What's the worst example of bad science in a film you've watched?


New member
Jan 20, 2010
You want bad science? Try the falling tank scene in the A-Team movie.

Not content with merely destroying some of my fondest childhood memories of saturday afternoon t.v. They then had to make a scene with so many faults of logic and laws of gravity it would make Sir Isaac Newton soil himself in disbelief. Here's how it goes down:

Our heroes (for lack of a more relevant word) escape an exploding aircraft carrier under attack from fighter jets by driving a tank out of the bay doors at a height of at least 30'000 ft, in order to survive this act of complete idiocy, they pop open the tanks hatch (without the change in air pressure sucking them out like a hairballs under a Dustbuster), "Face-Man" uses the tanks mounted 50. cal machine gun to take out the fighter jets (which he hits with all the accuracy of a guy who ISN'T rapidly hurtling to the ground in an umpteen tonne tank).

With their enemies smited, the team focuses on landing safely (like that's possible). "Hannibal" decides that the best course of action is to guide the tank into a nearby lake (to soften their impact) using the negative force of the tanks cannon recoil to navigate into the lake (i'm not qualified to argue wether or not this is possible but i will say its very unlikely he knows exactly what coordinates to bark out to achieve this and i very much doubt the recoil from the cannon will have enough force to counter the force of A TANK FALLING FROM THE SKY!!!).

Unfortunately for the viewers this plan works flawlessly and lands in the dead centre of the lake and cuts to them having suddenly safely escaped the submerged tank with them on the lakes jetty no worse for wear (when in reality if they hadn't been destroyed completely or smashed into the bed of the lake completely buried in a watery tank shaped grave, there is no chance in hell that the combined strength of all 4 members of the A-Team would be enough to force open a tanks hatch under the pressure of all that water, but i would have believed this if Mr T had reprised his T.V. role in the movie).

So there you have it this sub-Michael Bay turd of a movie has had it's crowning action set piece blown out of the water by a disgruntled fan of the original T.V. series. I feel so vindicated. No sequels please.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Can't think of any off-hand. But frankly I'm tired of the inevitable disaster movie catch-all solution...

"Use a nuke"

Seriously! In every disaster flick I've ever seen, that is ALWAYS the solution.


New member
Jul 9, 2010
Queen Michael said:
That you can hear explosions and laserguns in space.
It's the worst because the film-makers can't even plead ignorance - everybody knows about this.
That's one thing they take artistic license with. Battlestar Galactica would be half silent if they followed this rule - so would Star Wars etc. The sound of explosions are just way too cool.
And think of the trailers.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
To be fair...the star wars universe used "Plasma" weaponry. Star trek has no excuse.

On that note..."Macrossing" Laser beams (found in anime: Eureka 7, Macross universe, etc.) are the epitome of bad science. First you have visible beams in space...and then you have them CURVING to the target. So laser guided laser beams. Looks freaking epic yes...but face palm worthy at the same time.


New member
Aug 26, 2008
Independance Day!

Jeff Goldblume inplants a COMPUTER VIRUS on an alien computer. He does this without knowing the first thing about the operating system, what programming languages the aliens use, any possible security/firewall protection oreven THE BASIC LOGIC THE ALIENS USE! And he does this in a matter of hours!

Oh, and he is so certain this will work that he risks the entire human race on his strategy.


New member
Feb 24, 2009
Outright Villainy said:
As much as I enjoyed the first film, the Matrix as a concept makes no sense.
The laws of thermodynamics do not work that way!

[HEADING=2]Entropy motherfuckers! Look it up![/HEADING]
Blame the executives. Originally, the matrix was supposed to be using human brains as part of a massive parallel processor. Which makes markedly more sense.

They thought audiences wouldn't get it.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Bobic said:
The core. If wikipedia is to be trusted it was voted the worst film ever for bad science.
Yeah, while 2012 made stuff up about "Neutrinos behaving like microwaves" which is, to be fair, almost classifyable as technobabble, The Core had a serious problem with the main principles of Thermodynamics. So the material makes energy from pressure? Great, and how convenient that it is electrical energy too! And it gets even better with more pressure!

And pretty much every film where kids hack a security system in seconds. Take Jurassic Park, the girl who doesn't even know how to use a TORCH conveniently knows everything when it comes to getting behind a professional security firewall.

Also, I remember this film about huge bugs from the jurassic era killing subway workers. Forgot the name, but the film definitely hated physicists, biologists and the human race in general. These bugs were as big as a collie which is absolutely impossible due to their respiratory system. Insect's tracheas can't provide enough oxygen for this size, not even in the jurassic era which had a far higher oxygen level in the air.
Then it had the usual crap about evading the explosion from a room full of TNT by ducking under the fire and several things no sane human would do under these circumstances. A film I would like to nominate for the golden facepalm.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
Star wars, laser is concentrated light right? And NO ONE thought of using mirrors?

Outright Villainy

New member
Jan 19, 2010
ReSpawn said:
Outright Villainy said:
As much as I enjoyed the first film, the Matrix as a concept makes no sense.
The laws of thermodynamics do not work that way!

[HEADING=2]Entropy motherfuckers! Look it up![/HEADING]
Blame the executives. Originally, the matrix was supposed to be using human brains as part of a massive parallel processor. Which makes markedly more sense.

They thought audiences wouldn't get it.
See, that actually makes some sense. It's not out of the question to imagine human brains being used more efficiently and taking advantage of that. Plus it would explain why they wouldn't just lobotomise everyone to quell any rebellion.

The main thing that pissed me off though, is that even when I was 12 and saw it, the concept in the film didn't make sense. They hammer into you at a young age "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed..."


New member
Sep 10, 2009
The thing that really gets on my tits is when in disaster movies involving volcanos, somebody outruns a pyroclastic flow in a mother-fucking car. NO! YOU CANNOT DO THAT! YOU WOULD BE VOLCANO-FRIED DIPSHIT IF YOU TRIED. YOU FAIL.


New member
May 18, 2010
That bit in Jurassic Park 1 where the 70lb kid is mildly shocked by a 10,000v fence meant to subdue creatures up to 1ton in weight was pretty mind boggling.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
I am Omega said:
the Mayans don't even believe that bullshit, and it's their legend we base it on!
Actually, it's not even part of their mythology. The idiots over here just made the whole thing up because a couple of their calendars end then. For reference, my calendar ends on December 31st every year and I don't think it signals the apocalypse.

Also, OP, doesn't Solar Attack star Mark Dacascos? If it's what I'm thinking of, the horrendous science was actually hilarious.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
RAKtheUndead said:
CCountZero said:
Queen Michael said:
That you can hear explosions and laserguns in space.
It's the worst because the film-makers can't even plead ignorance - everybody knows about this.
This isn't an example of "bad science". They're perfectly aware of this.

The reason for them breaking this rule of science is that the moviegoers and -buyers wouldn't be comfortable watching a movie that includes thirty minutes of space warfare, with nothing but Captain Kirk occasionally screaming commands to his subordinates.

That would, simply put, be mindboggingly boring.
Their fault for not focusing on other aspects of space warfare than the fighting. In Sergio Leone's Spaghetti Westerns, the build-up to violence is more thrilling than the actual fighting. A good director would know how to work around that basis.
Yes but it's hard to pull off the same suspense in a three-way mexican standoff using X-Wings instead of people.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Queen Michael said:
That you can hear explosions and laserguns in space.
It's the worst because the film-makers can't even plead ignorance - everybody knows about this.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
This is a pretty old debate, so I shouldn't have to say this but... to all the people saying "silent space battles would be boring": Yes, you are quite right, watching a long action sequence with a completely silent soundtrack would be pretty boring. But there are plenty of ways to accurately portray the lack of sound in a vacuum without having no sound at all. For one thing, there's background music. Never underestimate what a good score can do for a movie. Then there's the radio chatter between pilots, we can hear that can't we? And if the POV is inside a cockpit, we can hear the sounds of the fighter's own weapons. In fact, most movie space battles, the camera spends relatively little time actually in space, it's mostly on the bridge of the starship, or the cockpit of the fighter.

There are movies and shows that got all this stuff right, and in fact used the silence to great effect - firefly/serenity and 2001: A Space Oddessy spring to mind. And of course the new BSG (kind of.)


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Erm, Plan 9 from outer space anyone?

"According to Eros, the humans will eventually discover the solarbonite, a bomb that has the effect of exploding "sunlight molecules". Eros explains that a solarbonite explosion would destroy everything the sunlight touches, causing a chain reaction that would eventually destroy the entire universe."

0_O ?

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
RobfromtheGulag said:
That bit in Jurassic Park 1 where the 70lb kid is mildly shocked by a 10,000v fence meant to subdue creatures up to 1ton in weight was pretty mind boggling.
It's not the voltage, but the ampere, that kills you.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
The Rage

It's so bad it's funny. It's like the genetically deformed love child of The crazies and the Resident Evil series.

Except this particular lovechild is slow, unwilling, and has the level of intelligence of a piece of bacteria.

Thought I'd throw in some science-y metaphors and hyperboles there ;D