Whats One of the Worst Games You've Ever Played?

Blue Horn

New member
May 16, 2010
I haven't really played that many "horrible" games, but one of the most disappointing games for me was Soul Cailbur IV..The combat was alright but it just lacked in everything else..I just hope SCV has a deeper character customization and a less frustrating way to unlock new items.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
I just had to know upon entering this thread that it would be bait for "this beloved franchise, which objectively is only overrated and actually not half bad, is in my unqualified opinion the worst thing to happen to humanity since fascism."

That's pretty much all I've seen. And people who talk about Star Trek games.

I don't think I'd ever play a Star Trek game, and I've been a fan of Star Trek since I was 12.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
My vote HAS to go to Turning Point: Fall of Liberty

It is the very definition of bad.
Like, seriously awful.

But to be fair, I actually kinda had fun... I'm a bad person, I know.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
funguy2121 said:
I just had to know upon entering this thread that it would be bait for "this beloved franchise, which objectively is only overrated and actually not half bad, is in my unqualified opinion the worst thing to happen to humanity since fascism."

That's pretty much all I've seen. And people who talk about Star Trek games.

I don't think I'd ever play a Star Trek game, and I've been a fan of Star Trek since I was 12.
Don't mock them. Halo and CoD cornered them in a dark alley.


New member
Mar 26, 2011
My vote has to go for Enchanted Arms, at least for a game this generation. I managed to slog through about 10 hours of that thing. Abysmal graphics, story, voice acting, cheese, game play...

Also Vampire Rain gets a dishonorable mention, i'm just glad I got a call the moment the review went up and I hadn't opened it yet.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
I've said it before, Metroid Other M, that game ....I just don't get how people like it. It's the worst to me because of how many people were telling me it's gonna be great. It wasn't great, it wasn't good, it was just awful.


New member
May 22, 2009
Boiling Point: Road to Hell... Good lord, that game was woeful. Played 30 mins of it, hated every moment of it.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
the spud said:
canadamus_prime said:
Mr. Snippers
No, not like the SNES version from what I understand, but what I understand pretty much comes from this video. It's a series called 16 bit gems, a very good series I might add, and he did a video on the star trek games.
He also didn't elaborate too much on why SNES version sucked so badly.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
F.E.A.R. 2.
I mean, Monolith was never good at sequels, but crap. It's like they're raping their own franchise. F.E.A.R. was never as scary as people build it up to be, but it definitely had its moments. F.E.A.R. 2 on the other hand not only ruined one of the scariest things about the first game, but just plained rubbed it in.
Whats worse than getting rid of the scariest character in the game in favor for a few shots of full frontal nudity? Getting rid of the scariest character in the game in favor for a few shots of full frontal nudity and still expecting you to be scared of her.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
I'm seeing a lot of Halo hate here.
But for me, Damnation was a terrible game. Frame rate was bad, story graphics, and gameplay. It just didn't work.


New member
Oct 19, 2011
Hah... Zoids... my bud let me borrow it, and he even was kind enough to warn me, but Lord above help me, it was shockingly suck. All suck, all the time... even when you love the Zoids models, you begin to hate this game.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Alundra 2. It's not a very good game to begin with, but Alundra is pretty much my favorite game of all time, and the sequel had very, very little in common with it. So yeah, disdain.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Command & Conquer Tiberian Twilight - MY GOD was this game bad (and still is).
The Force Unleashed 2 - The first one was just mediocre. The second one was insulting.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
VikingSteve said:
funguy2121 said:
I just had to know upon entering this thread that it would be bait for "this beloved franchise, which objectively is only overrated and actually not half bad, is in my unqualified opinion the worst thing to happen to humanity since fascism."

That's pretty much all I've seen. And people who talk about Star Trek games.

I don't think I'd ever play a Star Trek game, and I've been a fan of Star Trek since I was 12.
Then post yours up, genius.
"No, you post it!"



...but, since you were so flattering, I'll indulge you.

One of the worst games I've played, at least in recent memory, was Batman: Arkham Asylum. I just did not get what the big deal was. I bought the game without playing it ahead of time, at all, because it was so highly received, both by people I knew and internet dwellers. And I finally got to here the erstwhile Luke Skywalker's portrayal of The Joker, which many here on the Escapist think (even thought it only involved speaking into a microphone) was far superior to Jack Nicholson's portrayal and that of the late Heath Ledger. My impression: Mark Hamill hammed it up. He did what the actor from the campy Adam West show did. He did the Na-na-na-na version. I hated it. Every single character was like this. Terrible voice acting. The Uncharted games had a second-rate story devoid of any originality, but at least the cast was top-notch and they all interacted really well with each other. The gameplay: press Triangle to kick ass. In slow motion. Every action sequence is a cut scene. The rest is all fan service, which would be great if Arkham Asylum were a special features disc to one of the Batman movies and not an actual video game. This was so disappointing, especially because I was looking forward to Arkam City.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
Tuesday Night Fever said:
Mr.Pandah said:
This thread just seems to hate on really popular games. I understand that you don't like Halo or Ocarina of Time or Bioshock...but to be on worst games you've ever played? I want to know the best games you've ever played then. O.O
I mentioned with Bioshock that it wasn't a bad game, it was merely a game that really disappointed me since it failed to deliver anything particularly different (or better) than System Shock 2 (not counting graphics - that's cheating).

That said... with regard to other people saying that they consider 'popular' games like Halo or whatever to be bad... since when does popular = good? Just because something sells a billion copies doesn't necessarily mean it's good. Would you honestly say to me that McDonald's is fine dining? And yet McDonald's probably sells more burgers and fries each year than any number of fine dining establishments combined.

It's all a matter of opinion. Just because something is popular doesn't mean there aren't people out there that dislike it.
Err....didn't say popular meant good, but to say they're the worst games you've ever played? I just can't see saying Halo, which is the advent of Console shooting as we know it for the most part to this day, is the "WORST GAME EVERRRRR". People just like to get a thrill out of typing this stuff in my opinion. Also, you're comparing apples to oranges. (Sure, Goldeneye was really the console shooter, but for "modern" gaming or whatever it's called nowadays, it's pretty much on Halo's shoulders).


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Call of Duty: Black Ops on PC. The game itself on consoles was alright and pretty fun at times, but the PC port was terrible, the worst experience I've ever had with a game. It took the game months for me to be even able to play it, and when it did, it ran so poorly that it was like a slideshow. (I could play other games just fine)

Them still charging 15 bucks per map pack when they still haven't entirely cleaned up this mess is a fucking disgrace.

Titan Buttons

New member
Apr 13, 2011
Lost: the game (Yes everyone groan in annoiance) it was an absolute piece of crap, bearly worth the $10 I spent to get it.