What's the appeal of Visual Novels?


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Heh, I just reached the part in Root Double where it goes over some of the same themes as the Zero Escape games, namely, telepathy.

I like how all these games share similarities. What is it about Japanese culture and their love of "closed-area" "someone-here-is-a-murderer" games? Whatever it is, it's great, and I'm into it.
Cool, I'll let Dri know you liked her recommendation.


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2017
United States
Heh, I just reached the part in Root Double where it goes over some of the same themes as the Zero Escape games, namely, telepathy.

I like how all these games share similarities. What is it about Japanese culture and their love of "closed-area" "someone-here-is-a-murderer" games? Whatever it is, it's great, and I'm into it.
Budgetary constraints

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Holy faff alert
Just a heads up that I kinda jumped into this thread long after the post I originally made, when I realized this thread was on going into multiple pages by that point. I did notice your post. However, it was very lengthy and importantly written, and directed at someone else who also had their own equally lengthy and so important looking message. So I kept to myself cause I felt it was clearly not my discussion to be involved in. But by bringing your image directly to me, I felt the need to respond to it, after having seen it multiple times up to that point


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
@SupahEwok The reason I did not respond to that image, because it was not worth my time, and simply gave no fucks. Plus, it had nothing to do with anything.


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2017
United States
You're full of shit. I don't care for nor like every single Marvel film or Star Wars, but they ain't regressing society. Getting rid of them would solve nothing.

You sure as hell are not speaking for me. Anime never brought the worst in me. Sounds more like self hatred than anything else. I know Japan has its problems, and looked down on Otaku culture back in the 80s, 90s, early 2000s. But with the newer generation running the asylum, this is less of an issue, but that's where some of it comes from. A divide between generations. Now some otaku are rude sociophobes, and there is no excuse for it, but when you have people mock or hate them for enjoying something, you understand why. Getting rid of anime would solve nothing, and those problems would not lessen or disappear. Just like how banning all violent media, would not stop mass shooting serial killers with nothing better to do with their pathetic lives. It's the people in general that the problem. Too many screaming, shouting, fighting, and not sitting down and discussing problems or pretending like they don't exists. Or shifting the blame. It's up to them know and fix it.

While it's nice to see another fan of Paranoia Agent, and that music video with the psycho blue haired chick, you sir are going overboard. The Japanese will be around for a long time. Besides, they got bigger things (the whole fucking world with this fucking virus!) to worry about, than some otakus that don't get out much. You sir, have good one. Try not to let your insecurities get the better of you. Listen to this, and I am being enerest and sincere:

I have the important part time stamped at 14:32.
Good heavens. Bennett the Sage. Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time. A long time. The man who watched half of End of Eva, and quit. And then complained about issues unique to the english dub to criticize the original work. The man who admitted that he only watched Ghost in the Shell to jack off to anime titties when he was 14, and proceeded to not understand the subject. Anime youtubers are already a low breed of film critic, but I think he may be the absolute worst. I would reccomend Goat Jesus instead, he has a far better understanding of cinema as a whole. Or perhaps some of the video from Every Frame a Painting that cover animation.

In any case, yes, media can and does impact our society, for good and for evil. Anime has had a largely degenerative effect on those who have watched it. Particularly those who watch shonen drivel, or ecchi, or harem, or any of the other mainstream series that are released. There are redeeming directors in the field, but they are few, and growing fewer every year. Visual Novels have no great works, and no great artists whatsoever.
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Malapropic Homophone
Jun 24, 2010
@SupahEwok The reason I did not respond to that image, because it was not worth my time, and simply gave no fucks. Plus, it had nothing to do with anything.
As a matter of fact, my only purposeful omission to my supporting arguments was any kind of illustration... For the central question was thus: would those weened on picture books, animation, and the titular "visual novels" deign to read and respond to a well written and civil posting, if that posting were detailed, eloquent, and yet completely lacking in any kind of visual aid?

Nobody has responded, or even given any indication of having read it.
@fOx I'm afraid it's worse than we thought.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Anime youtubers are already a low breed of film critic, but I think he may be the absolute worst.
Not even close. I've had my problems with Benett in the past, and still disagree with him on certain things, but he as grown a lot. He's one of the few that broke off from Channel Awesome/That Guy Etc. and came out okay. Dude has lost weight and is engaged, and has dedicated fans. He's pretty well off. There are many youtubers way worst than him.

In any case, yes, media can and does impact our society, for good and for evil. Anime has had a largely degenerative effect on those who have watched it. Particularly those who watch shonen drivel, or ecchi, or harem, or any of the other mainstream series that are released. There are redeeming directors in the field, but they are few, and growing fewer every year.
Just because the same shit over and over makes it true. I disagree with you. Media can have influcence, but it's not that black and white or simple. Especially with the so called cause and correlation.

Visual Novels have no great works, and no great artists whatsoever.
In your opinion. Not everyone else's.


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2017
United States
Not even close. I've had my problems with Benett in the past, and still disagree with him on certain things, but he as grown a lot. He's one of the few that broke off from Channel Awesome/That Guy Etc. and came out okay. Dude has lost weight and is engaged, and has dedicated fans. He's pretty well off. There are many youtubers way worst than him.

Just because the same shit over and over makes it true. I disagree with you. Media can have influcence, but it's not that black and white or simple. Especially with the so called cause and correlation.

In your opinion. Not everyone else's.
I mean, are you arguing that media can't have an influence on the real world? Or on how people think, and feel, and act, and what they believe? I can say from personal experience that that is incorrect, but honestly, that position doesn't even seem to correlate with your prior statements.

In any case, while not everyone shares my opinion, I would say it's the consensus of the critical community. I doubt there's any great scholarship dedicated to visual novels, even in japan.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I mean, are you arguing that media can't have an influence on the real world? Or on how people think, and feel, and act, and what they believe? I can say from personal experience that that is incorrect, but honestly, that position doesn't even seem to correlate with your prior statements.
I never said any of that, nor implied it. That is all you assuming and putting words in my mouth. You have good night, because zero fucks are given now, and you're gonna keep saying the same thing over and over. And it's gonna be pointless back and forth that goes nowhere and this thread has gotten way off topic. Good night, I am getting some rest, don't bother responding back.


Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
I just had a thought that I thought worthwhile in sharing: Is 80 Days a visual novel?

Nobody has responded, or even given any indication of having read it.

Yet a proper scientific experiment needs a control. To whit: I have made 3 postings in this thread in the same time period consisting of nothing but a single image. And even the same image, no sort of variety.

Each and every one of those postings has provoked a response proving it was read.
The reason I didn't answer to it was that it boiled down to "too much porn is bad for you; it warps your outlook". Which I cannot really argue against. Whether that holds water in regards to the format of Visual Novels I do not know since I have not played that many, but your criticism is then only aimed at a specific aspect of visual novels; the format can still hold value.
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