What's the deal with bacon?


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Meh, it's a hilarious bandwagon-y fad for xXx-Ran0m-cool-k1dz-xXx, it seems. I dunno, I think this bacon fad's outstayed its welcome.

Sun Flash

Fus Roh Dizzle
Apr 15, 2009
albinoterrorist said:
Oh, thank God.

For a second, I thought you meant to say QUORN sausage, in which case I would have had to have killed you.
But that Lorne stuff doesn't look half-bad.
I probably wouldn't choose it over REAL sausages, but it's certainly looks like a close second.
Oh don't worry, if I said quorn, I'd be reaching for the Seppuku sword as I typed.

The Lorne stuff is made of the same stuff as regular sausage, they just get rid of the skin and squish it into a handy sqaure/oblong shape.

I prefer it because it's easier to place condiments and tomatoes, and normally,when I have 2/3 link sausages on a roll, it always gets lopsided and I end up with far too much or not enough bread, which ruins the last 1/4 of the roll. No such problems with Lorne.

Cooking Breakfast; it's an art, I tells ya.


New member
Jan 1, 2009
Sun Flash said:
Oh don't worry, if I said quorn, I'd be reaching for the Seppuku sword as I typed.

The Lorne stuff is made of the same stuff as regular sausage, they just get rid of the skin and squish it into a handy sqaure/oblong shape.

I prefer it because it's easier to place condiments and tomatoes, and normally,when I have 2/3 link sausages on a roll, it always gets lopsided and I end up with far too much or not enough bread, which ruins the last 1/4 of the roll. No such problems with Lorne.

Cooking Breakfast; it's an art, I tells ya.
And there's no risk of it rolling out of the roll while you eat...

I may have to sample some of this, next time i'm over the border!

Matt King

New member
Mar 15, 2010
Forlong said:
Its why God made pigs!

Someone should make a t-shirt of that.
it's why god made anything

OT my gf is a vegetarian and has never eaten meat says how delicious veggie bacon is and how it must be better than normal bacon and i'm just like no -__-

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Because it's bacon.

Diverse in varieties as it is, I imagine you might not have found the bacon for you; otherwise, you'd be like us.

Still, there's also the much larger chance that you're just not that into bacon. But that's less fun.
Jan 27, 2011
Dr. Pepper Unlimited said:
Bacon is delicious...not sure what else there is to say really. It's the candy of meats.
That is the single best description of Bacon I have ever heard. Well played, sir.



New member
Apr 26, 2009
OhJohnNo said:
Bigeyez said:
Bacon is like Peanut Butter or Chocalate. You can add it to almost anything and it just makes it taste better.
Except peanut butter and chocolate.
Hey bacon coated in chocolate despite sounding very nasty is actually good! Can't vouch for peanut butter covered bacon though.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Bigeyez said:
OhJohnNo said:
Bigeyez said:
Bacon is like Peanut Butter or Chocalate. You can add it to almost anything and it just makes it taste better.
Except peanut butter and chocolate.
Hey bacon coated in chocolate despite sounding very nasty is actually good! Can't vouch for peanut butter covered bacon though.
I can, just make sure you warm the peanut butter first or it isn't as good, my recommended serving would be in a sandwich.


New member
Apr 6, 2005
The Human Torch said:
The bacon worship is mostly an 'Mericun thing, so here in the Netherlands we barely get subjected to it.

Good thing too, I enjoy meat, but bacon is just rancid. It's not even meat, it's baked fat with copeous amounts of salt over it.
Welcome to the South. Down here there are two primary rules regarding food: 1. Everything is better with salt 2. Everything can be fried

OT: Bacon is delicious, easy to make, can be eaten any time of day, and goes with anything! Ignore people who complain about how unhealthy it is. If you're so concerned about your health good exercise (cardio) and plenty of time outside will be more than enough. Being healthy does not mean you have to give up everything good.
Forlong said:
Matt King said:
OT my gf is a vegetarian and has never eaten meat says how delicious veggie bacon is and how it must be better than normal bacon and i'm just like no -__-
That would be like someone who never ate cake saying pie is better.
Depends on the pie. I will take Chess Pie over cake usually. Oh my aunts chocolate chess pie...just amazing.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
pfeh Beef Jerky is way better
it,s the aspiration of very bovine to be turned into jerky.
at least according to Maddox I never had Jerky or Bacon as far as I know I never found any in Holland.


Premium member
Sep 10, 2009
I have a confession to make and it has been a heavy burden on my heart for many years.

Ladies and gentleman of the Escapist, I don't like bacon.


New member
Apr 29, 2011
I have no idea. I think it tastes okay and I like having some bacon on my Subway sandwiches every once in a while but I don't eat it in large quantities, which is what the whole Internet seems to be doing.
It's like Nutella. Everybody seems to love Nutella. I've never even seen Nutella at a store.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
I don't actually know, I don't actually like bacon very much.
It just doesn't taste very good.


New member
Apr 25, 2010
Bacon is good in some things but not in others.. i remember that iron chef america episode that had bacon ice cream... that fell under the.. not everything is better as icecream rule :p