Caramel Frappe said:
vallorn said:
Well it's not California that's for sure, the mixture of authoritarian laws and poor resource management combined with much of the culture makes the place both expensive to live in and horrible to exist in as well.
I live in California and this I have to agree with.
OT: Not California, despite that I live there. Everything here is taxed 3x over, hardly any job opportunities because too many people around every corner wanting the same role, and poorly done politics makes this place quite awful. Despite being nice and the conditions aren't bad, the overall feel to California is like a middle finger to the US saying it's ok to be corrupted >_>.
Not sure what the best state is really.
Gotta remember though, a huge reason why California?s a ?highly taxed state? is because of the federal government. <_< Looking at the 2014 IRS fiscal year, the fed collected over 369 billion dollars from California. The biggest contributor to the federal budget. And since CA gives so much, we get a large portion of that cut off on return. The report says that the federal government took over 121 billion of that and put it into other states. Which is 1/3rd of what CA was taxed federally. So, by screwing CA from its taxes, the state is forced to tax its populace more (via sales/payroll). And since CA also has Prop 13, royally screwing property taxes, there?s few avenues other than other taxes and high regulatory fines.
So! Without CA funding most of the rest of the country, the country would suffer.

Bankrolling the country we are.