When it comes to dating how young is too young ?


New member
May 25, 2009
HG131 said:
It's not murder, it's getting rid of a parasite.

Give it to the state. That is free.

Ok, fair point.
So babies are now parasites?
See it is easy to spin something to make the other look bad. It happens all the time in politics (tis a good name for it, poly is a prefix meaning many and ticks a bloodsucking parasites).

I do not see why you condone such behavior for such a young girl. She is 12, she should not be having kids. I am not sure why you think she should, but I have to do what I can to prevent that. If it means knocking some sense into her, I will.


New member
Jan 8, 2011
i think that 13-14 is okay to start going out, kissing, stuff like that. but nothing big and serious until you're about 16/17

Kirch Libre

New member
Jun 22, 2010
Under 18 is too young because you don't even have a concrete view of who you are as an individual. And even by then you are just beginning to scratch the surface of yourself. When you get past all of those fucking hormones and give yourself some time to be your own best friend, your are more likely to have a more meaningful and longer lasting relationship. But what the fuck do I know I'm just some person on the internet and no kid is gonna listen to anybody who has walked down that road before. Go on and enroll in the school of hard knocks.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
BlueGlowstick said:
2733 said:
BlueGlowstick said:
I graduated from high school in May '10 & I knew girls who had already had babies. I've never had a boyfriend or anything. My family said I couldn't date until I was 18. But here I am, 3 days from 19 & no boyfriend. Bummer.
19 and never had a boyfriend? it is my civic duty both as a person and a single 21 year old male to rectify this situation;)

back to the op, love knows no age, what you may feel for someone doesn't change if you are 14 or 34 or 84. Sex however, should be held off until both people are mature enough to understand the nature of what they do.
in the words of Fran Fine, aka The Nanny: "Wow, that sounds painful!"

OT: HOW YOUNG IS TOO YOUNG?! Answer: 16 & younger... *types in the words for the Captcha so she can post... damn*
Rectify does not mean what I think you think it means...I think.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
2733 said:
BlueGlowstick said:
2733 said:
BlueGlowstick said:
I graduated from high school in May '10 & I knew girls who had already had babies. I've never had a boyfriend or anything. My family said I couldn't date until I was 18. But here I am, 3 days from 19 & no boyfriend. Bummer.
19 and never had a boyfriend? it is my civic duty both as a person and a single 21 year old male to rectify this situation;)

back to the op, love knows no age, what you may feel for someone doesn't change if you are 14 or 34 or 84. Sex however, should be held off until both people are mature enough to understand the nature of what they do.
in the words of Fran Fine, aka The Nanny: "Wow, that sounds painful!"

OT: HOW YOUNG IS TOO YOUNG?! Answer: 16 & younger... *types in the words for the Captcha so she can post... damn*
Rectify does not mean what I think you think it means...I think.
I know what it means. :) it's just I had to seize the moment & say it lol.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
Depends how you define dating, I mean I was a fairly precocious child, my mom got a call from my second grade teacher because I kissed a boy a grade higher than mine, (mind you I started puberty not long after that really so...) So I think it more depends on the individual than putting an age limit on it quite honestly


New member
Aug 29, 2008
x434343 said:
For my kids:

Sons, before 14 is crazy.
Daughters, before I die is nuts.

LOOOOL dont have sisters or daughters but I can agree with you on this. Some cousins from the states were over on holidays. 19 and 17, my friends were 18 - 19 at the time I was a bit older at 20, I asked the girls if they'd like to come out to a friends house that evening as she was having a party.

First thing I did was take two of the lads aside, you know the ones who spend most of their time chasing tail. I asked them to leave the girls alone. To quote Martin Lawrence "Aint gona be no fuckin tonight" is basicly what I said. I added the subtle hint that I would murder them if they didnt do as asked haha.

Nothing hapened and while these two guys arent the worst in the world I just didnt want them anywhere near my couins. They even asked afterwards why I said that to them, in their words 'surely you'd prefer us to somebody you dont know' I didnt really have an ansewer for that except for 'I'd do it again if they were here tomorrow'.

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
Given how mature people tend to be these days, I'd say dating before 25 is a waste of time.

Now I have to decide if I'm joking or serious.

Stand Alone Complex

New member
Jan 9, 2011
16 is a good age. Anything before that is silliness. It means nothing. This is not to say I didn't try to date before 16, because I was the first one to date back in elementary school. That was back when everyone was like ewwwww boys or ewwwww cooties.

What can I say. I was a trend setta' B-)

Oh, and if I have a daughter, she won't be allowed to date anyone more than 2 years older than her while she lives under my roof!

If I have a boy can do as he pleases. ;)

I know too well that guys that are much older than girls are up to no good most of the time!