What's so bad about Far Cry 2?

Video Gone

New member
Feb 7, 2009
ma55ter_fett said:
killer-corkonian said:
ma55ter_fett said:
I hate it, can't fucking progress half the time cause it's night and no ones out at night (so i have to drive to the nearest safe house and sleep for time to progress). Guns jam all the time, driveing is annonying as hell since there is no minimap so you have to pull up a small map while driveing, your character is a total pussy who gets saved by the dude he was supposed to kill, no fucking super powers (no feral speed, feral attack, feral vision) boreing story,

I could go on, the game just rubbed me the wrong way... and took 60 of my dollars.

So basically, your only complaint was it's too realistic?
Ladies and gentlemen, we are through the looking glass.
Realism, and any contribution it makes to the experiance has to be evaulated on a game to game basis, personally I like there to be a very large difference between reality and the games I play. Aliens, zombies, magic powers, and faceless voiceless protagonists are more in my line. It still stands that I did not care for Farcry 2 and never will.
Now that's better, personal preference, and not denouncement and execution of a game just because this thread doesn't like it.
Anyway, I'm not really much for faceless voiceless idiots. Even RPG characters have a means of communication. Even Master Chief paused (every five years) to make a quip. Even the Rookie... OK, he didn't, but he was still good. Gordon Freeman was a good everyman character, even though he had to be propelled through the story by everyone else.
Kiff, we have a conundrum.


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2008
I didn't mind it till halfway through then the repetition just became annoying. Also, as many have said, the re-spawning enemies.

They also made me kill of the only character in the game I found interesting.


New member
Sep 3, 2009
Gameplay never gets interesting, missions are boring, too much traveling time, enemies are boring, characters are boring, weapons are boring, environments are nice but never change.
That sums it up pretty well I think.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
because you spend too long driving in crappy vehicles to get to a fight and the driving is very linear and boring and the driving controls are crap
and every mission is the 4 same ones every time
1)blow up a truck
2)kill some random guy
3)blow up a building
4) cant think of it
and i know most shooters are repetitive but this is just too repetitive it feels like u are playing the exact same bit you might as well just replay the first mission over and over again.

ow and guns dont jam with every few clips and dont rust after 2 mins of shooting!!

they tried to make realism but its not lol you either go full or not realism e.g. flashpoint.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Good points:

Satisfying guns (and they don't Jam if you buy your own)

Very tactical gameplay (it's not such a hard game if you play it slowly and methodically)

Very cool fire

Awesome explosive weapons (16 round auto grenade launcher - yes please)

Gorgeous world

Bad points;

Too much driving

Terrible save and checkpoint system

Enemies respawn too quickly - it wouldn't be so bad if they waited a day or something

Lots of driving to restock your weapons

Shitty delivery of story (but the final couple of chapters are really good)

The mission protecting the boat

That fucking mortar guy hidden on the island...


New member
Dec 31, 2007
Because they created a gorgeous open world and then completely missed the damn point of having one. You know that thing trick in MMOs where the map is dotted with a load of unscalable fences and unclimbable rocks so its essentially a big twisty maze pathway through a load of arbitrary impassable terrain? Far Cry 2 is all over that trope. And to make it worse, eveery single crossroad has a checkpoint. Which means you either have to get out and slowwwwly creep round or get into another firefight. Which exacerbates the other problem the game has - the enemies. They all can take ridiculous amounts of damage for ordinary guys, and they are all interested solely in killing you. If they spot you creeping through the undergrowth ( and they will) everyone tries to kill you. Run away, they send a jeep after you. Passs someone in a car on the road going the other way? They stop, get out and shoot at you. I'm not making that up. The end result feels less like freedom and more like a corridor shooter - drive until you get to checkpoint, get out, kill bloodthirsty supermen, go down road to next checkpoint, repeat. It's like playing Painkiller with all the inventiveness and variety taken out, just killing the same guys over and over again.

FC2 isn't ttoally devoid of fun. The variety of toys to play with is great. And carefully taking out one of the big mission areas with a sniper rifle, flitting from spot to spot to spot in the night, then handing the next mission with a rocket launcher and a machine gun is fantastic. But its way too much boring busywork to get to those moments. Take out about half the rocks to make the game world more open and eliminate half the checkpoints so you can go where you want without killing someone every thirty seconds, and far cry 2 would be great fun. I'm serious, it would be that easy. As it is, its a superb lesson on how NOT to make a sandbox game fun, and has only its technical accomplishments to recommend it.


New member
Mar 14, 2009
Navigation was a nightmare. Not enough save points. Too many driving sequences for ridiculous stuff. I mean it was not even GTA funny.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
For me, it's just not Far Cry. I really enjoyed the fantastical nonsense of the first games and it's expansions. While there's nothing wrong with FC2 per se, to me it's very dull and monotonous. If I'm going to waste the best years of my life in front of the TV, it better be fucking mind-blowingly mental.

Cheshire Cat

New member
Sep 26, 2008
As a game it's pretty uninspired, but I loved just driving or boating round and looking at the scenery :-D Some of the best looking land/world design I've ever seen, it's really beautiful.
When you can max out all the graphical settings and just sit in the middle of the savannah and watch the sun come up, hear the wind through the trees and listen to the animal noises start as they greet the dawn.... I found it so very relaxing and I really want to do a proper African Safari because of it :)

Buck Wilde

New member
Jul 15, 2009
I really enjoyed this game for some reason (I say I like some games but have no reason as to why, in fact I am one of the 5 people that enjoyed Two Worlds and I can't say why). It has its flaws which have probably already been said, but the one i dislike the most was ai never helping you. the factions were interchangeable, offering the same generic assassination or destruction missions and no AI that would help you. It was you against everyone and there was no real feeling of progression in the game, if you've played for lets say an hour, you have seen most of what the game offers. Yet despite all its flaws I love the game, I'm off to play it right now in fact...


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Woodsey said:
headshotcatcher said:
So you smash through my points about repetition, only to agree that yes, the game is very repetitious.

A clever tactic if ever I saw one! Ar harr!

That was a err... Pirate growl by the way.

However, your point about driving through the camps. Have ye ever noticed the mighty land ships with wheels that folla' ye every turn?!

What say ye?

(Pirates FTW if you didn't get that).
I didn't smash through any points about repetition FYI

At least not willingly



New member
Aug 9, 2009
headshotcatcher said:
Woodsey said:
headshotcatcher said:
So you smash through my points about repetition, only to agree that yes, the game is very repetitious.

A clever tactic if ever I saw one! Ar harr!

That was a err... Pirate growl by the way.

However, your point about driving through the camps. Have ye ever noticed the mighty land ships with wheels that folla' ye every turn?!

What say ye?

(Pirates FTW if you didn't get that).
I didn't smash through any points about repetition FYI

At least not willingly

No pirate speak? :(


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Weeeeelllllll . . .
1.The physics engine exploded on me about four times and everything that wasn't bolted to the floor went flying into space
2.Having to drive across a pretty big map gets really annoying when you have to go through about ten guard posts that you've wiped out about twenty times before
3.You have absolutely no choice in the game. Once you finish the missions for the faction that you like, you have to go do all the missions from the other faction before you can progress
4.You have to put about twenty bullets into an enemy to bring him down
5.Missions feel bland and repetitive up until you get to the middle of the game. Then they transport you to a new map that's even more annoying to drive across, and you realise that the entire game is repetitive.

It's certainly fun when you first start it, but it seems there's a point where the fun suddenly stops altogether.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
What drove me nuts was how every car I managed to get into would suddenly come under attack five seconds later, forcing me to walk the rest of the way.


New member
Feb 23, 2009
Cockney_Jesus said:
It looks pretty good from videos etc. but everyone's saying it's horrible? It's pretty cheap now so I'm wondering what exactly is so bad about it?

One of my friends loves it and says it's 'a combination of GTA and COD'...so a free roaming game in a warzone setting?
The problem is repetitiveness.

It was great at first when everything was new, but enemy checkpoints are less then a minute away from each other, and rather then prove a challange they're just neuicense. The missions lack any real story, its mostly go here, kill this person, go here destroy this thing. (or if you listen to your 'buddys' instead of go here and kill this its go there and kill that, and so on) The weapons were somewhat interesting at first but got boring quick and I still don't get why I'd want a tranquilizer gun when I'm just gonna f**king burn everyone in that base anyway.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
well ive got the game but it seems to me that its a blackhole of time...
and thats time i dont know if i have
but who amoung us can say that we have time on our side?


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Let me see if I can shed some light on the subject.

Far Cry was fucking awesome.

Far Cry 2 had nothing to do with Far Cry. Except you still have a machete.

Different engine, different setting, different developer, different plot, etc etc etc.

Basically, it wasn't Far Cry 2, it was let's get killed in africa. And then RE5 came out and we could get killed by zombies in africa and everyone forgot FC2.

The end?