Whats One of the Worst Games You've Ever Played?


New member
Jan 15, 2011
The7Sins said:
I really REALLY don't understand what the general populace has against a shooter that has a cover system. God forbid a game's shooter portion make some damn sense in that you can't soak up bullets. Besides, if you played ME1 correctly then you were hiding behind walls as best as you could during most of the combat. I don't remember EVER being able to "run and gun" any of the missions.

The plot makes PERFECT sense if you follow the ME lore. The reapers need an anchor through which to exit dark space and enter the galaxy. By having the collectors build a human reaper, they have a means to enter the Milky Way, and a reaper that can fight and demoralize humanity. As for the whole Arrival DLC, that doesn't make the plot obsolete. All that does is show that the reapers are resilient and WILL find a way through. And if you're focusing on the fact that there was no reason to revive Shep, then you don't understand the general ME lore. Shep was the first living being to come into contact with and fight against the reapers and not die/become a husk. He was the first human Spectre, and he can serve as a rallying figurehead to the galaxy.

I will agree that the weapon and power systems were a lot better in ME1, but the inventory in 1 was SO clunky and awful that I'm glad they're doing a mix of the two for ME3.

As for the regenerating health: Most of the time, games that feature regenerating health do so in a manner that doesn't make sense. COD is supposed to be a "realistic" shooter. If I get shot, that wound doesn't miraculously close itself in a matter of seconds. At least ME2 gives you a reason. ME2 is set in a sci-fi future in which people can be brought back to life, given enough time and money. You (Shepard) are one such person, and if you read the codex entries from the beginning of the game (Cerberus Space Station), you find out Shep has an implant that regenerates life. Bam. Reason.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
I don't want to say Legend of Spyro The Eternal Night...
So... what game have I played that was worse than that...?
I think I played a Java jigsaw puzzle once. Yeah, that's the worst game I ever played.


Wanna have a bad time?
Dec 15, 2010
V TheSystem V said:
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006. Dreadful controls, lame graphics and beastiality. Me no gusta.
Most people hate this game (I do too) But the Sonic game I hate the most is Sonic Unleashed. It was the first game to make me so physicality angry to the point I snapped the disk. I hated the game. And to date no other game has made me do that.


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Aug 18, 2009
Call of Duty 3.
Dear God, and to think people complain about MW2 and Black Ops, two games that are miles better than the unspeakable horror that was COD 3.


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Mar 19, 2008
Pools of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. Damn that game. Almost as bad as ET for the atari 2600. Almost.


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Mar 17, 2010
I've gotten better at avoiding bad games as I've gotten older, but my all time worst would have to be 3Xtreme for the PS1. It is truly terrible. For most disappointing, I would have to go with Crackdown 2. I loved the original but just couldn't get into two.


New member
Oct 17, 2011
There was a Fantastic Four game on the PS1, it was one of my first ever and I only vaguely remember it, but I know I could come up with a huge amount of bad stuff to say about it aged five. Can't be a point in it's favour.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Assassin's Creed 2, oh my fucking christ is this game bad, it is a chore to get through I mean even other sloggy chore games like Resident Evil 5 and Borderlands were more entertaining, hell Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk were both far better video games then this

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
Mighty Max game for SEGA

I loved the toys and everything but the game was skullcrushingly hard and I think it didnt have a Game Genie for cheats....

Also McDonalds had a video game too...and it sucked...

Mick and Mack: Global Gladiators


New member
Aug 24, 2009
excite bike, for the NES
(maybe it's just because i sucked it, i don't know, but it was a pain in the ass.)

note to self: i seem to be old, not ranting about half life 2 or cod or sth. else new xD


New member
Feb 20, 2011
Borderlands. I went around my friend's house and he put it on for me. I was so bored after a few minutes that I just stood there and let myself die. Afterwards, he put me into a vehicle section and my god, so they handle like shite. They are the worst handling vehicles I have ever used. My friend then tried to defend it by saying that it takes 12 hours for it to become good. I don't want to pay for a piece of entertainment that takes half a day to become entertaining.


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Nov 28, 2009

There is literally NOTHING good about this game. there are three enviornments, big rusty building in the desert, the desert and... actually, thee's only two enviornments. All the missions are the same, the story is threadbare to say the least, there are no characters the leveling mechanic is taken directly from Wolrd of Warcraft, a bigger, better game, and then simplified so even a rock would think it's easy. Too many guns, nopt enough variations of mobs, the boss fights are some of the simplest things ever. The only thing I liked was the intro music and that wasn't even made by them.

Assassins Creed also requires special mention. Besides being about a man with a mars bar for a brain, Ezio sounds like a persons arse playing a trumpet, has no characterisation, no story, because all he does is say, "ahh, someone has done something wrong, I must kill them now." The only thing this does well is the enviornments and, admittedly, they are pretty awesome.

Sarah Kerrigan

New member
Jan 17, 2010
I gotta say ether Devil May Cry 2 (And I love the Devil May Cry series) or...dear god, *raises hate shield* Fallout New Vegas.


New member
Jul 31, 2011
I don't know, necessarily, about worst, but my least favorite game of all time is The World Ends with You, a J-RPG for the DS that had, from where I stood, no redeeming qualities of any sort. The story was convoluted and pretentious. The characters were completely unlikeable(the protagonist in particular is the worst video game character I've ever seen). The battle system was gimmicky, breakable, and insultingly easy. There was nothing about it that merited me finishing it, but I did, and I want my time back. I feel violated by the worthlessness that is The World Ends with You.


New member
Oct 17, 2011
Might be an unpopular opinion but I'd have to say Final Fantasy XIII. Enemies had way too much HP in my opinion and whenever you needed to switch paradigms, your party does this little anime pose, while enemies keep hitting them. It is, in my opinion, one of the worst entries into the series.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Too Human. It was filled with design flaws, there was 3 levels, and combat sucked balls. To quote a certain reviewer that we all know and love "too human is my favourite kind of game to review, because there's none of this wishy washy mediocrity. Too Human is just all bad, all the time."


New member
Oct 24, 2011
I've not had much experience with bad games (I usually check what other players say before buying), but I would have to say most games of movies are usually tedious, boring games made to earn more money from successful films.

Oh, and any Spyro game made after Year of the Dragon. We liked our purple dragon the way he was, before they rebooted the series and made it darker. But maybe that's just nostalgia kicking in.
Aug 20, 2011
LA Noire. First, finding evidence in that game is one of the most mind numbing activities ever. Basically walk around until the controller shakes. Then the game tells you where to go next to comb for more evidence. Then they force you into choosing between two suspects while the evidence is ambiguous so you're basically picking the one you hate more, then it's later "revealed" that the criminal was another guy altogether. Very frustrating given how much potential the basic gameplay idea had.

valleyshrew said:
Enslaved odyssey to the west, laughably bad ending, lack of characters, dull level design, extremely dumbed down plays itself gameplay.
I did really like the art design, writing and characters, but yeah, terribly simple pandering gameplay.