What's your controversial opinion?

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Darth Caelum said:
.....I swear, my mind is like a mix of a utopian democracy and a stalinist dictatorship sometimes.
I agree, it sounds like a confusing mess.

Or maybe you're just... Stalin for time!


OT: I've read some very interesting subjects brought up here, so I'm glad I started this thread. (Also I got my 10,000 view badge for what it's worth.(Not much, but still.))

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Slenn said:
I honestly don't know what to put down. I just like reading all the responses that people give. And most of them have to do with either reforming religion or getting rid of it entirely.
I agree, but I feel like I set mine out fairly diplomatically. However it is an overwhelming opinion here, so I'll just list other opinions of mine.

If someone is no longer able to do things for themselves/is bed ridden in perpetual suffering with no hope of recovery, they should be allowed the option of Euthanasia so they can die with dignity (it's sure as hell more dignified than wasting away in a hospital bed.) but it is entirely their choice.

I think that while guns were made as weapons of war, they are more than that. The collection of them is as justified as any other hobby, provided you can prove yourself to be an entirely sane individual. I know this website is fairly anti-gun. Really, I would want them because I like shooting targets AND find the specifics of the things to be interesting. Despite the fact that it's guns we're talking about, it's as justified as people who collect wine and don't drink it but rather store rare vintages. Another thing I have in this vein is that I train gun dogs. (The dogs I train from puppyhood to adulthood come out with a very good nature, are obedient and very friendly. Their playful nature makes them good pets, too.) This could be thought of as the same as collecting guns. People pay large amounts for a decent dog trained to do something like herd sheep or retrieve a hunter's kills.

I feel that it is easy to become a skilled sportsman than it is to become distinguished artistically or become a skilled worker in things that directly contribute to society (e.g. a science or architecture based career) ergo sports players should be paid far, far less for essentially doing something that is basically a game for a living. Certainly not enough to make them rich. However, due to sponsorships and the like, this would be difficult to achieve.

There should be increased tax deduction for families with one unemployed parent, or an approved rotation of who works and who stays home in the week. This would ideally encourage people to be better parents and so would improve society in the long run.

Edit: Got another one:

Restaurants should have a section for people bringing little children. This section would be separated off with a vacuum sealed door and sound proofing. Keep all the tantrums in one place, don't ruin the evening for the people who got babysitters.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
If I lived in America I think I would be more controversial.

-I think that the death sentence is a barbaric and stupid idea.
-I'm Pro-choice
-Civilians shouldn't have access to guns
-Children aren't scum
-Most people you meet in life really aren't that bad
-Society isn't dying any more than it ever has been


New member
Oct 24, 2010
Dulcinea said:
Tentickles said:
Dulcinea said:
If you're going to advocate the execution of handicapped children, could you not quote me to do so? Thank you.
You're asking someone to limit what they are saying in a thread about controversy?
I asked them not to use me to say what they want.

Did you read the message before posting?
Why did you reply to this thread in the first place? It's bound to happen (it did) that you'll get quoted by someone and with the topic of the discussion you'll probably dislike what they are saying.

Which is why I called you a hypocrite.

Chocolate Mousse

New member
May 23, 2011
- That it is unfair to immediately think of a person as an idiot and not worth talking to just because (s)he is religious. ( I have met plenty of perfectly nice religious people with normal IQ thank you very much.)

- Extreme Feminism is goddamn annoying.

- I find Xbox live too full of 12 year old trolls who barely understand what they're saying.

- Abortion is Murder

- Christianity and Islam (and religion overall) in themselves are not evil. I think it was Gandhi who said something like "I love Christianity, but I hate Christians.

- The internet is both the greatest and worst invention of mankind.

- I agree that there are people deserving of the death penalty.

- Humanity can never be united as one.

- WewillbetakenoverbyrobotoverlordsAUUUGGGHH!

Should make for an interesting first post :)


New member
Oct 24, 2010
Dulcinea said:
I don't think you understand what a hypocrite is, as you are continually using it incorrectly. That or you simply wish to insult me and are reaching for the first available word.
We are never going to make an impact on each other.
This conversation is over.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Everything (even the bad) that happens in the world and the past should be made into a joke / humor.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Mine would be that all immigrants who actually ruin my day or life (even in terms of bullying) should be kicked out of the country.

Im not racist, its not because theyre a different race, its because there are so many families wanting to get in, and they probably deserve it more if your just going to come over here and ruin peopls day/lives/etc

Then again, same goes ffor racist people.

I did have a way better one thats always on my mind, but for the love of the escapist I just cant remember it


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Many people give me wierd looks when i state that i support Religion and Laws pulling off the wings of Science. My view is that many people are unaware that anything good that might come from that prospect of unrestrained Science is overshadowed by the abominations that labs will belch forward for military or personal gain.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
ThePirateMan said:
Yeah, sorry about that first thing, I forgot to mention that my more militant beliefs are more directed at Christianity and Islam. I havn't learned enough about the far eastern religions to make any decisive judgement on how bad/good/whatever they can really be deemed, my apologies. I didn't put a lot of thought into my post now in retrospective, which is definitely not good in an argumentative thread.

But yeah, in regard to your point, we don't know what is right or wrong here. But this whole thing seems kind of like a fairy tale to me. "There's an invisible pink unicorn somewhere in this galaxy with god-like powers!" - There would no way of disproving or proving that and I would say the same for god. Atheism seems like a better choice than, say, Christianity because in atheism you don't let this thing that you don't really know whether it exists or not dictate your life, while you do so within religions. I don't see any reason to believe in something that could very well be completely made up.
That's why I'm Agnostic :)


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Vault Girl said:
Abengoshis said:
I agree, anyway my controversial opinion?
Free will is a delusion, but fate/destiny don't exist.
So are you suggesting that Free Will is more of a social constraint rather then a Omni benevolent one?
I don't know.


New member
Mar 26, 2011
I'm a Christian

I strongly support gay marriage. The government has no right to force Christian morals on people who don't agree with them.

Women should have abortion rights even though I don't agree with it in most cases.

Science and Religion don't conflict in my eyes. In fact, studying the natural world God created can be a form of worship.

I don't think ending religion will make the world any better. If there is one thing humanity is good at it's finding reasons to kill each other. Something else will replace it.

Being a nontheist doesn't automatically mean you have good critical thinking skills.

I'm a Dynasty Warriors fan.

Superman is better than Batman

I'm waiting till I marry before I have sex.

I don't like chocolate.

Everyone is a hypocrite.

Women should register for the draft even if they only have supporting roles in the military.


New member
Apr 5, 2008
My controversial opinion that often pisses people off would be that I don't consider pedophiles to be evil people. Don't get me wrong, a rapist especially a child rapist is an extremely evil person in my eyes but that's not the same thing as a pedophile. A child rapist is a pedophile yes, but only because they acted on their urges. Would you call a person who thought about killing someone a murderer? Because if so then you should probably lock up about 90% of the population.

A person is judged for their actions, not their thoughts.

A pedophile is a mentally ill person who is a danger, but the same can be said for anyone with a mental illness. A pedophile needs treatment, not to be publicly excluded when they haven't done anything. And most don't get treatment because they're terrified of the public. People have such an overreaction to these people they're doing more harm than good.

But remember, I do not, under any circumstances, condone an adult having sex with an underage child. That is wrong. Extremely wrong. And anyone who rapes a child can have their dick cut off as far as I'm concerned about those scum. But if you want to reduce the number of pedophiles in the world, you can't label someone as evil if they haven't done anything yet. Get them treatment.


New member
Jun 27, 2010

-Politics is a waste of time. We need people to be in charge, absolutely. All the baloney around elections and electoral colleges and the lies and the terrible empty promises plus laws like the Patriot Act . . . It just makes things WORSE. NOTHING HAPPENED DIFFERENT.


I can't exactly propose a fix to this problem either, it brings my piss to a boil.

-Criminals should be eliminated, not a death penalty, but some sort of transport or something that ensures they can't keep the taxes skyrocketing.

-Oh and the government should have no right to keep anything secret, especially experimental aircraft and other military B.S. Less weird reports and wikileaks on UFO's if you'd just admit it was a plane.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Implying I said:
America deserved 9/11 and America and Israel are the biggest threats to world peace

Israel should be destroyed

the moderators on this site suck
Some of us are pretty okay >_<


New member
May 18, 2009
LightningBanks said:
Mine would be that all immigrants who actually ruin my day or life (even in terms of bullying) should be kicked out of the country.

Im not racist, its not because theyre a different race, its because there are so many families wanting to get in, and they probably deserve it more if your just going to come over here and ruin peopls day/lives/etc

Then again, same goes ffor racist people.

I did have a way better one thats always on my mind, but for the love of the escapist I just cant remember it
But wait what about non-immigrants who ruin they're day hmmm?