What's the biggest thing you ever had spoiled?


New member
Dec 26, 2014
I can't check my feed without at least two Bloodborne spoilers each day. It is getting ridiculous. The same happens whenever the new season of Walking Dead hits, it's spoiler season. I haven't played a second of Bloodborne, as I haven't watched a second of Walking dead. But if asked, I feel I could provide you with a short synopsis of all the plot twists and mechanics, aswell as a small guide to obtaining several of the more well known secrets.

That should not happen. At all.

I could point the finger of blame towards myself for clicking on all those videos, but somewhere I feel my discipline should not be the only thing stopping me from having all my games and shows and movies spoilered for me.

And sometimes my discipline wasn't even called into question. Clear cut example would be the following : I recently acquired Xenoblade Chronicles and I told a friend, who played it before, upon which he replied (quoting from memory here) "dude, that's awesome. Where are you in the story? Has XXXXXX died yet?"

I can't even. I literally can't even. Yes, that happens in the beginning of the story, but I was intending to savour that game like a fine wine. And now you tell me my favourite character dies? Well that took every bit of value I could have had right out of that moment.

What's the biggest thing you ever had spoiled?

(ofcourse, I would very much appreciate it if you could say so, without spoilers)


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
Well, one time I made a big pot of soup to last me through the week and I forgot to move it to the fridge before I left for work that day, so it was no good by the time I got back.

...OH! You mean SHOW SPOILERS! I dunno, I'm usually behind or not interested in things with major spoiler alerts. I did summarize most of this last season of Doctor Who for my boyfriend so we could watch the Christmas special together. He was keen on watching it ASAP because he loves Nick Frost and he played Santa Claus in it. But he asked me to do that so I don't think it counts. Otherwise...I dunno, I'll edit if remember something I guess, lol.

EDIT: Oh, I did once spoil something for myself from a Professor Layton game, of all things. I was looking up some info on the games and characters a Wikipedia page when I came across this nugget from the end of Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy...

That Descole was Layton's brother. Luckily I didn't also learn that Bronev was their father, so not ALL of the ending was a complete waste of time. Still a good game, though. I wish there were more :(


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Game of Thrones story (anything even remotely spoiler will be tagged so the story is clean for you to read)

My co-workers and I, like many others, have been big fans of Game of Thrones. I used to wait for the Blu-Rays every year in anticipation and eventually caved and got HBO so that I could start to watch it each week with them. We loved it; the politics, the violence, the "Who does RR Martin decide he hates the most this day" roulette wheel; everything. Everything we want in a show and we have made it very clear when ANYONE enters to talk with us that you need to shut your mouth about the GD book if you want to discuss Thrones with us. Yes, the books have been out forever; we don't care. You speak about the book, you will figuratively be cut away from the group (and with some people, you may literally be cut...)

I'm sure you can guess where this story is going

We're all talking about what happened with Season 3 and what we expect out of Season 4. Out of everyone in the entire world, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that LOVES King Joffrey. The character is a giant dildo but I can't help but love how freaking talented Jack Gleeson is with playing him. I started reading the first book and hated Joffrey but Gleeson is having so much freaking fun with the role that I can't but help love TV Show Joffrey.

So our group is having our discussion as usual when the co-worker in the cube pops his head over and says:

"Why do you guys care so much about Joffrey? You know he dies, right?"

...if looks could kill, that man would have been dead a thousand times between the four of us. Out of the four of us, I am the only person who still talks to that co-worker about anything anymore (though I have made it clear that we will NEVER discuss Thrones since he can't keep his freaking mouth shut).

To be honest, I'm not sure why it bothered me so much less than everyone else for I am a HUGE spoiler-nazi. I do everything I possibly can to avoid spoilers (spoilers ruin things for me; I can't help it) and I was very unhappy that the spoiler happened but for whatever reason, I was least mad about it. Maybe it's because I was pretty sure it was coming but either way, that poor co-workers name has become a verb in our group for a spoileriffic asshat :D

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Hmmmm, I've actually got a pretty good track record when it comes to avoiding spoilers. Though back in high school we were reading And Then There Were None in my literature class. My older brother overheard me mention it whilst answering my mother's question of "How was your day at school?" He then simply said "Whatever you do, don't look at the last page."

5 minutes later, the reverse psychology had run its course so I opened up to the last page of the book...which is the last part of a letter of confession by the person who performed all the mysterious killings.


New member
Nov 10, 2013
A lot of the Fate/Stay Night visual novel was spoiled for me. Especially in regards to the characters, their origins, and their relations.

I'm pretty sure most people who read the visual novel already go in knowing who Saber and Rider and their masters are now. Archer's identity was a big spoiler as well, along with Sakura's role in the story.

I still enjoyed it, but it definitely made me feel a little cheated when I realized that someone going in fresh would felt a larger impact.

Thankfully, I didn't watch any of the anime or read Fate/Zero beforehand.
Aug 31, 2012
The only thing I can think of is the end of the Lord of the Rings films, the bit with the volcano etc. I suppose technically a 60 year old spoiler shouldn't count but I've never read the books and I was pretty surprised the friend in question had read them and was also surprised that he thought that I would've done. That showed both of us a thing or 2 about making assumptions.


New member
Apr 16, 2011
Luckily I've managed to successfully repress the most recent biggest spoiler. Goddamn it, just remembered.
Ellie's past in conception 2


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Holy cow this THREAD is full of spoilers, too!

I had almost the entire last Harry Potter book spoiled for me. Stumbled across a post in a completely unrelated forum with a list of everyone who died and which page they died on. People are monsters!

Buzz Killington_v1legacy

Likes Good Stories About Bridges
Aug 8, 2009
I was amazingly pissed when I read spoilers for the episode of Breaking Bad where

Mike died.

It was right before I watched the episode in question, too. Bastards.
Mar 30, 2010
tippy2k2 said:
Game of Thrones story
Same here, but
from <a href=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/comicsandcosplay/comics/critical-miss/11388-Game-of-Thrones-Power-Shift>this angle. I've been lucky enough to have been following A Song of Ice and Fire since the mid 90's, and to have HBO come right out and confirm the existence of the Night King without so much as a by-your-leave - completely ruining over 15 years of tension and speculation - was a proper kick in the literary crotch. My only small solace is that the HBO series is sufficiently removed from the books that the Night King might not be a total spoiler, but that is a slim hope indeed.


New member
Dec 26, 2014
BloatedGuppy said:
Holy cow this THREAD is full of spoilers, too!
People are monsters!
Yes, I see now that the thread is frightfully self defeating. Still, I'm quite interested in all the spoilerstories.

Branindain said:
Would you kindly not bring up that memory?
You win.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Hm...I think only two times really come to mind.

The first is Silent Hill 2. I knew about the twist long before I started the game, because I played Silent Hill 3 first and started researching the series. Finding that out kind of killed a lot of the drive for me to play the game more. Plus, it frightened me.

The other is The Dark Knight Rises. I had not seen it yet, and I was listening to a radio talk show. They were talking about the shooting that had happened in the theater, and then somehow the ending came up and what happened to Batman. While I wasn't upset (I never really liked The Dark Knight trilogy), I was a bit cross. I was still planning on seeing it, and it bugged me that they spoiled the ending less than two days after the movie had come out.
I wasn't the only one either, because they got a pretty angry letter from a viewer that they read the next, and they tore into him. "People died! How dare you get upset that we spoiled the ending to a movie when something that tragic happened. Get your priorities straight!" and other stuff like that. They even went so far as to say, "Oh, and by the way, we warned you. When we say spoiler alert, that means spoilers are incoming." Except they had never said that. They just dropped the spoiler right in the middle of the story, with no warning.


New member
Apr 3, 2015
I'm probably going to sound like I'm bragging for saying this, but the one big thing that's been "spoiled" for me in a game is one that I figured out all by myself. It's from Knights of the Old Republic, and to spare you the details, I've put it all in one massive spoiler below. If you're planning on playing that game anytime soon and never have before, don't look!

Early in the game, I noticed that characters went out of their way to avoid revealing Darth Revan's gender. The dialogue constantly refused to use words like he/him/she/her to refer to Revan, which made it sound unnatural and stilted to me. Combine that with the fact that this game lets me choose my character's gender, and that "Revan" is a name that doesn't sound unambiguously male or female, and it was suddenly so obvious to me: My character was Darth Revan.

I knew that this had to be the case because Bioware had to account for whether the player was male or female, and didn't have the time or money to record dialogue twice, once for male characters and once for female characters. I guess sometimes, technical knowledge can ruin a game for you.

To be honest, I didn't know whether to feel disappointed or smugly satisfied when I figured that out. I had been complaining for years that games where I create my own character felt less immersive to me. Other characters can only refer to me vaguely, like "Hero" or "Champion". That's part of why I love the Witcher games so much. It was so refreshing when other characters called me "Geralt".

I sincerely believe that too many single-player games have character creators nowadays. The only games where they're justified, IMO, are multiplayer games, particularly MMOs. Really getting tired of playing characters in single-player environments that are obviously supposed to be blank-states.


Hat Man
Jul 8, 2011
San Diego, CA
SoreWristed said:
I could point the finger of blame towards myself for clicking on all those videos...
Okay, y'know what? The information age dawned decades ago. There's no going back. You can always get spoiled if you're going to actually click your way into the spoiler. From yourself, there is no cure, nor protection that others can offer.

Doesn't excuse that one guy from saying "Have you gotten to the part where so-and-so dies??", now that's just rude.

Personally tend to not care much about spoilers. Indeed, there've been more than a few pieces of entertainment where I wasn't interested until I was spoiled. Mystery just doesn't draw me in, by itself. I guess I've been disappointed too many times. My assumption is, if you can't show me what's behind the curtain, it's probably because it sucks. If it was great, you'd trumpet it to the high heavens.

someguy1231 said:
I'm probably going to sound like I'm bragging for saying this, but the one big thing that's been "spoiled" for me in a game is one that I figured out all by myself.
That's kind of awesome. Man, it almost makes me feel nostalgic for a time when that was considered clever. Now when games pull stunts like that, I usually find it obvious from the intro.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Tolstoy's Anna Karenina.

Old classic books are usually published with an introduction in the front, explaining the context of the book, maybe a bit about the author's life, detailing any quirks with the translation, that sort of thing.

Well, the introduction to my copy of Anna Karenina straight up fucking mentioned that...

... it ends with the main character committing suicide.

Like... why? Why would you do that? Write something telling the reader how the story ends, and then put it at the very front of the actual book.

It would be like republishing Game of Thrones with an intro that lists who dies.