Whats your least fav game of last generation?


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
B-Cell said:
Why you guys derailed my intellectual intelligent thread?


Does anyone else suspect what I suspect?

Because at this point I honestly can't tell.


New member
Jul 5, 2015
initially it would be mass effect 3.. first game in 30 years of gaming that retroactively destroyed my interest in a series for 2 years. but its tolerable now with the directors cut ending

otherwise assassins creed. heard good things but borderline unplayable with mouse and keyboard. made it to the first city, walked around for 10 minutes never went back


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
For me it would be Mass Effect 3.

It's not even that it is a bad game, but it was the first in the series where the ending had me go "Meh! Is that it?"

There were some good ideas about the endings but to me they were just so badly executed that it was like they were outsourced.

And I fully confess it, where was my Shepard lives ending damn it! And no, I don't count the breath scene.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
Easy my least favourite and in many respects worst game ever created imo:-

Soul Calibur Lost Swords absolute trainwreck of a game from concept to implementation. Im actually glad it no longer exists was kinda painful looking at it seeing how far one of your favourite series had fallen at the maltreatment from its supposed protectors.

Hopefully SC6 can save it if it ever even becomes a thing and they dont just shut the series away in the coffin of abandoned once loved IPs they destroyed.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
I fairly certain "Sonic '06" wins worst game of last generation, unless there was something more broken, incoherent and messy than that trainwreck (maybe "Steel Battalion: Heavy Armour"?)

My least favourite game from last gen is "Halo 4", though. When it's not stealing from previous "Halo" games it's desperately attributing itself to current trends while containing a weak story that spends its entire run time pissing over the games that got us here. More infuriating is the fact that it actually has one genuinely good mission in it, and the odd moment of characterisation is playfully well done, so potential was actually wasted. The general gameplay is also laggy, so I can be both bored and have a headache as I trudge through repetitive missions that are relentlessly padded.

On it's own merits it's a sub-par shooter that could be thrown in a pile with any sub-par shooter of that type. To the "Halo" series as a whole it's a freakish amalgamation that should have been collectively incinerated before it was ever put to stores.

Given that it was updated as part of the "Master Chief Collection" (still incredibly laggy and actually crashed when I was playing "Halo 4"), consider it my least favourite game of this generation as well.


New member
Sep 15, 2011
Probably that AAA title that was too short, too easy, wasted its budget on celebrity voice actors and over-the-top cut scenes, forced you to be online during offline play, had an unnecessarily long, built-in tutorial, quick-time events,
and an obligatory crafting system. It just wasn't worth the 80 bucks for the 'special edition' and another 20 for the 'online pass'.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
I can't tell if this thread is gonna be closed because of the inevitable argument that arise from bad mouthing The Last of Us or Fallout 3(or Emperor help you if you bad mouth Mass Effect or Bioshock in my presence!) or if the Edge is going to get way too Edgy up in here!

I expect the former, but really hope for the latter.

Anyway I'll chime in here with a pretty terrible game though: Divinity Original Sin. What a massively boring game, which, to be fair, I have heard gets really good like 10 hours in after you get to leave the starting city and do more. But I ain't about to waste 10 hours grinding away in a massive, boring and damn near empty city doing fuck all.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
So much ironic humor in this thread. It's like perfect hipster bait.

That said, I'm actually going to try and answer this seriously. For me the worst of the last gen was a tie between two things: the games that followed assassin's creed 2 and EA's mandatory requirement for Origin.

AC2 was the first one I played from the series, and I loved nearly everything (to hell with the feathers, though). I thought the historical context was interesting and the human origin plot with the gods and approaching apocalypse blew me away; then it was just nothing but wasted potential as ubi turned it into a cash cow. And that's not even counting the issues that uplay brought about.

Origin has actually kept me from playing a large number of games as I absolutely refuse to install that on my system. I missed out on DA 2+3, ME3, and will continue to miss out on upcoming stuff that I really wanted like Mirror's Edge "2". Yes, I use steam, and I wasn't thrilled when I first had to start using it back when half-life 2 came out and it was little more than always on drm. However, I got to watch as valve turned their tool into something considerably more: it's a lightweight, easy to use store that has only enhanced pc gaming (or filled it with crap, depending on how you view early access). Origin was just very obviously EA going 'more money for us!'


Reprogrammed Spambot
Nov 24, 2012
Oh that's easy. Silent Hill HD Collection. It's just not the same without the original VO and the fog! Why remove fog from Silent Hill? The fog is half the point - it's what makes the town such a foreboding place to visit!


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
B-Cell said:
Why you guys derailed my intellectual intelligent thread?
Because this is the Escapist, and you created a thread that asked people to voice opinions on the quality of pop culture things. To expect them to NOT derail your thread, and turn it into something cynical and ironic is optimistic, but naive.

OT: Probably the Tomb Raider reboot, but my most personal disappointment would have to be Max Payne 3. I loved the MP series, and while I did appreciate Rockstar's attempt to make MP 3 be a video game version of Man on Fire (seriously, they even incorporated the "we'll put the dialogue on the screen while the characters say the words" schtick), it just didn't fit Max Payne. Plus they made him so mopey and depressed, it totally negated the cathartic ending of MP 2, where he was actually able to find some closure, and have at least something of a happy life.

If the game had been anything aside from Max Payne, and had just been "A video game version of Man on Fire", without the backstory of MP, I would've loved it. But they didn't actually do anything with Max's backstory in the game, so really what was the point, other than to simply cash in on the franchise dollars?

The music was good though. Love that title song Health, fucking awesome every time I hear it.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Andy Shandy said:
So much edge in here I heard "You think you know me".

Anyway my choice is probably Sonic '06. As someone who has been brought up through with the Sonic games, this was like watching him get him by a car. Then the car explodes and bursts into flames. And then neo-nazis come and piss on it to try and put it out. Music was still good, though.
Jesus Christ you cant begin to imagine how much I laughed at the Edge line

Hm lets see least favourite? Its hard to say since I played hundreds of games last gen.... Probably something like Bioshock Infinite and not even because its a bad game, just its an incredibly incredibly okay game when it shouldve been great and because im drawing a complete blank right now on bad games I played


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
flying_whimsy said:
Origin has actually kept me from playing a large number of games as I absolutely refuse to install that on my system. I missed out on DA 2+3, ME3, and will continue to miss out on upcoming stuff that I really wanted like Mirror's Edge "2". Yes, I use steam, and I wasn't thrilled when I first had to start using it back when half-life 2 came out and it was little more than always on drm. However, I got to watch as valve turned their tool into something considerably more: it's a lightweight, easy to use store that has only enhanced pc gaming (or filled it with crap, depending on how you view early access). Origin was just very obviously EA going 'more money for us!'
Why not give Origin the same chance as you gave Steam? After all Valve are hardly consumer rights champions themselves.

Origin has moved on a lot from its old days as the EA Download Manager and feature wise isn't that far behind Steam.

in the end it is silly to miss out on games because of a download manager when you accept one from another company.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Ezekiel said:
Happyninja42 said:
Because this is the Escapist, and you created a thread that asked people to voice opinions on the quality of pop culture things. To expect them to NOT derail your thread, and turn it into something cynical and ironic is optimistic, but naive.

OT: Probably the Tomb Raider reboot, but my most personal disappointment would have to be Max Payne 3. I loved the MP series, and while I did appreciate Rockstar's attempt to make MP 3 be a video game version of Man on Fire (seriously, they even incorporated the "we'll put the dialogue on the screen while the characters say the words" schtick), it just didn't fit Max Payne. Plus they made him so mopey and depressed, it totally negated the cathartic ending of MP 2, where he was actually able to find some closure, and have at least something of a happy life.

If the game had been anything aside from Max Payne, and had just been "A video game version of Man on Fire", without the backstory of MP, I would've loved it. But they didn't actually do anything with Max's backstory in the game, so really what was the point, other than to simply cash in on the franchise dollars?

The music was good though. Love that title song Health, fucking awesome every time I hear it.
Yeah, and Max Payne was inspired by The Matrix (bullet time), noir films like The Maltese Falcon, as well as the movie Se7en and The Usual Suspects. To be honest, I actually found Max Payne 2 cliche the first time I played it.


But when Rockstar decides to take inspiration elsewhere, it's bad somehow. The fact that Max Payne 2 had finality to it is exactly why they shouldn't have emulated the first two. It ended. They rightfully took a lot of the things that made Max Payne Max Payne but took it in a new direction. I did find it interesting that Max was so depressed after the last line in Max Payne 2, but not unbelievable.
I agree, it really does kinda help to hammer home what long term drug and alcohol abuse does to someone, even if they are a badass like Max Payne.
I'll admit, I only got into the series by MP3 and I've yet to play the other 2 games, but that intro scene alone was fucking amazing, just seeing what a "Normal" day for Max was like, namely popping pills and drinking whiskey before having a breakdown over that picture of his lost family, Dat Music and Voice-over, really sold me on what was to come.
On top of that, it really kinda showed a side of Action heroes we don't really see IMO, namely that even if they win, the effects of all those gunfights and killing countless baddies does take it's toll, something that is shown when Max fails to save that rich family even after all the shit he goes though to try.
I know that a lot of people don't like the story but I really did find myself getting drawn into the character's mindset over the course of the game.

Also, The Airport level, Dear God, the Airport level.
I know that COD and countless other shooters have had levels like that, but the music, the scope and the way it played out made it feel much more badass then any other examples I can think of, even if other shooters had far more massive gun battles or more dangerous foes.

Vanilla ISIS

New member
Dec 14, 2015
Everything else mentioned in this thread is better (and most games mentioned here aren't even bad).

I got this game for free and I felt ripped off.
I can't really point to a bad thing in that game since it's all bad.
The gimmick of taking over other people's bodies as well as getting the enemy robots to be on your side is a nice idea but the execution is terrible.
Even if the game wasn't unfinished and full of bugs, it would still be one of the most boring and monotone things ever.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Ezekiel said:
Happyninja42 said:
B-Cell said:
Why you guys derailed my intellectual intelligent thread?
Because this is the Escapist, and you created a thread that asked people to voice opinions on the quality of pop culture things. To expect them to NOT derail your thread, and turn it into something cynical and ironic is optimistic, but naive.

OT: Probably the Tomb Raider reboot, but my most personal disappointment would have to be Max Payne 3. I loved the MP series, and while I did appreciate Rockstar's attempt to make MP 3 be a video game version of Man on Fire (seriously, they even incorporated the "we'll put the dialogue on the screen while the characters say the words" schtick), it just didn't fit Max Payne. Plus they made him so mopey and depressed, it totally negated the cathartic ending of MP 2, where he was actually able to find some closure, and have at least something of a happy life.

If the game had been anything aside from Max Payne, and had just been "A video game version of Man on Fire", without the backstory of MP, I would've loved it. But they didn't actually do anything with Max's backstory in the game, so really what was the point, other than to simply cash in on the franchise dollars?

The music was good though. Love that title song Health, fucking awesome every time I hear it.
Yeah, and Max Payne was inspired by The Matrix (bullet time), noir films like The Maltese Falcon, as well as the movie Se7en and The Usual Suspects. To be honest, I actually found Max Payne 2 cliche the first time I played it.


But when Rockstar decides to take inspiration elsewhere, it's bad somehow. The fact that Max Payne 2 had finality to it is exactly why they shouldn't have emulated the first two. It ended. They rightfully took a lot of the things that made Max Payne Max Payne but took it in a new direction. I did find it interesting that Max was so depressed after the last line in Max Payne 2, but not unbelievable.
Interesting, you and I came away from the final scene of MP 2 with totally different opinions on his mental state. From the imagery, the dialogue, it felt to me like, even though Mona had died, he had found a way to be at peace with himself. The final shot, is him being lit up with bright light (from the cops flashlights, but the imagery is bright), and you hear the cop say "It's Max! He's Alive!" Implying that he was now actually "alive" and not just sleep walking through misery. And then it goes into the song Late Goodbye, which always felt like a cathartic song to me. I didn't get the impression that he was going to continue his drug fueled bender that is implied with MP 3. Which is why it annoyed me so much. Though I agree MP 2 felt more cliche when it came out. I enjoyed the first game more, I think partly because of the potential for supernatural element of it, that was totally tossed to the side after the first game. Which I thought was sad, it added an interesting subtext to it, almost Twin Peaks, or In The Mouth of Madness-esque mood to it.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
votemarvel said:
Why not give Origin the same chance as you gave Steam? After all Valve are hardly consumer rights champions themselves.

Origin has moved on a lot from its old days as the EA Download Manager and feature wise isn't that far behind Steam.

in the end it is silly to miss out on games because of a download manager when you accept one from another company.
I actually had it as the download manager back in the day, and I was fine with it being what it was. It had the misfortune of just screaming cash grab when it was released. I already had to abandon all of my ubisoft games because uplay broke so bad I can't even re-install it; not going to bother with EA's little bit of spyware.

Also, I'm on a general boycott of EA games: they have bad business practices and no respect for us as consumers. I don't mind missing out on a few games here and there; there's plenty of fish in that particular pond. Call it silly if you want, but I consider it more a matter of personal principle (I'm not saying you shouldn't buy stuff from EA or use Origin, I'm just explaining why I choose to pass on them).

You are right about valve, however; since nearly my entire pc library is through steam I no longer have the option of abandoning them. All I can do is sit back and frown at news of more hats, paid mods, and a less than optimal approach to bans and refunds.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Wait a minute. There is something familiar with that list... oh, it's the "predict the overrated games" OP.


Alone in the Dark

Ghostbusters (Wii version): I didn't like the repetitive gameplay, the glitchy texture loading (whole rooms just popping into existence) and the uncannily awful stylisation of Peter Venkman and Ray Stantz.

Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs: to be honest, it was more disappointing than bad. Much less scary, mechanically more shallow, and with easier puzzles than Amnesia: The Dark Descent.


New member
Jul 20, 2015
Metroid: Other M. It is not the worst game. There were certainly worse games. But not only was this one a major disappointment, it also fundamentally damaged the Metroid brand, possibly permanently.