Whats One of the Worst Games You've Ever Played?


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Megarace 3: Nanotech Disaster. This... thing is a travesty. A shitty WipEout clone without a single redeeming feature, unplayable controls, and the worst FMV EVER in the entire fucking history of video games.

MLB 09: The Show... I... I guess you have to be American.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
AtheistAndProud said:
Eventidal said:
AtheistAndProud said:
Smash Bros Brawl.
I went from fanboy to hater in about a week.
It was as bad as being born, with the added disadvantage being that my mother wasn't there.

EDIT: Hey, I like Half-Life 2!
Admittedly, I just got it a week ago.
And it's the first FPS I've ever seriously played.
So...yeah, maybe I'm not the best judge. But I'm having fun. That's what counts, right?
Hating a game because of changes they made to earlier games you liked =/= it being the worst game you've ever played.

Or you really need to get out there and play more games. Because if BRAWL is honestly the one of the worst games you've ever played, and you're not just saying that because you hate them for taking out "wavedashing" (see: abusable glitches) and slowing things down, then you haven't even dipped your toes in the pool that is gaming.
Mate, I didn't mention even mention Wavedashing, nor slowing things down.
As Yahtzee Croshaw would put it "You're projecting so hard you could point yourself at a wall and show PowerPoint presentations."
I hated Brawl because it was disappointing, boring and repetitive.
I hated Brawl because the brand spanking new wifi feature was so slow it was unplayable.
I hated Brawl because massively overhyped Subspace Emissary took one level and copy-pasted it about eighty times.
I hated Brawl because I spent a good fifty percent of my time playing it staring at loading screens.
This is my opinion. I've played some bad games, but then, they were mostly christmas gifts from doting, but oblivious, aunts.
I expected them to be bad, and, lo and behold, they were bad.
Brawl, on the other hand, was so massively overhyped that it being mediocre makes me hate it more than a random bad game.

This is just my opinion. I'm sure you have your own, justifying the eighty-plus hours you've spent mastering throw-breaks or flips or whatever.

I've been playing videogames since I got my Gameboy in first grade.
I've gotten all the stars in both Super Mario Galaxies, I saved Curly in Cave Story, and I've gotten every OCD in World of Goo.
Recently, I got an Xbox, and I've already beaten every advanced challenge in Portal and gotten all the achievements in Portal 2.
I'm currently escorting a small garden gnome to the White Forest.
I'm enjoying myself and I'd also appreciate it if you wouldn't make snap judgements.
Brawl wasn't for me. If you love it, cool, go play it. I never said you couldn't.
And there you have it.

"...if BRAWL is honestly the one of the worst games you've ever played, and you're not just saying that because you hate them for..."
I was generalizing because those are the reasons people give me nine times out of ten for preferring Melee over Brawl. It hardly changes anything if you inserted your own reasons, as my post doesn't change in meaning then. I think it's unfair that you'd claim it's one of the worst games you've ever played just because things disappointed you. Honestly, most of your points are to me, minor quibbles overlaid upon a perfectly playable (and still great) game. I have to wonder how you think Brawl was boring and repetitive and the games preceding it weren't, since they're only slight variations on the same general concept and Brawl didn't take out what Melee had aside from stuff like wavedashing. But it's still your opinion so, yeah.

Just an FYI.


New member
Feb 24, 2009
This thread is just a place for hipsters to hate on what is popular because they think it's cool. Seriously, COD Black Ops being the worst game EVER? Halo? Gimme a break.

Mine is Big Rigs Over The Road Racing. Played it just to experience how bad it was. If you don't know what it is, take a look:



New member
Feb 24, 2009
VikingSteve said:
AverageJoe said:
This thread is just a place for hipsters to hate on what is popular because it's cool. Seriously, COD Black Ops being the worst game EVER? Halo? Gimme a break.

Mine is Big Rigs Over The Road Racing. Played it just to experience how bad it was. If you don't know what it is, take a look:

This hipster labeling bullshit is getting old. Ever thought the popular stuff wasn't good to begin with, and that the general public are idiots, just waiting to fork over cash?
Can you watch that video, and tell me that game is seriously better than what you would consider the worst game of all time, Zelda? (noticed that was your choice)

If you don't like Zelda fair enough. I dislike a lot of popular stuff too. Personally I think Deus Ex is a dated piece of shit compared to most games i've played in recent memory, and everyone raves about how incredible it is. However, I don't try to be cool by saying its so bad it's the worst game i've ever played.

Seriously, Zelda? I think Ocarina Of Time is overrated too, but please give me objective reasons why its worse than something like Big Rigs, ET, or Superman 64. You can't. End of story.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
A point stupidly put, but he does have a point: I find it hard to believe, in the middle of all the hundreds of games most of us will have played, that any of us would reply to the "worst game ever" question with Halo, or CoD, or Bioshock... I have a shit ton of low budget PC games that are worst than any of these, and I don't even consider THOSE games to be the worst I've ever played.


New member
Aug 12, 2011
V TheSystem V said:
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006. Dreadful controls, lame graphics and beastiality. Me no gusta.
It's "no me gusta".

Also how has no one mentioned Action 52 yet.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
fable 3,

Horribly written story and characters, simply retarded pacing right from the start, none of the decisions you make during the game have the simplest effect on the outcome.
The so called moral choices are either choosing the good or the ''makes no sense'' option or the ''evil'' choice isn't even evil given the circumstances. but your character who can talk just doesn't explain himself.

and the ending made me want to drop a bomb on lionheart studios.

add to that a dozen little things like for example horrible weapon customization and that the solution to making the player care about the faceless nameless civilians is litterly giving them all a name(...great now their copy pastes with a name).


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Legendary. The graphics were shit, the gameplay was shit, and how the fuck did werewolves become funny? The final straw was when I whacked a Griffon's face with a fire axe and fucking sparks flew off it. WTF?

Darth Rosenberg

New member
Oct 25, 2011
Not so much the worst game I've ever played, but the least enjoyable/most offensively irritating has got to be: Fahrenheit.

If you had a door and wanted to redesign it, you could put poison laced razorblades on the door knob. That's Fahrenheit, which seems to think 'innovating' gameplay means taking it all out and replacing it with brain and thumb numbing QTE's.

It's easily my most hated and loathed game I've ever played.
Also: friggin' inane plot twists near the end...


New member
May 15, 2009
Well, there are a few games that I played that I just had to stop playing because I just hated the game.
Lord of the Rings: Conquest (lasted about 30 minutes)
FarCry 2

But I give an honorable mention to KotOR 2: Sith Lords for having the worst storyline in my opinion... that ending was just terrible. I've never been angrier at a story's ending...


Nov 9, 2010
AverageJoe said:
VikingSteve said:
AverageJoe said:
This thread is just a place for hipsters to hate on what is popular because it's cool. Seriously, COD Black Ops being the worst game EVER? Halo? Gimme a break.

Mine is Big Rigs Over The Road Racing. Played it just to experience how bad it was. If you don't know what it is, take a look:

This hipster labeling bullshit is getting old. Ever thought the popular stuff wasn't good to begin with, and that the general public are idiots, just waiting to fork over cash?
Can you watch that video, and tell me that game is seriously better than what you would consider the worst game of all time, Zelda? (noticed that was your choice)

If you don't like Zelda fair enough. I dislike a lot of popular stuff too. Personally I think Deus Ex is a dated piece of shit compared to most games i've played in recent memory, and everyone raves about how incredible it is. However, I don't try to be cool by saying its so bad it's the worst game i've ever played.

Seriously, Zelda? I think Ocarina Of Time is overrated too, but please give me objective reasons why its worse than something like Big Rigs, ET, or Superman 64. You can't. End of story.
To be honest, I want to get Big Rigs now...that game looks like a great laugh. Games don't really disappoint me (save a few) they mainly just make me laugh if their bad. Hell, Damnation and The Cursed Crusade are some of my favorite games and they got horrible reception from consumers and reviewers alike :p.


New member
May 13, 2009
Crackdown. I could have liked it. I DID like it. Then they made an XBL change and the game started crapping on savegames. In order to fix it, you had to install a patch which, instead of just fixing the bug, added some half-assed new grind, and shit a bunch of races that you couldn't play without the pay-DLC, weapons, etc..

If they didn't show up on the damn map/outfitting screen/garage, I wouldn't have cared. But I got tired of flipping halfway across the island to the green column only to find out it's a pay-race...
