absolute worst game, but one that I just could never play was Rascal on the Playstation. It's like the developers just forgot to add in the possibility of beating levels. Such an awful game.

This thread just seems to hate on really popular games. I understand that you don't like Halo or Ocarina of Time or Bioshock...but to be on worst games you've ever played? I want to know the best games you've ever played then. O.O

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Alone in the Dark Wii version. While the 360 was bad in its own right but the Wii version was just a more horrid version of it. Graphic were utterly bad, the car control was aweful and while the 360 had the cool fire mechanic and weapon combo, the Wii version didn't had it at all.

Orks da best

New member
Oct 12, 2011
cod 4 modern warfare, after 3 hours i was like "this is dull and boring me gonna play another game".

worser then duke nukem forever in my opinion, at least duke had a sense of humor, and was sci-fi.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
the spud said:
Oi, from what I've heard, the old Genesis Star Trek game had some redeeming qualities to it.
Not if it was anything like the ST:TNG game for the SNES. That game was terrible. Whenever you tried to go anywhere you always ALWAYS run into Romulans even though you were clearly in FEDERATION territory, and the Romulans would always come at you with disruptors blazing and kick the shit out of you. If you were lucky after a few minutes of throwing torpedoes at each other you might be able to hail them or if your REALLY lucky you'll damage them enough for them to hail you, either way this'll result in on of two outcomes: 1) The Romulans will shout veiled threats at you but otherwise let you go on your merry way or 2) Non-standard game over. (Romulans would say something about your crimes against the Empire and insist your surrender or some shit, then cut to Picard looking out the Ready room window and musing about how he hopes their captors will be lenient or something)
Which outcome you got was always completely random too.

OT: Worst game I've ever played? I don't know that's a tough one. Certainly a runner up would be Dungeon Lords. Don't play that game whatever you do, trust me. In fact, just avoid any games by Dreamcatcher.


New member
Aug 1, 2008
Dragon Age Origins. Booooooooooooooooring. Spoiler alert... You kill about 2 big dragons and a couple of small ones throughout the game. They should have renamed it, "Choose Your Own Adventure: Medieval Political Wankery Dialogue Story", cause the majority of the game is simply selecting reactions to what people say. The game itself is fun to play, when you actually get to fight things, but most of it is slow dialogue with hundreds of random NPCs, most of which aren't memorable, and lots of walking. The fights are so few and far between, that you really have no challenge beyond each single battle of a few enemies. Regenerative health also makes it super easy, as you can often choose when to press on to fight more baddies.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
This one, no doubt this one. I was lied to by the cool looking intro.

EDIT: I know halo doesn't get many favors around the escapist but I am surprised as to how many people say its the "Worst game ever"
Halo is my second favorite franchise ever and yet people give it no credit.


New member
Apr 25, 2010
Smash Bros Brawl.
I went from fanboy to hater in about a week.
It was as bad as being born, with the added disadvantage being that my mother wasn't there.

EDIT: Hey, I like Half-Life 2!
Admittedly, I just got it a week ago.
And it's the first FPS I've ever seriously played.
So...yeah, maybe I'm not the best judge. But I'm having fun. That's what counts, right?


New member
May 27, 2011
Duke Nukem Forever

'Nuff said.

There's also Simon the Sorcerer 3D, Alone in the Dark (recent one), Sonic Heroes, and Far Cry 2. The latter isn't one of the worst I've played though, I just didn't like it and it got on my nerves.

the spud

New member
May 2, 2011
canadamus_prime said:
Mr. Snippers
No, not like the SNES version from what I understand, but what I understand pretty much comes from this video. It's a series called 16 bit gems, a very good series I might add, and he did a video on the star trek games.


New member
May 5, 2011
Black Ops. What the hell happened with the storyline? I know COD isn't exactly known for it's amazing plot/narrative, but usually they don't let that get in the way of the gameplay every 5 minutes...the mechanics were pretty poor too; seemed a lot more counter-intuitive than other games in the franchise.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
Mr.Pandah said:
This thread just seems to hate on really popular games. I understand that you don't like Halo or Ocarina of Time or Bioshock...but to be on worst games you've ever played? I want to know the best games you've ever played then. O.O
I mentioned with Bioshock that it wasn't a bad game, it was merely a game that really disappointed me since it failed to deliver anything particularly different (or better) than System Shock 2 (not counting graphics - that's cheating).

That said... with regard to other people saying that they consider 'popular' games like Halo or whatever to be bad... since when does popular = good? Just because something sells a billion copies doesn't necessarily mean it's good. Would you honestly say to me that McDonald's is fine dining? And yet McDonald's probably sells more burgers and fries each year than any number of fine dining establishments combined.

It's all a matter of opinion. Just because something is popular doesn't mean there aren't people out there that dislike it.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
I'd have to say Too Human, I've probably played games that were 'worse,' but this is the only game I've played where I felt straight up lied to. I mean the game starts out pretty damn good, make it so that Baulder doesn't move like he's wading through pudding and that first level would be almost perfect in my opinion. But after that it just goes kinda egh, I can't even think of a proper word to discribe it, just egh.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
I've heard bad things about that teddy bear game but seeing as how I haven't gotten to play it yet, I'mma go with the PS2's Killswitch. Absolutely terrible.

Yamaganto Iori

New member
Oct 16, 2011
Lemony Snicket's a series of unfortunate events the videogame, took 3 hours for 100 percent completion and it was advertised as allowing you to make your own weapons but that was a lie.