Whats One of the Worst Games You've Ever Played?

'Record Stops.'

New member
Sep 6, 2010
Megaman Legends and the ENTIRE series of Megaman Legends.

OH! I will get burned for this! But...the games sucked, story was crap, characters were mostly crap, voice acting was crap, music was crap, gameplay was crap, our new Megaman was crap, setting was crap, bosses and enemies were crap, areas were crap, EVERYTHING was crap. OUTSIDE of the treasure hunting thing which I wish was the focus instead, and possibly the rocket skates, I can't remember anything interesting or important about that game.

AND here's something extra! Megaman Legend's 3? GOOD RIDDENCE! I never cared to begin with about the series, so Legend's 3 being canceled was music to my ears. That and the utter rage of fanboy twats who raged and cried about it being canceled.

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
Duke Nukem Forever. Now, mind you I did enjoy the humour and I loved how early in the game you interacted with everything. Then it turned into a generic FPS. There's something dissapointing about facing the same enemy, but they changed the name. Good lord did I despise the Octobrain's the most. The driving was meh. Annoying to, stopping every time for gas. Wich did have a nice end with a joke when the Monster truck sinks to the bottom of the lake, Duke says: "aww, and it had such good mileage" Well at times I found the game to have some good parts, in the long run it just became tedious, dull and frustrating.

Gawd, I hate the Octobrain's. There's something wrong with a game when your boss is less threatening then the minions. Also, at first it didn't bother me, but after being so annoyed, I began getting annoyed by the textures taking a minute to load at times.

But what really made this game unbarable? The loading screens. It made me not even wanna pass an enemy/boss when I'd die and have to wait 40-60 seconds to go back into the game. Wich is a great way to kick immersion in the bawls.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Dfskelleton said:
F.E.A.R. 2.
I mean, Monolith was never good at sequels, but crap. It's like they're raping their own franchise. F.E.A.R. was never as scary as people build it up to be, but it definitely had its moments. F.E.A.R. 2 on the other hand not only ruined one of the scariest things about the first game, but just plained rubbed it in.
Whats worse than getting rid of the scariest character in the game in favor for a few shots of full frontal nudity? Getting rid of the scariest character in the game in favor for a few shots of full frontal nudity and still expecting you to be scared of her.

Pretty much this, though I found the first game to be terrifying at times. It wasn't as scary as it was tense and paranoia inducing, and it did that REALLY well. And you're right, naked lady in your face is not anywhere near as creepy as little girl in red dress in the corner of your eye.


New member
Jun 2, 2010

I'm old enough to have actually played ET on the Atari 2600. Yeah it was as bad as legend says. (I also had the unfortunate opportunity to play "Custers Revenge" at a friends. It still haunts me to this day).

Also on the absolutely awful list of game sthat I have owned and played. "Sewer Shark" for the Sega CD. (I couldn't even be lucky enough to own the horrible scantily clad sorority game with the drunk stoned chick from Diferent Strokes. Nope I get the "shooting rats in a sewer via quicktime events game.)

As far as more modern stuff. I hated Heavenly Sword. The regular gameplay with the long haired chick was ok, if nowhere near as good as say God of War. But as soon as they orced me to try and play that horrible mime creature with the crossbow, yeah I returned the game the next day.


New member
Sep 23, 2011
Either Tanguska for the PS1 or vampire rain for the 360, the first just felt horrible and unplayable, and the 2nd played like a mixture of splinter cell and vampire fiction, it was was that bad that I could't even play it for the achievements


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Freaking Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days. I only played the demo, and it was the worst thing I've ever experienced in the history of my time as a gamer. I also thought DNF was pretty fucking bad as well...


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Call of Juarez: The Cartel, a game whose absolute best feature was the sub-par shooting.

Other Problems include:

Completely unlikable charecters.

Tons of racism. Really, if you told me that the game was paid for and developed by the KKK I wouldn't be surprised.

Dialogue that is basically garbage in the form of soundwaves.

Combat has no weight, you point at enemies (who are all black or Mexican, see point 2) pull the trigger and they die. Yawn.

Every part of the presentation is boring.

The fact that I personally know more about organized crime and the Mexian Drug War than the entire development team.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
Worst ones i played:
American Gladiator SNES
Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers Using the Wii pointer for combat = horrible.
Mortal Kombat for Gameboy the controls lagged for 2 secs made fighting harder than it should be.
Myst 5 going from prerendered beauty. To very bad 3d where the clues stick out like a sore thumb was bad


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Hands down drake of the 99 dragons.

Never finished it, and I felt so insulted that a developer thought this was a good game to put out that I simple turned off the X Box and made a solemn promise that I would never EVER play another microsoft console again, just so I would never have to run the risk of playing something so ungodly putrid.


I close second though is aquaman.


New member
Jun 25, 2008
So... Did like everyone who joined the escapist never play games before 2005? Seriously?

While i do have a nostalgic glee to lots of old games there are a few that come to mind.

While a fan of most of the series Suikoden 5 kind of pissed me off. Oh you recruit around half of the stars of destiny before you get your castle, oh and if you don't get them, they are miss able. What the shit is that. And Suikoden 4 was pretty shit to. Would comment on tactics, but i lost the disk.

Titan's Quest. Not really sure what to think of it. Never got to the second village. Just couldn't handle it.

While i THOROUGHLY enjoyed the first one (despite never beating Legend of Legaia), Legaia 2 for the PS2 was god awful. terrible dialogue and a shitty magic system just round this game into a bad list. Makes sense that unskippable did a Lets Play for it.

.hack Infection. The only game of the hacks i bought, was very short and was kinda open ended... on both sides.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Metroid Other M and no, I will not repeat myself for the twentieth time about why I hate this fucking game.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
SextusMaximus" post="9.318784.12998601 said:
Half Life 2. Not that it was exceptionally bad, just that it's absolute mediocrity had been inflated to make it seem as though it was a shining gem, I just felt it was very standard and as such was a massive let down considering the hype.
'Scuse me sir, but you misspelled Halo. Just thought I would let you know :)

Blue Hero

New member
Aug 6, 2011
Fracture. I didn't expect a lot when I first played it, but it was just absolutely terrible. Terrible controls, terrible AI, terrible guns, terrible abilities, terrible everything. It was just so damn terrible. There were no redeeming features.

Corporal Yakob

New member
Nov 28, 2009
dickywebster said:
Halo, world was zero, force unleashed 2 and mario kart wii.

Halo is probably the most overrated game ever, wwz no ones even heard of, for gd reason, force unleashed 2 was just a mess and MK wii might seem an odd choice, but its one of those games where i think you need luck more than skill to win.
World War Zero? As in Ironstorm? As in that game with the incredibly cool backstory of WW1 stretching into the 60s? That game was awesome! It had trench warfare AND suicide dogs: what more do you want?

Personally Alan Wake was a boring piece of crap with zero tension or atmosphere and I'm finding myself beginning to switch between "This is fucking tough but rewarding" and "This is complete utter bullshit" quite regularly whilst playing Dark Souls.

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
funguy2121 said:
I just had to know upon entering this thread that it would be bait for "this beloved franchise, which objectively is only overrated and actually not half bad, is in my unqualified opinion the worst thing to happen to humanity since fascism."

That's pretty much all I've seen. And people who talk about Star Trek games.

I don't think I'd ever play a Star Trek game, and I've been a fan of Star Trek since I was 12.
Oh don't get me wrong I LOVE Star Trek, I just think they did a horrible job trying to translate whats good about Star Trek onto a video game.