What's the most violent thing you've seen happen in person?


New member
Apr 14, 2008
well i once picked a kid up over my head threw him in the air and watched him fall the 6 feet to the ground and i had a chair thrown at me once but other than that nothing special


New member
Oct 31, 2008
alandavidson said:
I saw a guy get mobbed by people with clubs and machetes in Africa.
I've been in my fair share of fights, etc but I think that one takes it in my life.
Anyone who lops of limbs of a conscious human is a fucking animal and deserves death, no jury, no judge, just a quick shot to the head. One of my rarest moments was watching some African guy lop off another dude hand for some 'crime' and, had he not been surrounded by 30 odd guys cheering him on, I would have beaten that **** to death.

Fuckin animal.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
Most violent thing that comes to memory is seeing a school bus on fire. I have no idea if anybody was hurt, and I didn't see anyone near it; we were just passing on the highway. But it was a pretty roaring fire, we could even feel the heat on our side of the road.

Seeing some of the stuff on here though makes me think I don't have the right to have psychological problems...


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Does my own bone sticking out of my arm count?

If not then it was when my sister was in 4-wheeler accident and I went to see her at the hospital. Everything healed up perfectly but at the time...damn it looked like it hurt.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Icaruss said:
Kadoodle said:
Shit, people at the escapist see some nasty shit...

Also, since its related, has anyone seen this? (video at bottom of page)

They beat her until she had a seizure. I found this yesterday, just depressing.
fucking hell ..why?
I know, right? I felt so angry watching that video. Supposedly they were arguing over the restroom, but I bet that that's only a small part of it.


Cosplaying Nuclear Physicist
Nov 19, 2009
Well, I have a serious scar on my right hand when I accidentally stabbed said hand with a kitchen knife. It was when I was 4 and I didn't know how to cut a lemon :(


New member
Jun 8, 2010
A guy at my school cut open his leg on a broken table. When it eventually healed it created a large 10cm long scar on his leg.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
FarleShadow said:
alandavidson said:
I saw a guy get mobbed by people with clubs and machetes in Africa.
I've been in my fair share of fights, etc but I think that one takes it in my life.
Anyone who lops of limbs of a conscious human is a fucking animal and deserves death, no jury, no judge, just a quick shot to the head. One of my rarest moments was watching some African guy lop off another dude hand for some 'crime' and, had he not been surrounded by 30 odd guys cheering him on, I would have beaten that **** to death.

Fuckin animal.
wow lots of dudes here has seen fethed up stuff in africa...Not to make light of any of it but i'm staying the hell out of that particular continent.The hell with that returning to the mother land shite.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Icaruss said:
wow lots of dudes here has seen fethed up stuff in africa...Not to make light of any of it but i'm staying the hell out of that particular continent.The hell with that returning to the mother land shite.
Oh, don't get me wrong, there are some nice places there, but Africa is like a real life internet, brilliant sights and tourist zones...then you accidentally go off the beaten track and get scarred by some troll with a machete.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
FarleShadow said:
Icaruss said:
wow lots of dudes here has seen fethed up stuff in africa...Not to make light of any of it but i'm staying the hell out of that particular continent.The hell with that returning to the mother land shite.
Oh, don't get me wrong, there are some nice places there, but Africa is like a real life internet, brilliant sights and tourist zones...then you accidentally go off the beaten track and get scarred by some troll with a machete.
Yeah...I honestly can not think of anything more terrifying then a real life internet all the sick,twisted shit i've stumbled upon..urghh..


Music Industry Corporate Whore
Nov 14, 2007
The people working in law enforcement, security and the military sure win this thread.

I've mainly seen violence at pubs. Music audiences, contrary to their image, are with few exceptions peaceful folks who rarely start shit (because they get all that aggression out safely through the music) but every time I have to go to a "sports bar" I always see people starting shit, getting bottled, getting roughed up by security etc. Saw a guy chase another down the street and start beating on him once but most violence I see is when bouncers tell some drunk guy he has to leave and the drunk guy doesn't want to go. I don't see most punter-to-punter violence though because I tend to be out of the venue before it's real late, I tend to hear about violence after it happens in a place where I was just at. A few people have died hours after I met them at a pub and had a nice, normal conversation about fairly mundane stuff. Maybe I'm the grim reaper and I don't know it.

I did also watch my mum die right in front of me but that was due to cancer and in a hospital bed (although "peaceful" is certainly the wrong word, it wasn't violent in the traditional sense either) so I guess it doesn't really count.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
The Spartan E1337 said:
Well this one time I went into the city and witnessed a fistfight between two drunken homeless guys. But that was pretty much it. Wow my life is boring.
Boring is good, if we're talking about violence :p

I've seen one or two kids get beaten up, but not particularly badly or anything. I've managed to avoid serious violence in my life so far, and I'd kind of like to keep it that way :p

William Ossiss

New member
Apr 8, 2010
im literally a pacifist. i prefer to contend with my words than fight. never been in a fight either. never seen one. i consider myself lucky.
Mar 28, 2009
I saw a guy get curb stomped, very similarly to that scene in American History X. I'm not sure whether the dude survived. Also seen a car crash and a group of 5 guys attack one guy. Those 5 guys were scum of the earth and fortunately I was with a bigger group and we managed to push them off but the guy they attacked had to go to hospital. Not the best party I've ever been to.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Perhaps the most violent thing Ive personally witnessed was being shot twice. Though I accidentally walked through a hobo knife fight once, which I had no idea how intense it was until I was already through it.

Chaos Inverse

New member
Apr 1, 2010
I saw a guy get jumped by 6 people in middle, no I did not intervene, I was 12 XP. I He got stomped on and was unconsious when it was over. The teachers came running and I was still in "deer in headlights" mode. I couldn't believe something like that happened in front of me. Crazy shit


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Kadoodle said:
A sad thing I saw: When I was 13 my mom was driving me to school and on the side of the road was a car with a dent in the hood and a big black dog lying on the street with its owner sobbing over it.
My heart just dropped. I got through the first page of this thread with nothing more than a little cringe, but when there's a dog involved...


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
When I was a kid, and lived with my grandparents, there was this couple who lived down the street one day they were standing on the front lawn yelling at each other. After about a half hour the lady ran inside her garage and came out with a bucket of, I guess it was gasoline, and drenched her self in it. she then lit her self on fire screaming, "This is what you did to me." until she was just a puddle of melted person stuck to the side walk... it was not pleasant...