White Knights, the true enemies of sexual equality.

Count Igor

New member
May 5, 2010
manic_depressive13 said:
Jarimir said:
I think it's cute and childish when someone insists on trying to instil long lasting RL feelings in me through a game. Even better when they are insisting I am experiencing emotions that arent really there. To me suggests that they are taking what is simply a game way too seriously.

The other fun part is watching them dance in their own hypocracy as they try to make fun of other people whome they insist/assume are also taking things too seriously.

Try to call me out for being arrogant and snobbish. I dont care. I'd rather be an arrogant snob than be trolled ;P

Usually a block/mute feature is a great option to have once you tire of somone's public spectacle.

Y U mad bro?
Of course not, you've never been trolled. You can spot a troll from a mile away, and you're completely impervious to all the mean things they say! They're just bullies and you know that deep down they're just jealous of the nice clothes your mamma bought you. You never doubt your gaming skills because you know that games are about having fun, and it doesn't matter if you suck as long as you're having fun sucking. I watched that episode of "Arthur" too. And yes, I also like the mute feature. Are you assuming I use a mic or something? I would if I wanted to become troll bait.

There's nothing so adorable as seeing people try to pretend the game doesn't matter to them when they're really seething inside. If you genuinely didn't care you wouldn't play. No one think getting shitstomped is fun, and if they do, I pity them. I'm sensing a lot of bitterness in your post. I thought you trolls didn't affect you? Nice touch with that emoticon. Almost enough to convince someone you're not mad.
I'm seeing no bitterness in his words there, and he never said that he was never trolled, did he?

But amazing as it may seem, some people can still enjoy a game while not being the best at it. Because it really doesn't matter to most people. The way you act (And yes, I'm aware you're doing it here) simply makes a lot of people think that you get way too worked up over a game and are trying to make up for other parts of your life (Being bullied, or money troubles, or loneliness, etc.) rather than "Seethe inside".

If it gets too much, and the trolling does actually affect them, then they can always just go do something else. But hey, there's always satisfaction in killing someone who's trying to kill you, ESPECIALLY when it's personal. :)

And you really don't have much right to pity someone, do you.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Count Igor said:
Oooh, you saw right through me. How'd you do that? The truth is my mommy doesn't love me and I don't have any money, plus all the kids at school pick on me. I need your sympathy.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Montezuma said:
On the Internet, women are treated like shit.

This is a fact of our current existence, and if you refuse to accept it, leave the thread now.

All over the internet, the general attitude towards women has always been demeaning, condescending, and fueled by sexism. Most of this treatment comes from immature children (of all ages.) who demand TITS OR GTFO, Men who immidiately disregard women, as soon as it is found they are women, similar to the old tradition of treating any woman with issues as being "Hysterical", and blatant sexists, who insist on perpetrating old illusions of gender roles.

All of these people are generally hated across the internet, and most people would never side with them on this issue. In Fact, some people appearently hate them so much, that they will leap into battle, armor-clad, to save the beautiful princess in distress.

These are the worst sexists of them all.

White Knight Syndrome

n. A personality characteristic found in most males that lead them to:
1. rush to the aid of any female they see who appears in any form of distress.
2. Become attracted to said damsel in distress.
3. Follow the dying code of chivalry and generally act like a nice guy.

Also called young man's disease.

You might ask, Montezuma's Lawyer, how can these people be bad? They rush to defend someone being discriminated against!

Simple, my young Tadpole. You see, It is an often forgotten fact that Women are Human Beings, and are to be treated as such. A woman being picked on, on the internet, is not a poor dog caught in a bear trap; But rather, should be seen exactly as if a man were being treated the same way.

Dont misunderstand the last sentence, I do not mean that women should be treated the same as men, but that ALL PEOPLE shall be treated equally, regardless of accidents of birth.

By rushing to the defense of someone on the internet, and fighting their battles for them, you deprive them of their humanity, you take away their ability to defend themselves, and instead force your own opinions into the situations, often either blowing the entire situation out of proportion, or making it worse through vehemently defending minor points.

Wall of text, getting big, time to wrap up.

Women are Human Beings, capable of defending themselves. Do not take their right to self defense away, by doing it for them. Chivalry is dying for a reason, in a world where women are gaining more rights, as they deserve, chivalry has no place; Women should be treated equal to men in all aspects of society, Including when being picked on.

TLDR: Do not defend someone because they are a woman, defend someone because they are a person.
I more or less agree with what you are saying, but I feel you have expressed it badly, or else people have decided to misinterpret you for their own reasons.

Defending women doesn't make you a White Knight, the same way being nice and a guy doesn't make you A Nice Guy[sup]TM[/sup].

Jumping in to defend women to prove how awesome you are, while listening to the choir of angels singing your praises that only you can hear, hoping to be fawned over by people dazzled by your epicness...that makes you a White Knight.

You've also not mentioned the other problem with that, that such people being around mean the term will be used to silence people actually wanting to help for legitimate reasons, in the same way that people objecting to racism are exclusively those wanting to appease the mad gods of political correctness.

Count Igor

New member
May 5, 2010
manic_depressive13 said:
Count Igor said:
Oooh, you saw right through me. How'd you do that? The truth is my mommy doesn't love me and I don't have any money, plus all the kids at school pick on me. I need your sympathy.
Well, that wasn't the point I was trying to make at all (It was examples of people I knew), but sure. I'll go with this.
The first step is admitting the problems. I'm here for you if you need help - it's going to be difficult, but I believe in you! :)

repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010
manic_depressive13 said:
You've been on the internet right? People spew bile at everyone and everything. Hell, even I do it. There's a stereotype for every ethnicity, group, gender. If I, or anyone in an online game, gets the slightest hint of your demographic, we will tear it apart in an attempt to get to you. If we don't know we take our best guess. This is the nature of online gaming, and half the reason I love it so much. Nothing is sacred.

Are you a girl with an obvious name or using a mic? You bet I'm going to try my best to upset you. Same goes if your username hints at your real life name, nationality, or you happen to have an accent or a lisp. I'm not actually sexist, racist or homophobic. It's just that the whole point of playing games is to destroy your opponents, and in many cases your team mates. I don't care if you're the nicest person alive or you belong to my own demographic. I'll still try my best to see if I can't make you ashamed you exist, or worse, make you sink to my level.
Oh look, I've found the reason I mute everybody online.

OT: What about people who just like to stick up for other people, period - whether they're women or men or alien sentient banana trees or what? Are they sexist too? I'd say they're just nice people.

Tears of Blood

New member
Jul 7, 2009
I really have a problem with this.

First off, where in the WORLD did this come from? Most people who come here to complain about a certain piece of society talk about an experience they just had with them, but you, you just come out swingin'.

Besides that, you're pretty much wrong. There are plenty of Escapists, and women on other sites that -aren't- treated like shit, and of those who are, I'm sure if they are not defending themselves, and indeed wish for someone to defend them because they will not do it themselves, and will actually appreciate that defense.

The reason we don't generally jump to a man's aid, is because he usually won't want the aid, and that's just people playing their gender roles. If someone makes it clear they need assistance, whether man or woman, someone will probably be willing to stick up for them. However, women will often accept an abuse and not ask anyone for help, especially if it's someone they're fond of. Kinda' like abusive relationships, domestic abuse, etc, but not quite exactly the same. Speaking of, I'd think that these type of people are far worse than the type of people who would defend them from such things whether they need it or not.

Okay, besides all that, if a women doesn't really feel like being defended, doesn't appreciate that whole jazz, I figure they'd just LET THEM KNOW? What's the harm in it? What, she's going to lose all of her dignity and pride simply because someone thought she needed to be stuck-up for? No, probably not.

Now, maybe you're right in that we should also jump to men's aid more often, but deciding to let women be bullied by people on the Internet more often is not going to solve anything.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
I'll admit I've defended women on the internet, but I've also defended men before, and I always try to treat them like people.

People being nasty to other people always gets me upset, so I've been known to be a bit of serial defender. Though I've only really bothered to defend when the person eirself can't defend themselves. This often means defending people in news articles.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
You know, modern socitey is kinda sending me the message, "no matter what you do you're screwing someone over" Let me take writing as an example. All male progagonists, "PIG, women can be heros too!" All male progagonists with one woman "PIG, she's just there for eye candy!" All female cast "PIG, you're just exploring your sexual fantasies!" Half male and half female, "PIG, they're all white!" Cast with a black man, an Asian woman, a hispanic man and a white woman, "is this guy for real? Political correctness gone mad much?"

You know, ironcally the best way to ensure gender equality is to stop pointing out that we are different and to stop having a quota of women and African Americans that need to be in a story in order to make it "tasteful" Yeah it's a little off topic but this is close enough.

I pretty much stick up for anyone who needs it, once I stuck up for a guy on XBL when a guy was getting on him for having a low score, I replied with a nice "I wouldn't talk if I were you" so kindly let me go about doing what I do.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
So I shouldn't defend a woman if she is getting discriminated against?

The thing is, If a guy was getting discriminated against, I would defend him.

So I should defend men but not women? or should I just defend no one?


New member
Jan 25, 2010
You know what? The OP is right. All of us 'White Knights' should NOT try to stop spousal abuse. If you see a woman being raped, ignore it. They do not deserve help.

Can you really believe this? Women are people. I never EVER thought a woman was an object, they deserve the same rights as men. But if someone is being attacked, injured, or calling out for help, you bet your butt I will do all I can to help that woman.

Chivalry is not dead, nor should it be.

How can we as a species move forward as one if we blatantly ignore situations like this? If I was in trouble a female stood up and said to leave me alone, would I feel weaker or in superior? No because I was just helped by someone who felt the need to stand up and voice their objection to what they are seeing.

Forgive me for sounding a little upset about this but I support women rights. I have many women friends, and to say that being a 'white Knight' is the true enemy of sexual equality, I would have to highly disagree. Just because we feel the need to save 'damsels in distress' does not make us sexists. I help those in need. If they are man or women. They are all human beings and deserve the same.

Farther than stars

New member
Jun 19, 2011
Peter Moore said:
Farther than stars said:
P.S. I never thought I'd see the day that someone would give the word "chivalry" negative connotations. XD
Thats true. Its pretty hard to give negative connotations to something so linked with the crusades.
Don't you think "so linked" is a bit of an exaggeration? In our case chivalry and the crusades both have something to do with knighthood, but they have very few other things in common.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
I act with a sense of chivalry because that is how I have been raised, and how I have been taught I should treat women by my father. Not the overly "I will save youuuuu" chivalry, but the "hold open doors" type of chivalry.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
I would say the real enemies of sexual equality were the people who were actually sexist and not the men who are nice to me.

But what do I know.

White Knight Syndrome

n. A personality characteristic found in most males that lead them to:
1. rush to the aid of any female they see who appears in any form of distress.
2. Become attracted to said damsel in distress.
3. Follow the dying code of chivalry and generally act like a nice guy.
Oh no...that sounds really diabolical, much worse than my ex who used to beat and spit on me if his tea wasn't cooked properly.


(Disclaimer: I stayed with him so long because the alternative was living my dad, who was worse.)

I tells ya I would have been grateful if a white knight would have swung by and rescued me at that point...


New member
Feb 27, 2011
If you're mean to women, you're a horrible sexist.
If you're nice to women, you're a horrible sexist.
If you're indifferent towards women, you're a horrible sexist.

Yep. That seems fair.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Well if I do something nice for a women then apparently I'm a sexist pig, am I not? From your logic, if I defend someone over the internet if their a women, then I am automatically a asshole, sexist pig. No, I'm nice to everybody that isn't an ass, so is it bad for me to defend someone?

The greatest enemy to equality is the ignorant and those who want power over others. Even people who claim higher ground over something ancestors did years ago are using the ground as leverage for their agenda. Saying that me defending you over the internet is the worst thing next to raping you is fucking stupid.

All I'm saying is that if your saying that defending someone is the worse offense to equality, then I'd like you to tell me where the KKK rank or equal.

IncredibleTurnip said:
If you're mean to women, you're a horrible sexist.
If you're nice to women, you're a horrible sexist.
If you're indifferent towards women, you're a horrible sexist.

Yep. That seems fair.
Well that sums it up, thanks.


New member
Aug 10, 2011
I... have no words...

I guess I can sum it up with "I disagree".

If someone is getting picked on for something they can't control or when I believe they are in the right, I'll back them up. It's called being a decent person.

Am I taking away a black person's humanity when I defend them from some racist?

Stephen Wo

New member
Mar 16, 2011
Lol, the OP is so condescending!

But for the record, nah, I don't know what your problem is, but it's not as bad as you say it is. Yeah, maybe if you're a twelve-year-old girl on 4chan, sure. But it's not as bad as you say.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
DarkRyter said:
I would have thought rapists were worse.
I wouldn't say so. Both men and women rape eachother. That seems pretty equal to me, if still wrong on so many levels I couldn't count them all if I tried (apologies for the messed up quote, I hit tab and... It apparently decided to post)

Edit: And no, i'm actually not being serious, I just realised my humour does not work without a cheeky smile.


I agree with you that they're just as sexist as the people they are apparently arguing against, but I wouldn't call them the true enemies. They're blokes who have taken being nice to a level where it doesn't need to go.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Montezuma said:
By rushing to the defense of someone on the internet, and fighting their battles for them, you deprive them of their humanity
Hahaha, no. That would be the trolls. And people often "white knight" people they have an semblance of respect for on the internet, because there are a short few half decent people on the internet.

Having someone say something nice about you when you get dogpiled by trolls, is nice and is likely going to be appreciated by anyone regardless of gender.

You don't think that women white-knight guys when a guy they fangirl over is attacked?

I've only ever heard this stupid term "white-knight" as indeed a way of ridiculing someone who acts remotely morally on the internet. For instance, when jerks raid some innocent child's Facebook, or years ago, Myspace, and expose them to material they shouldn't be exposed to like scat porn images and gore, and some people say, "you know, this person didn't do anything wrong and shouldn't be exposed to these things", you get a whole slew of people calling them "white-knights" who need to shove off.

And how sexist is it, that if a guy happens to defend a woman who he thinks is being unfairly attacked, you get a whole slew of responses saying "she's on the internet lol she won't sleep with you lololol white-knight ******". As if a man would never defend a woman or attack sexism or racism against a woman unless he wanted sex. Oh yes, I white knight people all of the time. Because I don't have to go along with trolling just because it's socially acceptable on the internet.

I mean, are you going to say it's a racist, chivalrous "white man's burden" attitude if someone calls someone a "racist idiot" for attacking Barack Obama for being black. Yeah, maybe they're "white-knighting" Obama, but it's not racist. It's just calling a racist out on being a racist.