Who are your favorite YouTube LPers?


New member
Jan 13, 2014
SlimKirby - My favorite! He may focus mostly on Nintendo stuff, but he does go off to another area from time to time. His latest one that interested me most is Darksiders. He's gotten me so invested, I plan to buy a copy once I get the money for it.

Pharaoh2091 - A not well known LPer. He's mostly into point-and-click games, but he does make them enjoyable.

RoahmMythril - He takes on the prosona of a dragon who does Let's Plays. He's mostly known for his Mega Man LPs where he does his hardest to accomplish the task of not getting hit once and using only the buster as much as possible. He's right now doing a Pikmin 1 No Death Challenge. I wish him the best of luck.

chuggaaconroy - I did not want to get into this guy. I seriously did not want to jump on the bandwagon, but when he did his LP of Zelda: The Wind Waker, I was just drawn into him, and by the time he did his Super Luigi Galaxy LP, I was hooked. He's great and I can't deny it.

The Runaway Guys - I watch them every Sunday. Enough said.

ClementJ642 - I can't wait for this guy to come back from his vacation and prove to the world just how good Sonic & the Black Knight really is. That game is SO underrated.

That's pretty much it. :)


Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
Quill18. He mainly plays strategy games, and is an all-around nice guy.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
supergreatfriend [https://www.youtube.com/user/supergreatfriend]

His LPs are always both entertaining and informative. He does his research, and he does an excellent job of editing his videos. He can come off as being really humorous without being annoying.

I would definitely recommend his Illbleed LP to anyone. It's a shame he doesn't have a terribly huge following.


Plushy wrangler, die-curious
Sep 9, 2009
Boo8er said:
Here are some of mine: Totalbiscuit.
Start running, if he hears you called him a you-know-what you'll be thankful for the head start.

Anyway, I started out with theradbrad but eventually grew to dislike him. I'm not sure if it's his style or my tastes that changed but his stuff just felt more and more cynical. In the sense that he's just plowing through as many big titles as possible, as fast as possible.

Now I stick to dodger and jesse cox because, through all their other stuff, I've grown quite attached to them and would watch them play pretty much whatever. Don't get me wrong though, I'm well aware they're in it for the money just as much as theradbrad. The way they go about it is just more enjoyable to me, I can't even fully explain why.

Lastly, for a little while the guys from unit lost were squirming themselves into a special place in my heart with their X-com episodes (go mental go!). Especially the long war mod and xenonauts. But then they stopped those in favor of other games and became a lot more reliant on stupid in-jokes. (Seriously the full trade thing was old by the end of the first video it popped up in, that sh*t did not need to be on a shirt.) Or maybe they've always been like that and their X-com stuff was the odd man out, I haven't followed them long enough to know. Either way they've kind of fallen off my radar too.


New member
Oct 30, 2012
Andy Shandy said:
buttonsandzips said:
Andy Shandy said:
Some of the others I watch have already been named, so I'll add NorthernLion. My favourite by far is his unfinished Grey's Anatomy Let's Play. Always go back to it when I need to laugh.

Also, it's odd to say it as such, but his voice is pretty great.
I was wondering if someone would mention him! My boyfriend and I watch his XCOM let's plays everyday, his lack of skill makes him so entertaining. And he does have a great voice, it's very "radiogenic".
Oh man, I've been jonesing for a new XCOM vid since he left for PAX. Hopefully, it should return tomorrow, and we can go back to watching him throw XD
It makes me happy to see others like Northerlion.

As it stands right now, he's my favorite LP'er. He's really diverse with what he plays, too. That's the cool part of it.

He's obviously an Indie guy, what with Nuclear Throne, Spelunky, FTL, and of course Isaac. But he's played Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2. Then he plays strategy games that are also kind of niche. He goes from games like XCOM to Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis with Arumba and Mathas. On top of that he plays Counter Strike sometimes on his stream. The guy is great, and altogether really nice. He's one person I'd love to meet at a con.

BTW, I hear the next XCOM ep coming out is an EXALT mission. We in for a treat :D


New member
Jan 29, 2014
Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter mostly. Outside Xbox and VideogamerTV whenever they do something and anything Angry Joe uploads.

That's pretty much it.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Ishal said:
Andy Shandy said:
buttonsandzips said:
Andy Shandy said:
Some of the others I watch have already been named, so I'll add NorthernLion. My favourite by far is his unfinished Grey's Anatomy Let's Play. Always go back to it when I need to laugh.

Also, it's odd to say it as such, but his voice is pretty great.
I was wondering if someone would mention him! My boyfriend and I watch his XCOM let's plays everyday, his lack of skill makes him so entertaining. And he does have a great voice, it's very "radiogenic".
Oh man, I've been jonesing for a new XCOM vid since he left for PAX. Hopefully, it should return tomorrow, and we can go back to watching him throw XD
It makes me happy to see others like Northerlion.

As it stands right now, he's my favorite LP'er. He's really diverse with what he plays, too. That's the cool part of it.

He's obviously an Indie guy, what with Nuclear Throne, Spelunky, FTL, and of course Isaac. But he's played Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2. Then he plays strategy games that are also kind of niche. He goes from games like XCOM to Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis with Arumba and Mathas. On top of that he plays Counter Strike sometimes on his stream. The guy is great, and altogether really nice. He's one person I'd love to meet at a con.

BTW, I hear the next XCOM ep coming out is an EXALT mission. We in for a treat :D
This can only end hilariously. :D

And yeah, that's another good point, his range of LPs are pretty great. I was also going to mention his streams, but I didn't know if it would be "right". But yeah, the NLSS and Sub Streams are both pretty great too.


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
Mostly just Gopher and NorthernLion. I'm also subscribed to Tobuscus and Markiplier, but these are really my Rainy Day subs. I need an inordinately strong shot of teh Stupid to start smiling again, I watch half a video from either of them. I don't have a whole lot of patience for LPers whose entire schtick can basically be summarized to "LOOKIT ME, I TRAWLED MODDB AND FOUND SOME AWFUL UNITY ENGINE PSEUDO-HORROR TURDS! FACECAM!"

I also don't have a lot of patience for your usual Happy Wheels Uber-Marathon.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
I like Chuggaconroy and The Runaway Guys, the odd Cryaotic Let's Play (his LP of Bioshock Infinite is a thing to behold) and ScottishDuck17 has some good ones.


New member
Sep 5, 2014
I'm not a massive consumer of LP-material, but Zemalf and Kikoskia are my two favourites. Zemalf is a very slow paced and thoughtful player which I like. He's also probably the best XCOM player in the world. ;) His I/I playthroughs are just masterfully executed. Kikoskia is a litte "zanier" if you will. Quite lively I thoroughly enjoyed his Baldurs Gate sessions and his forays into space exploration in KSP.
Nov 28, 2007
I don't watch many LPers. That said, I do like me some Runaway Guys. They just work so well together as a comedic team. I've heard comments that they are being held back by including NCS/Tim, as NCS struggles on most of the modern games, but I think the dynamic would be nowhere near as entertaining with just ProtonJon/Jon and Chugga/Emile.

Mister Fox

New member
Aug 17, 2014
The LP's I watch in no particular order are,

1. Markiplier

2. Pewdiepie (please don't hate)

3. Game Grumps

4. Jerma985

I need to get back to watching TheBeerCake because he was the first LP I watched.


Oct 28, 2013
PsychicTaco115 said:
Those games looked amazing, in a friggin' terrible kind of way.

OT: It was GameGrumps for a bit, now it's just the occasional video from Vinesauce or Spike and Barley.



New member
Sep 4, 2009
I usually just stick to Two Best Friends Play (well, 4 now since Woolie and Liam have permanently joined). They just feel like a bunch of genuine dudes, its always interesting to hear what they have to say.
Um not really a traditional lets player but the Achievement Hunter crew are pretty good too. Also Gopher because his voice is just sexy . Ill listen to him instruct me on how to install the Skyrim Script Extender any day of the week.

I tried watching guys like Markiplier and Pewdiepie (?) but I just couldnt get into them, they just didnt seem real to be honest, they just seemed like they were putting on an act.

Totalbiscuit is also quite good since he's always refreshingly honest, its just I dont agree with a lot of what he says so I dont follow him as much


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2009
United States
Oh I generally watch Markiplier, Nerdcubed, the Achievement Hunter guys, Quill18, Game Grumps, and I have an eye on a few much smaller names including ArachCobra, Bormac, and myself. Might be a few others but their names and such escape me at the moment.


New member
Jul 9, 2013
Cryaotic, pewdiepie, gamegrumps, markiplier, Cinnamontoastken, and sometimes rpgminx and Totalbiscuit. All of them are good, nice people.

Cry is my favorite. He does good editing and allows the game to stand on it's own merits, while still entertaining you with a shared experience. I also enjoy his Livestream with Russ. I try to watch all his videos, at least in the background. I really liked his okami playthrough.

For most of the others, i pick and choose their letsplays. I avoid watching people play horror games. I watch pewds play funny games, like hatoful boyfriend, or games that will make him cry, like the walking dead. I think it's cute when people cry due to fiction. It's very therapeutic.


Senior Member
Aug 6, 2008
I'm rather a fan of Many A True Nerd, a team of three who are fronted mainly by Jon. I particularly like his cathartic sense of humour and the intelligent way he goes about games. He doesn't just go "lol mash buttons it doesn't work that's so funny" like others seem to.

There's also Byze, another Briton who relatively rarely releases videos but they are extremely well edited and (to me) very funny. Again, a somewhat anarchic sense of humour.

Star_, ThatGuyTagg and Jerma are of course well known, but I'll mention them now since no-one else has.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Marik2 said:
DSP cuz it is fascinating to see a truly incompetent person play games and never learn from them
Oh, boy. I cannot stand DipShitPhil (what my cousin and I call him). I don't follow his channel nor am I subscribed to him, but there are other channels that mash up his content (Hideo Kajima Productions is the main one, though I'm not sure if I got the name right) and those are tolerable if just to laugh at.

I sometimes watch Game Grumps, but I find I really have to like the game/commentary because their progress is horrid. Prefer watching Steam Train to be honest, even when the lovable Ross is being insufferable.
I follow AlChestBreach who does a Sims Let's Play, but is more known for his New Vegas mod reviews, which is what I follow him for.
I watch the Achievement Hunter LPs quite a lot. Usually the Minecraft Let's Plays. Sometimes I don't enjoy them and just skip a week or two, but it's the only real Let's Play channel (literally, it's called LetsPlay) that I follow.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
Purge: Im a big dota 2 fan and i love his vids. Nice to watch, often helpful.

Totalbiscuit: for some reason i really like his hearthstone videos. i dont play that game myself tho, not a fan of that much randomness.

ChristopherOdd: He plays through RPGs mostly, really takes his time for them and usually plays blind without(many) spoilers. Found him when i was looking for a good Let's Play of Dark Souls, which is kinda hard to find since most of them are either guide-reading idiots or people who dont care about lore/story at all. Odd stood out cause he would actually listen to NPCs and read item description. He has his dumb moments and a thing for missing the most obvious stuff, but other than that are his playthroughs really enjoyable.

Marik2 said:
DSP cuz it is fascinating to see a truly incompetent person play games and never learn from them
but i couldnt watch that for a longer period of time. it's funny now and then, seeing how bad this guy is and fails at the simplest of things. but after a short while his badness and whiny behaviour is just annoying and not fun to watch at all.