Where the hell is guild wars 2?

Sep 3, 2011
A freind of mine told me that this game was the place to be and i had the money so why not?

Looked it up on play.com.. out of stock. Ok! try amazon... out of stock.

Steam will save me! not on steam..

ok well thats fine i guess i'll have to stop being lazy and took the bus into town, half a hour and four shops later i found!

Wait for it!


No guild wars 2 its a shame it looked like fun and i want to give it a go but i can't find any copys! anywhere!

Put an order down on play so im on the waiting for stock list which does not feel like a happy place..

rant over!


New member
Oct 19, 2009
they've stopped direct sales. Once server populations settle, players spread out through the zones and they fix a few infrastructure issues, they'll turn the sales back on.

basically the game was struggling to keep up with the release zerg and they chose to give themselves a bit of breathing room to improve player experience rather than let everyone pile on.


New member
Aug 17, 2012
Wolfhowl the shadow lurker said:
Put an order down on play so im on the waiting for stock list which does not feel like a happy place..

rant over!
They are currently experiencing... issues with their server loads so they mentioned somewhere on Reddit that they won't sell any more copies (for now). I mean, they would have to open up more servers, you know?

...I find this very amusing as well as devoid of logical thinking.

edit: Also, what Jean Hag said.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
psyco said:
They are currently experiencing... issues with their server loads so they mentioned somewhere on Reddit that they won't sell any more copies (for now). I mean, they would have to open up more servers, you know?

...I find this very amusing as well as devoid of logical thinking.
Opening up more servers is a classic MMO catch 22. History is littered with games and companies (TOR, WAR, Rift, etc) that experienced a huge initial surge of players, opened a rash of servers to meet demand, and then had to scale back their servers dramatically because 80% of them ended up under populated after people drifted off to do other things. This leads to server consolidation, and grave articles on the internet about declining populations, and then inevitably some moron comes onto a forum and makes a thread about how the latest MMO has "died", and on and on we go.

GW2 launched with an uncommonly enormous world, 25+ massive zones. The concurrent players will eventually decline, that's inevitable. People will spread out. You're seeing it already. Where once a dynamic event in a newbie zone would have 50-75 people piling onto it, now there is a more manageable 5-10. In a few months, that might be lower still. If they'd doubled or tripled their servers, you'd have people whining 24-7 about how the game was a ghost town, whether it had a healthy population or not.

Freezing sales the way they did was actually pretty smart.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
psyco said:
They are currently experiencing... issues with their server loads so they mentioned somewhere on Reddit that they won't sell any more copies (for now). I mean, they would have to open up more servers, you know?

...I find this very amusing as well as devoid of logical thinking.
The infrastructure issues are not caused by a lack of game servers but by some of the secondary systems(like the Trading Post) and in the communication between servers and systems.

so no, just adding more hardware wouldn't actually fix anything, they need to test and implement software solutions.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Wolfhowl the shadow lurker said:
Does anyone know how long this has been going on or when it will be over?
A week or so now.

I imagine they'll open up sales again relatively soon. NCSoft is going to have minimal patience for freezing sales of the game.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
I believe they stopped direct sales 10-11 days ago, there have been no announcements as to when they'll be turned back on.

Judging by the progress they've made in that period, my guess would be sometime next week, so another 7-10 days.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Man, I never played Guild Wars 1 and even I knew how big this game was gonna be.
I have no idea how big it is going to get in the future or how good its lasting power will be; maybe it will be like D3, all the initial sales are out of nostalgia but few people play it after the first couple months. I don't own the game so I don't know.

What I'm saying is: you should have bought it earlier or talked to your friend about it earlier.
On the bright side, if this game flops, you will have saved the money. In the meantime, I suggest reading reviews and staying up to speed with what is happening with people who are playing.


New member
Aug 17, 2012
Wolfhowl the shadow lurker said:
The infrastructure issues are not caused by a lack of game servers but by some of the secondary systems(like the Trading Post) and in the communication between servers and systems.

so no, just adding more hardware wouldn't actually fix anything, they need to test and implement software solutions.
Somehow I doubt that they stopped selling their game because of the trading post clusterfuck, but, well, thanks for pointing this out, I guess?

captcha: well now - okay, I know, I am snarky. :-/


New member
Aug 17, 2012
BloatedGuppy said:
Freezing sales the way they did was actually pretty smart.
I am aware of their reasons behind it and have been around long enough to witness the common issues of a couple new mmos. Thing is, I never really understood why, for example, they can't just temporarily rent servers when the masses of players are flooding the servers (not adding it as a new 'world' in GW2's case, mind you, just adding to the available space so to speak) and then later on give those things away again.
I mean GW2 had completely full servers during early access (!). And GW2 is special, see, they don't have queues... they just don't allow you to create a character on said servers, period. This is hazardous, especially for large guilds or simply friends that intended to play together.
Yes, of course, they did allow the free transfer thing for a week (after all, they want to make money off this after that -.-) but if all servers are already full there aren't really a lot of places one could transfer to. *shrugs*

(Disclaimer: I am not a hater, the game is great on its own merits and I love dodging around my enemies.)

Maybe there is just a market for renting stuff. Or maybe I am just WAY too naive. Probably the later :)


New member
Mar 5, 2012
Can't quote but MMO servers are way too specialized to just rent. The amount of infrastructure that needs to be in place for one is pretty extensive. It's not like installing a Quake server on some old desktop for your friends to play on :p


Dec 3, 2010
Sorry to hear that. I checked two stores when I went out to buy it. First one was close to me, but they were all out(was a lot more expensive there as well, so good riddance). Second store had a lot left.

I can say that it's well worth waiting for though!


New member
Jun 15, 2011
Yeah, I got an email a few minutes ago to say it was now available. But it costs £49.99! At that price, forget it. That's more than any full price console game, and almost double the usual price for a PC title.