Who else is disguisted by children nowadays?


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Inverse Skies said:
Doug said:
UNICEF report - "Human Development Report 2007/2008"

News links:

Report link:
Very nice, I knew you'd have something to back up that. Well there you go, I never would have figured Britian was the worst developed nation for raising kids... I wonder exactly how you've managed to claim that particular title?
Hmmm, you ever been over here? We have gangs of knive wielding yobs who are 'booooored' and think destroying things and hurting people is 'funny'. They get drunk aged 13. They get pregnant aged 12 (highest underage pregnancy rate in all Europe). We have council estates (like the American trailer parks, only grim grey concrete buildings that were designed to house people temporary after World war 2!) were unemployment and proverty have reached huge levels, where the parents don't give a shit about their kids and just leave them to raise themselves.

Bah, maybe I'm just a young-old man already, heh.

Inverse Skies

New member
Feb 3, 2009
Doug said:
Hmmm, you ever been over here? We have gangs of knive wielding yobs who are 'booooored' and think destroying things and hurting people is 'funny'. They get drunk aged 13. They get pregnant aged 12 (highest underage pregnancy rate in all Europe). We have council estates (like the American trailer parks, only grim grey concrete buildings that were designed to house people temporary after World war 2!) were unemployment and proverty have reached huge levels, where the parents don't give a shit about their kids and just leave them to raise themselves.

Bah, maybe I'm just a young-old man already, heh.
You could be desribing any area of lower socio-economic status from any developed nation there. I haven't been the the UK before, but I would like to at some stage.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Jeronus said:
Abedeus said:
At least you don't live in Poland. Every single school has 3 simple rules:

1. Remember it.
2. Pass it.
3. Forget it.

Except for the foreign languages, we don't learn actually anything useful in our adult years. Thank God I'm interested in going to a Computer Study University so I'll learn something good. Finally.
I believe you have just described my educational history all the way up to my high school years and I live in America. I was told I had a genius IQ in middle school but if you were to ask me I would say everyone around me is just stupider. I know someone else probably already said it but watch Idiocracy or just read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiocracy
Yes, I did watch it.

But still, even my Spanish teacher said that compared to US/EU schools, ours is just weak. It doesn't teach is anything useful about the life. So it fails its purpose.

Sneaky Paladin

New member
Jan 21, 2009
I freaking hate my generation. being 13 you will be saying I cant and probably am myself but screw you let me make a point here. where I live 60% of kids are the ones you have been describing with hate. the other 40% are pretty nice good kids I wouldnt be surprised if they grew up to be some of the best people ever. the other's are the biggest dipshits I have ever seen they piss me off and get mad at me for reading. I dont know about you but I like to choose reading over talking to them about clothes the newest rap and sex they wish they had. most people tell me I'm not like that because my brother was and I hate him in a brotherly way so maybe kids are just influenced by their older siblings on these issues


New member
Dec 22, 2008
Wardog13 said:
-bladerunner- said:
Us teenagers are put in a bad light because of a select few, most of us won't stab you if you talk to us, those that do get given a stereotype which is chosen by the media to represent us all. I wish people would see what we were like before they made a judgement on us. I open doors for other people and they look stunned that a teenager who at my age (according to the media) should be outside taking drugs and starting fights is being polite to them!
Where do you live? I do that all the time, they say thank you and keep walking. Maybe because I live in Georgia, I dont know.
Maidenhead, a town near to London in the south of the UK, were not crime ridden and it's a nice area but everyone is very suspicious of others.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Father Time said:
DigitalJedl said:
Father Time said:
DigitalJedl said:
Father Time said:
DigitalJedl said:
Father Time said:
Why can't anyone realize that 'the next generation will unravel society' has been prophesied over and over? It's like the end of the world theories, there have been so many theories that have been wrong all the time (Y2K for instance) and yet the next one is always taken seriously (like 2012).

Oh and show of hands anyone here have any actual evidence that this generation is more bratty than the previous generation or has more idiots (anecdotal evidence does not qualify)? ...

No no one ever does and yet a portion of the population continue to believe it every single time, probably because they like to look back at their own generation with rosy tinted glasses (nostalgia does that to you) and not realize all the stupid shit they were into or all the spoiled brats in those generations.
... Pokemon?:(
I liked and still like the games, but the TV show was bloody awful I'm ashamed I used to like it. But I remember that stuff being all over the place. Young kids seem to be easily impressed.
Card deals in the back yard at night.
Gameshark hacks to get all the good Pokemon and brag.
Everyone having the (in)famous hat on Ash's head.

Yup, we're douche bags.
Liking something stupid doesn't make you a douche.

Today it's miley cyrus and the jonas brothers, before it was boy bands like nsync and people like christina agulara (I am not going to look up the right spelling).

I still have my card collection even though I haven't played a single game yet.
But yeah kids will do things that seem stupid to fit in (or because they generally think it's good entertainment). That will probably never change.

Oh and freaking out your parents is an added bonus.
Twilight is the king of that throne now.

I didn't mind it before, I never paid much attention to the damn thing. Now all these insane fans are actually physically harming people for having the ol'mighty opinion. Sad panda.
Was that a news story or something you've seen? Beating people for having different tastes in entertainment is just so stupid.
Yes, and no.
I friend of mine has been attacked by one fan, I defended her of course. Poor girl didn't deserve that. :(

I haven't seen anything like this on the news, but a few of my friends and YouTubers have been attacked by them. Look up LillyLivers.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
PoisonUnagi said:
I'm 13, and the 7-11 year olds in my community are dispicable and embarrasing. They walk around smoking, getting f*cked, taking drugs and using PS3s.
The last third one is the worst of those.

On another note of child stupidity, half the guys I know at school, the so-called cool sportsy ones who think they are all that because they wear a 500 dollar hoodie when my 20 dollar one is actually better, are mostly (8/10) illiterate douches.

One kid was talking to some girls and he's like "I have ariforce ones!"
One of the girls says, "Isn't that a plane?".
Guy replies, "No you f*cking idiot, their shoes. Jesus you're dumb. You think Airforce One is a plane!"
This was when they noticed me and one of the girls knew me and knew I was smart so she pointed at me and I told him it was a plane. He was pissed.

Real smart generation we got here.

hem dazon 90

New member
Aug 12, 2008
im 14 and the people at my school are retards! they are allways fucking around like idiots

i hate my generation


New member
Feb 28, 2009
matteo123 said:
I'm 14. I don't have a cell phone, I don't drink, smoke, do drugs or have sex. I'm a dying breed of good teenagers. I don't know why half of the student populus do those things.
This, apart from the age & I do have a cell phone.