What's the worst Movie you ever saw?


New member
Jul 3, 2011
It has to be Alien vs Predator 2 I never in my life thought I would say to myself leaving a cinema "I wish I'd watched Alvin and The Chipmunks instead." Wolverine come a close second Alien vs Predator 2 was BAD but it did'nt make me as angry as Wolverine made me


New member
Nov 19, 2009
"the lost colony" by/with Adrian Paul.

It didnt make a lick of sense. The movie break its own rules all the time. Stuff happen without reasons. It was just so bad that my friends and i could only laugh at it.


New member
Jul 31, 2011
The worst movie I've ever seen is Repo! The Genetic Opera. This film is a badly written, badly shot, badly directed, badly acted musical that was so transparent in its shameless attempt to gain "cult classic" status that it advertised itself as a cult classic before it was released. Nothing about Repo! works. It's absolutely sickening. The worst thing about it, however, was how high on itself it was. One can tell, watching this debauchery, that it genuinely expected to gain a following on par with The Rocky Horror Picture Show. You don't set out to get a following like that. It just happens. Trying to make it happen is about as cheap and tawdry as a marketing ploy can get. Repo! is pure lowest common denominator. The only people who genuinely enjoy it are those who call themselves 'nonconformists' while spending hundreds of dollars of their parents' money at their local Hot Topic.

Two runners-up are Apollo 18 and Underworld: Evolution.

Superior Mind

New member
Feb 9, 2009
A French film from the 70s called I Will Walk Like a Crazy Horse. That film is the most gross, pretentious, patronising and pointless film I have ever seen. Watching it made me physically angry.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
meowchef said:
Crank, Bruno or Be Cool. Can't decide which one.
Dear god, Bruno. I didn't even want to see it, and yet I saw it.

And since the works of those idiots Seltzer & Friedberg have already been mentioned, I'll have to say......Shark Tale. What a turd.



New member
Oct 9, 2008
Nouw said:
Sucker Punch was pretty awful. Then again, Shrek 4 was too.
I guess you could call Shrek 4 bad. However, when you hold it up to Shrek 3 it was Emmy sweeping material.

Sorry to say I've seen so many bad films I wouldn't know where to begin. I had a friend who'd gather us all together once or twice a year to watch the absolutely, MST3K bypassed, mind-numbingly awful movies of all time. Thankfully he also provided plenty of liquor to dull the senses. The worst I can remember would be Vegas in Space.


New member
May 10, 2009
The Green Mile
*awaits flaming*

Im not even sure what i didn't like about it, it just annoyed me. Couldn't decide whether it wanted to be a fantasy or a drama and it failed on both counts (at least i think so).


New member
May 26, 2008
Okay, just need to clarify: Worst movie I've ever seen, or movie I enjoyed the least?

On a technical level, Tommy Wiseau's infamous The Room is probably the worst movie I've ever seen, but I laughed myself silly at it and it turned into a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

That I enjoyed the least was probably Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant, but that's my fault for watching the film version of my childhood favorite book series. The production values were fine, and most of the acting was fine (except for Chris Massoglia. Dear God, I've seen corpses exhibit more emotion than that kid), but they just butchered every aspect of the story. The only thing that resembled the book series were the names and, loosely, the plot. Just about everything else was changed. Now, maybe I'm too closed minded, but it seems to me that when you're adapting a series of popular books you should probably leave some things the fucking same!

I can forgive John C. Reilly for his part in it because, while he played his character the exact opposite of how he was written, he at least did a good job playing it the way he did.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
twistedmic said:
The worst movie that I was able to finish watching is a toss up between 'Skin Walkers' (essentially the Twilight of werewolf movies) and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
'Skin Walkers' I got as a free rental from Blockbuster and I still feel like I overpaid for the pile of shit. I will never get that hour and a half back. And watching Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (I refuse to acknowledge it as an Indiana Jones movie)on t.v. was like watching a train wreck or a failed American Idol audition. I just could not look away, no matter how bad it got.

The worst movie that I didn't finish watching would have to be 'Barry Lyndon' by Stanley Kubrick. It was insanely long, boring and slow moving. I watched it for what felt like three or four hours (nearly fell asleep several times) and checked the run time to see how close to the end I was. I quickly turned the movie off when I realized I barely halfway through the movie (it was three hours long and I had been watching for an hour and a half).
Gah, you did it! I had successfully forgotten about Crystal Skull crap and you brought it back! You are truly evil, my friend.

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
Wow, three pages and no-one mentioned twilight or the star wars prequals. Yay escapist :)

OT: Epic movie was utter shit. There's nothing humorous about it at all. Also high school musical *shudders*.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
soulsabr said:
Gah, you did it! I had successfully forgotten about Crystal Skull crap and you brought it back! You are truly evil, my friend.
If I have to remember that abomination, I'm going to make sure that other people remember it as well. I will not suffer alone.