What's the best state in the US?


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Jamash said:
AccursedTheory said:
Jamash said:
New Hampshire, because while it's not as good as the original Hampshire, at least it has the right idea.

The same is also applicable to New England, New York and New Jersey, which again follow the proud tradition of American remakes not quite living up to the original and somewhat missing the point, but they're still better than the most of the other states with silly names, such as Delaware or Mary Land.

Apart from that, I know absolutely nothing about US States... but I guess it's better to judge a book by its cover than not pass judgement at all.
Look, we're really sorry about the tea. We've tried apologizing before. We really are sorry.

What will it take for you to love us again?

Well for a start, it would help if you realised it was never just about the tea...

Tea tea tea! All you people ever go on about is the bloody tea! What about the rest of it eh? What about crumpets, the scones, the dainty fine china cups and saucers, the silver sugar bowls and tongs and the rest of the dinner service?

You think you can just ransack someone's elevenses supply, thrown it all in the harbour and they won't notice?
As an American, I'm not sure I actually know what a scone is, let alone a crumpet. Are they condiments?

As for the the rest, I'm sure we sent replacements. Though now that I think about it, I think we put a list of what was sent on the outside of the box.

So you, uh... may want to ask China about those bits.


Oct 28, 2013
AccursedTheory said:
As an American, I'm not sure I actually know what a scone is, let alone a crumpet. Are they condiments?

As for the the rest, I'm sure we sent replacements. Though now that I think about it, I think we put a list of what was sent on the outside of the box.

So you, uh... may want to ask China about those bits.
Ohhh, my man...this could be the beginning of a beautiful culinary adventure. Get thee to a store and buy some crumpets, then toast them and top them with butter and black pepper! And as for scones, eat 'em with just about anything. Jam and butter are pretty good with a scone and a lovely cup of tea.

OT: I've had some pretty nice "New York-style" cuisine over the years. If it's accurate to the state then consider me impressed, particularly on the bagel front.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
AccursedTheory said:
As an American, I'm not sure I actually know what a scone is, let alone a crumpet. Are they condiments?
They work best with strawberry jam and cream, and arguments about if it's pronounced "Scons" or "Scoans".



New member
Oct 15, 2011
DizzyChuggernaut said:
I've never even been to the US but the state that consistently catches my eye is probably Washington, probably because the weather is a lot more moderate than other places in the US and I really like the geography around the Washington/BC area.

I've heard it's expensive to live there though, but I might be mistaken.
to piggy back off Zontars response, Seattle is so expensive that even though they raised their min wage to 15 dollars, you are still better off living in other major cities making 11 dollars a hour.

As for best state, i will go with Vermont/New Hampshire (they are basically the same state). They dont go too crazy on the left or right, good blend of civilization and natural outdoor beauty, low crime, good economy.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Barbas said:
OT: I've had some pretty nice "New York-style" cuisine over the years. If it's accurate to the state then consider me impressed, particularly on the bagel front.
I'll agree that there's some great New York cuisine. I spent a few days there around 1998 or so and the pizza was top notch, some of the best I've ever had, the hot dogs were awesome (Nathan's FTW!!) and I agree the bagels are ludicrously good. Like I could get addicted to bagels like that.
If I could take the pizza, hot dogs and bagels from NYC, the Philadelphia awesomeness called a Philly-cheese steak, the Tex-Mex cuisine from Texas, the seafood cuisine from South Florida as well as Cuban cuisine, and toss in true Italian and Chinese food... make a buffet out of that I think I'd have a restaurant that would make bank.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Barbas said:
AccursedTheory said:
As an American, I'm not sure I actually know what a scone is, let alone a crumpet. Are they condiments?

As for the the rest, I'm sure we sent replacements. Though now that I think about it, I think we put a list of what was sent on the outside of the box.

So you, uh... may want to ask China about those bits.
Ohhh, my man...this could be the beginning of a beautiful culinary adventure. Get thee to a store and buy some crumpets, then toast them and top them with butter and black pepper! And as for scones, eat 'em with just about anything. Jam and butter are pretty good with a scone and a lovely cup of tea.

OT: I've had some pretty nice "New York-style" cuisine over the years. If it's accurate to the state then consider me impressed, particularly on the bagel front.
I don't think you appreciate how far I am away from a place that would bother serving crumpets, or any British food Americans didn't claim as their own a couple hundred years ago.

Another con of Pennsylvania: Big state. Bigger woods. I'm at least 45 minutes away from any sort of bakery that doesn't pretty much specialize in nothing but cakes and donuts. I'm 45 minutes away from a population big enough to justify such a magnificent place as a crumpet factory.

thaluikhain said:
AccursedTheory said:
As an American, I'm not sure I actually know what a scone is, let alone a crumpet. Are they condiments?
They work best with strawberry jam and cream, and arguments about if it's pronounced "Scons" or "Scoans".

Wait, is a scone just a biscuit, and a crumpet is an English muffin?

That's what this fuss is all about?

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
I have to say that I personally think that no one would ever say Delaware was the best state in the US. Come to think of it I've never met anyone from Delaware and I'm not 100% sure it really exists or is just a map error or perhaps conspiracy of some sort. But I don't feel like driving up there to check and make sure its real or not.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Imperioratorex Caprae said:
I have to say that I personally think that no one would ever say Delaware was the best state in the US. Come to think of it I've never met anyone from Delaware and I'm not 100% sure it really exists or is just a map error or perhaps conspiracy of some sort. But I don't feel like driving up there to check and make sure its real or not.
As a Pennsylvanian, I can confirm there is a Delaware, and, in fact, Delawarians. The former Union states have simply decided to place an embargo on them, and deny them the right to move from state to state.

Don't bother asking why. They deserved it.

As a side note, I'd like to put forth a state as second best (After Pennsylvania). West Virginia. Why?

It has the lowest STD rate in the United States.


Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
AccursedTheory said:
As a Pennsylvanian, I can confirm there is a Delaware, and, in fact, Delawarians. The former Union states have simply decided to place an embargo on them, and deny them the right to move from state to state.

Don't bother asking why. They deserved it.

As a side note, I'd like to put forth a state as second best (After Pennsylvania). West Virginia. Why?

It has the lowest STD rate in the United States.

Interesting news... Delaware exists eh?

Also I'll say that West Virginia was a nice state, I used to go skiing there at Snowshoe every year in high school, actually with my high school. Surprisingly great snow, well packed trails and even nice powder... this coming from a person who learned to ski in Colorado.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Barbas said:
...It's obviously not Texas, so which is it, and what makes it greater than all the others?
You know what I love about all the Texas hate? 99% of the people I've met who say "eeewwwww, Texas!" then admit they've never actually been to Texas.

So right now I vote Colorado. Weather is fairly moderate year round, skiing/snowboarding in the winter, awesome hiking/mountain biking in the summer. Weed is legal, largely libertarian politics, taxes aren't too high, population is super into fitness and it's one of the least obese states, and even the major cities haven't gotten too crowded yet.

Second place, TEXAS! Seriously, Texas is larger than Britain and France combined, so if you look at the state as a whole, you can find just about anything you want there. Like music and liberal politics? Austin. Like cowboy culture? Ft. Worth. Are you frat/sorority type? Dallas. Like hispanic culture? El Paso or San Antonio. Like the desert? Head west. Like rolling hills and forests? Head east. Beaches? Go Southeast to the Gulf of Mexico. Want cold weather? Go north. Wanna start a business? Low taxes and regulations. Just wanna work there? NO STATE TAXES! Also the food is bad-ass. I had a ton of fun when I lived in Texas.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Canada. Because geography can go stuff itself.
I mean, not only is it not part of the US, it's not even a 'state'.

But, hey, at least it's on the same continent, right? XD

FoolKiller said:
Canada. Because we're primarily Canadian.
... Huh. Was wondering if someone else would say that.

(And for the record, no, I'm not Canadian. Also I may or may not have an irrational dislike of America for no real reason in particular)


This Title Will Be Gone Soon
Apr 13, 2008
West Virginia is a good place to be if you love scenery. It's basically nothing but mountain. Seriously, it's fucking beautiful. You could go out, pick one, and become a mountain hermit. Who hasn't dreamed of that?

Doesn't do anywhere near enough to excuse the extreme poverty and unemployment, though. Or all of the rampant flooding that occurs in every place I've ever been to there.


Lolita Style, The Best Style!
Jan 12, 2010
vallorn said:
Well it's not California that's for sure, the mixture of authoritarian laws and poor resource management combined with much of the culture makes the place both expensive to live in and horrible to exist in as well.

Personally, I'm not well acquainted with the USA's states but from what I know aside from Cali, I'd actually have to say that it would be one of the midwest states like Arizona where they somewhat strike a balance rather than tipping too far from one side or to the other.
This always irritates me, Arizona is not in the mid-west, it's in the south western states chunk, like Nevada and New Mexico. The mid-west is a the chunk of states just west of the eastern seaboard, and it includes: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

Anomynous 167

New member
May 6, 2008
Georgia. [a="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russo-Georgian_War"]It's the only state with the balls to get invaded by Russia.[/a]


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
...What kind of dumb question is that? Even people in the far-flung corner's of New York's planet know that New York is the best part of New York's nation.
The only question up for debate here is the best part of New York.
I'm going to say Western Brooklyn.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Anomynous 167 said:
Georgia. [a="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russo-Georgian_War"]It's the only state with the balls to get invaded by Russia.[/a]
I spent a year and a half in Georgia, and I never once could find a peach tree.

Georgia is a god damn tease.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
Souplex said:
...What kind of dumb question is that? Even people in the far-flung corner's of New York's planet know that New York is the best part of New York's nation.
The only question up for debate here is the best part of New York.
I'm going to say Western Brooklyn.
i live in NY state, and i would peg it as one of the worst states. Its only saving grace is the food (sans the atrocity known as new york style pizza) and internet.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
Ryotknife said:
Souplex said:
...What kind of dumb question is that? Even people in the far-flung corner's of New York's planet know that New York is the best part of New York's nation.
The only question up for debate here is the best part of New York.
I'm going to say Western Brooklyn.
i live in NY state, and i would peg it as one of the worst states. Its only saving grace is the food (sans the atrocity known as new york style pizza) and internet.
...How dare you besmirch the only worthwhile pizza on New York's planet.