Which FPS Actually Takes Skill?


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2010
I'd say Halo 3 takes some skill, personally I think sprinting and sight aiming has somewhat dumbed down those kind of games. Of course, as long as there are skill factors still involved, it's still going to require some skill, things like positioning, map awareness and communication are still big skill factors in pretty much every multiplayer FPS.

One thing I like a lot about halo is the objective play. I'll admit I don't really play much FPS games but those game modes look like there is lots of strategy involved (the MLG variety to be honest, no idea about the regular objective modes).

Another thing about Halo that I think makes it require more skill than CoD is the fact that you all start with the same weapon, and important weapons and powerups are placed in the map. They all have a specific respawn time too, so you not only need to secure these powerups and weapons, but you also need to keep track of their respawn time.

Someone probably already said this. I'm sorry for not reading the entire thread before posting.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
yep, immediately thought of CS when I saw the title. hell, even the UTs and quakes...
kids these days...


New member
Mar 9, 2010
Arcane Azmadi said:
The Tribes series. What's more important than knowing how to shoot? Knowing how to fly!
See: Shattered Horizon. It's pretty much tribes except you're in space.

TheTaco007 said:
TF2 definitely is the one that takes teamwork and know-how. (Except for the f***ing pyros)

BC2 maybe.
Hey now, being a puff and sting pyro isn't not easy. Anyone can W+M1. Heavies do it too. But Pyro seems to get all the flak.

As for BC2, I have three 3 things to say: 40mm, Carl Gustav, MG3.


New member
May 8, 2008
Steve5513 said:
Battlefield 2 is horrible. Worst hit detection in any game I've ever seen.
I mod BF2 and even in Vanilla it works pretty good. I hope you didn´t forget to lead your targets...it´s not point and click...


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Arcane Azmadi said:
The Tribes series. What's more important than knowing how to shoot? Knowing how to fly!
How about Battlefield? In that you gotta know how to shoot, fly, drive, swim, lob, Arty spot, order, cap, and a bunch of other stuff too.

As far as singleplayer goes... Flashpoint. You damn well respect the enemy AI in that game. Name one other FPS that makes you fear the AI to that extent...


New member
Jan 14, 2009

Speaking as a previously sponsored Quake Live player, I'm just going to point out that arranged/organized/team vs. team 4v4 CTF is not a cakewalk.

Any game that requires cooperation is naturally skillful in a certain way, but UT and UT2K4 require very strong hitscan skills. UT2K4, Q3/QL, Tribes, and RTCW all require very strong movement skills.

Dueling in any of these games requires much more than simple aim or movement. Prediction and planning are just as important as aim, which is just as important as position or weapon choice or choosing when and how to engage, and what powerups to fight over.

And hell, knowing when to run could be the hardest thing for some people to learn. And that's just in Arena shooters, not even including things like ArmA II or Flashpoint.

But many FPS games take skill online. Single-player, I'd have to go with some team-based tactical shooter like Rainbow 6 (not R6 Vegas 2, though, heh.)


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Ickorus said:
CS:S was always tough in my opinion, I used to be in a semi-serious clan on that game and the game could be very demanding.

Unless you are me with a P90, I am a god with that gun.
Your avatar made me smudge my newly cleaned screen >:p
OT: Rainbow Six Vegas,SWAT 4, and to a lesser extent Fallout 3/NV (depending on how flexible you are with the term FPS)


New member
Apr 15, 2008
I prefer ones where combat's more open rather than corridor based - battlefield is a good example of that. I enjoy the skill of manuvering around and predicting where the enemy is and what they're doing rather than going for the 0.1 second faster headshot. Probably because I'm not as good at twitch skills as I was since I don't have the time to obsessivly play FPSs anymore.


Pandamonium is at hand
Dec 3, 2008
Quake and UT.
Some of the modern games are tough and require some awesome skills,but those...A few days with nightmare bots on Quake will turn you into a MAN!Emphasis on the capitalization of the word.
Sure things like quickscoping,or weapon switching to avoid reload times and things like that can't be done by the newbie,but I'm willing to be a CoD of BF pro has nothing on an old school Quake pro that plays railgun only games on a low grav map against nightmare bots for the fun of it.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Bad Company 2 has been so frustrating for me I almost regret getting it. Glad I got it cheap, though.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
TF2 has been mentioned couple of times but I think it should be low on the list simply due to having random crits. Hated that fights often just came down to who scored criticals and who did not.

Think I would still play it if they had not introduced something random as that with such a big influence on fights.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Armored Prayer said:
If its online multiplayer than all of them.

No game ever plays the same and each player plays and thinks differently. Thus you have to constantly adjust the way you play in order to succeed. So each FPS does take some amount of skill to play.
Sounds like someone haven't played Bioshock 2 multiplayer

Lonely Swordsman

New member
Jun 29, 2009
The skill required for an FPS is entirely based on the skill of the opponent.
Even a game of TF2 can turn into an intense stalemate of all players on both teams have a sense of teamwork and tactical positioning and even a round of Counter Strike can turn into a lucky guessing game where everyone is just spraying AWPs all over the place until they hit someone.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
tomany2 said:
I Started playing Counterstrike Source after about 8 months away from it, and between all the Call Of Duty, and Bad Company, I lost the ability to actually kill something in CS:S.

So I ask all of you, What FPS's actually take skill to play online?

For Me Call Of Duty, and The Recent Battlefields are like a cake walk. they are so simple.

But in my opinion, the FPS's that actually DO take skill, would be...

CS:S and Battlefield 2 (the one from 2005 for PC, not Bad Company 2)

EDIT: Lots of people say that "All Multiplayer Games Take Skill" and i agree to that. BUT things like CS:S and Battlefield 2 do take a lot longer to learn, rather than Bad Co or COD, which can be picked up by even the newest gamers, and they can get kills, but this is also true for CS:S and BF2. 'Cause my sister cant play COD for her life, but is the top of the leaderboard for both CS:S and BF2 in most the games that she joins.
They all take skill AND make you more manly ;) BUT, the most skillful FPS game of all is still Mario Kart SNES. COD may have slightly better graphics, but you don't have to bounce your projectile three times to score a hit, nor do you have to aim it while skidding around a corner at 45 mph :)


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Wahful said:
INB4 "Halo, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk."

TO be honest though, most FPS's play the same in my opinion! So if you are skilled in one your skilled in all them.
Quake is an exception to the rule lol, take someone from cod and make them play quake against an experienced player and they likely won't get any kills.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
For a PC Gamer: Any FPS on a console.

Seriously though, I tried Killzone 2 on a buddy's PS3 and it took me 20 minutes to beat the first bit of the game (upto the point where you take the lift indoors, to open a gate or sth) at which point i said, "yeah, gimme a mouse and keyboard, Or SCREW THIS!"

How do you people play FPS' on consoles? It's beyond me!