When it comes to dating how young is too young ?


New member
Aug 20, 2010
echioderm said:
I think that may be a small case of bullshit-itis in order to sound big, clever and more grown up to their mates.
They might have had sex but it obviously would have been 5 seconds of touching and then 40 minutes of crying.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
I'd say most teenagers are too immature to handle relationships so I would disapprove of anyone below the age of 18 dating with a complete cut off point at 15.


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Apr 8, 2010
i try to stay within about 2 years younger (max) and older is pretty much whatever. In general terms this has always kept me right.
On topic, yeah, they get younger and its not a good thing. Trouble is, now that society has all accepted that sex is good fun and its not "taboo" to talk about it publicly with friends or any of that any more. Of course kids will pick up on it and want to try it for themselves. Its not right, but thats how it is.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
If you need to get your parents to bring you to them, you're too young. I live in a similar town, and go to a similar school (only we start at 7th grade so we're even smaller than you!!!!)


New member
May 25, 2009
HG131 said:
You're in the mindset of whatever your age is. He's 15. That's a 3 year difference. Nobody says a thing about a 23 and a 20 year old dating, do they?
3 years is a big difference for a 12 year old. Tis like a 20 year old with a 15 year old. The 15 year old exploited my sister, who is too young to know any better.

As for your original remark about me, I am not anything like that. Women are not objects to be controlled or exploited. The males (underserving of the title of "men") that abuse their women deserve no mercy or pity, only swift punishment fitting for such cowardice.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009


New member
May 25, 2009
HG131 said:
Yet you're saying you would beat her if she dared to dress in a way you don't like?
Yes, I will not let my sister become a whore. Just because mom is a non-parent (I was raised by my dad after they split luckily, my mom is undserving of the title of mother) doesn't mean she can act how she wants. Bad parenting allows bad influences to take over their children. Shows like 16 and Pregnant make it seem like it is good to get knocked up before you graduate. People like that Gaga thing and Paris Hilton make it seem like being a whore is a good thing. Parents need to do some parenting to keep their children from being like those bad influences. If my mom won't be a parent, I will. Afterall, someone has to knock some sense into her.
Try as much as you like to spin things so I look bad. My brothers ruined their lives by getting a whorish girl knocked up, I will not let her do the same.


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Jun 29, 2009
High school. I say possessing the ability to be attracted to the opposite sex is important in relationships.


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Jan 7, 2011
demoman_chaos said:
HG131 said:
Yet you're saying you would beat her if she dared to dress in a way you don't like?
Yes, I will not let my sister become a whore. Just because mom is a non-parent (I was raised by my dad after they split luckily, my mom is undserving of the title of mother) doesn't mean she can act how she wants. Bad parenting allows bad influences to take over their children. Shows like 16 and Pregnant make it seem like it is good to get knocked up before you graduate. People like that Gaga thing and Paris Hilton make it seem like being a whore is a good thing. Parents need to do some parenting to keep their children from being like those bad influences. If my mom won't be a parent, I will. Afterall, someone has to knock some sense into her.
Try as much as you like to spin things so I look bad. My brothers ruined their lives by getting a whorish girl knocked up, I will not let her do the same.
This seems to be a well known Illness known as, Hillbilly syndrome. As you stated your sister is too young to know better and should be taught properly of what right and wrong is. However, due to the age of your sister violence is not a proper solution, that would make you not only a womanbeater, but a child beater as well not to mention you have no standing or education on what it takes to be a parent. Attacking your sister because she does something wrong? Thats just stupid and will cause her to fear you, A scared child does not learn anything but to fear the fist.

Violence solves many things in this world, when it comes to a child it doesn't solve a damned thing. You sir are an idiot and a bully. Try talking to her instead and pick on someone your own size.

Whats clear is this guy sexually abused your sister, Now your going to physically abuse her as well. Fuck up her life more why don't you?


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
I think before 13 is too young, and it's all hormonal anyway.
Too many young people confuse sexual frustration and lust for emotion and love.
Many adults do too, even still, actually I'm not convinced that hormones don't still cloud your judgement when you're in high school and college.

I can't really say what caused this many, for lack of a better phrase, horny kids. I think it may have something to do with sex and relationships being marketed towards younger and younger kids (Good god I hated every single word in that last sentence it makes me sound so old).

Preteen thongs aren't helping either.


New member
May 25, 2009
LupusDei said:
This seems to be a well known Illness known as, Hillbilly syndrome. As you stated your sister is too young to know better and should be taught properly of what right and wrong is. However, due to the age of your sister violence is not a proper solution, that would make you not only a womanbeater, but a child beater as well not to mention you have no standing or education on what it takes to be a parent. Attacking your sister because she does something wrong? Thats just stupid and will cause her to fear you, A scared child does not learn anything but to fear the fist.

Violence solves many things in this world, when it comes to a child it doesn't solve a damned thing. You sir are an idiot and a bully. Try talking to her instead and pick on someone your own size.

Whats clear is this guy sexually abused your sister, Now your going to physically abuse her as well. Fuck up her life more why don't you?
It is easy to say, "just talk to her about it." But how often has that worked? WWII still happened despite our talking to Hitler. The Germans and Soviets did quite a bit of talking before the Germans invaded Russia.

I don't intend to just hit her for the sake of it as you seem to be implying. You seem to think all I am going to do it smack the hell out of her. I intend to do only what I have to to keep her off the wrong path. Violence may not be nessecary, but I will do what I must.

I was more of a father to her than her real dad (we have different dads). I didn't see her much (they used to live in Arkansas while I live in northen Missouri) while we were growing up, so my influence has been minimal. I have tried telling mom what she needs to do, but she never did anything. Now I have to step in and try and fix the mess. A mission I cannot afford to fail. I let my little brother down (he has a child with a girl who is still in high school (he graduated last year)), but I will not fail my sister.


J. Jonah Jameson
Aug 3, 2010
I feel like I lost my qualification to call on this one when I became a teacher. Two of my students have been "dating" since they were in 5th grade and that seems, at least according to their peers, to be fairly normal. I can't say as I approve but whatever. Just because I didn't start dating 'till 10th grade, doesn't mean it's bad. As long as they keep intimacy out of it, I think it's kinda cute.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
demoman_chaos said:
LupusDei said:
This seems to be a well known Illness known as, Hillbilly syndrome. As you stated your sister is too young to know better and should be taught properly of what right and wrong is. However, due to the age of your sister violence is not a proper solution, that would make you not only a womanbeater, but a child beater as well not to mention you have no standing or education on what it takes to be a parent. Attacking your sister because she does something wrong? Thats just stupid and will cause her to fear you, A scared child does not learn anything but to fear the fist.

Violence solves many things in this world, when it comes to a child it doesn't solve a damned thing. You sir are an idiot and a bully. Try talking to her instead and pick on someone your own size.

Whats clear is this guy sexually abused your sister, Now your going to physically abuse her as well. Fuck up her life more why don't you?
It is easy to say, "just talk to her about it." But how often has that worked? WWII still happened despite our talking to Hitler. The Germans and Soviets did quite a bit of talking before the Germans invaded Russia.

I don't intend to just hit her for the sake of it as you seem to be implying. You seem to think all I am going to do it smack the hell out of her. I intend to do only what I have to to keep her off the wrong path. Violence may not be nessecary, but I will do what I must.

I was more of a father to her than her real dad (we have different dads). I didn't see her much (they used to live in Arkansas while I live in northen Missouri) while we were growing up, so my influence has been minimal. I have tried telling mom what she needs to do, but she never did anything. Now I have to step in and try and fix the mess. A mission I cannot afford to fail. I let my little brother down (he has a child with a girl who is still in high school (he graduated last year)), but I will not fail my sister.
What you are trying to do is honourable, but your on the wrong path to helping your sister. Your sister is not comparable to Hitler as that man knew exactly what he was doing. Talking helps more than you'd think, but hey your not going to listen to anyone but yourself. So do what you thinks right and learn the hard way.


New member
May 25, 2009
LupusDei said:
What you are trying to do is honourable, but your on the wrong path to helping your sister. Your sister is not comparable to Hitler as that man knew exactly what he was doing. Talking helps more than you'd think, but hey your not going to listen to anyone but yourself. So do what you thinks right and learn the hard way.
I am always open to advice, but I also always examine things. I find what is and isn't working and plan accordingly. You don't send cavalry to take down pikemen, you don't send pikemen to siege a castle, and you can't talk to those that don't listen.


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
If two people like each other then what is wrong with them going out, no matter what age you are. (disclaimer: of course I am talking about people around the same age so no smart quoting)


New member
Jan 29, 2009
I taught at an elementary school last year and one of the girls in my 4th grade class had already hit puberty and was wearing bra's etc. Meanwhile even though most of the girls at the school had not hit puberty yet even the second graders were "in love" with Justin Beiber. There was an after school club in fact!!

Dating was not common at my Elementary school but by 6th grade I can see how that would change drastically. The websites my students would try and visit (and just the fact that they all use the internet as naturally as breathing) and their reading interests (Twilight saga for instance is very sex oriented) are all leading younger students to be more free with sexual exploration/dating etc.

I've tutored and worked at a few middle school/high school combo's (Like San Jaun) where the grade goes from 6-12 and I think that has a big effect as well on how fast the children develop and start dating or having sex. Students who go to a middle school do not have as much direct interaction with older teens so are more likely to slowly explore the dating world on their own etc. I think when they interact with older children who have already been dating for a few years and often talk about sex acts casually that causes new students to be more bold and speeds up the exploration process.

From my limited observation at the middle and high school level it seems to me that dating is both more common and more advanced in grades 6-8 if the students directly interact with grades 9-12 on a regular basis. If grades 6-8 are in a separate middle school the process is much slower, dating is not as intense and the social aspects in the school seem much different.

I'm not sure if a study has been done about this but I wouldn't be surprised if it had. The social background of the school, location etc can also make a huge difference. Solarsano Jnr High in my area seems like some kind of middle school utopia where all the students are well behaved. El Roble on the other hand where I worked last year, which is barely 2 miles away, seems like a totally different world. The main difference? Solarsano consists primarily of students living in homes that cost well over $1 mill, and El Roble is in a much poorer part of town with an over 50% Hispanic population.

I do know that way back in the stone ages when I went to school we didn't really start to become sexually active or even date until High School with very few exceptions. I certainly never saw anyone dating in elementary school in the late 70's and early 80's and while some dating may have gone on at my middle schools it was not a common topic or something that happened all the time. Children definately are maturing, experimenting and often becoming sexually active at earlier ages. Perhaps it's due to the internet & TV, so many books made for teens that make dating and even sex seem ok at a younger age etc.

On a personal note, I never seriously dated anyone till I was 19. I graduated from school 3 1/2 years early (on my 16th birthday), joined the service (Air Force during the Gulf War) and didn't date or have sex till I was 19. Glad I waited to be honest as I was always careful, used protection etc, and never had any pregnancy worries etc. When I was younger I doubt I would have been as careful. I personally think waiting at least till your no longer a teenager is probably a good idea for most people.....but I realize that is not a common opinion (at least among non-parents hehe).