Who is your favourite video game character?


New member
Feb 23, 2011
Kyle1527 said:
Also I bet half of the people posting are going to choose Gordon Freeman - but I've got no idea why people even think he's such a great character.
It's the beard.

OT: Lance, my character in Oblivion.
I love him so much...


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May 27, 2009
Francis York Morgan, everyone of his little quirks and such are so dam interesting... dam want to play deadly prem again.


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Aug 27, 2010
Tie between Vanille from FFXIII and Garcia Fucking Hotspur from Shadows of the Damned.


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Sep 9, 2009
Kingdom Hearts 2 Riku, nobody else could allow themselves to be subdued by the darkness in their hearts to save their friends and remain "themselves" in essence, oh and he regained himself completely shortly after as well as saving sora's ass a few times without being found out


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Jul 9, 2011
Too many, most of them from Fallout: New Vegas.

If I had to pick one, I`d say Caesar, he wasn't your typical evil character, he was intelligent and idealistic, and that made him interesting, most evil characters are typically one-sided and are there simply to drive the plot. Caesar isn't the character that I necessarily like the most, but definitely one of my favorite characters. I don't know if that makes sense, but that's how I feel.


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Nov 2, 2010
My favorite video-game character is Nolan North. But seriously now, Solid Snake is the first name that came to my mind, but I can't deny George Stobbart his rightful place among the greats. Call it a tie.
Honorable mention goes to Murray, Minsc&Boo and Arthas.

The Pinray

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Jul 21, 2011
This is a tough one. It changes every so often for me.

But I'll have to say Daxter. Of all the video game characters I've seen, Dax is the only one that makes me crack a smile by the very sight of.

If you're looking for something more modern I'd say Marcus Fenix. He's been broken so much that the only thing holding him together is the gruff exterior he puts up to keep everyone (especially Anya) away. And whenever the cracks show, (especially when Carlos died) it's a powerful thing. And the worst part is everyone that truly knows him know it's just a front to hide himself, but they let him be to protect him. I feel for Marcus. I've known people like him.

Also, please read the damn books before you jump on the "he has no character" bandwagon. He really does.
Mar 26, 2008
Hmm so many to choose from, John Marston, Garrus Vakarian, the Master Chief, Sonic, even Commander Shepard him/herself.

But I'm going to have to go with Guy from Final Fight. He was the first character I played as religiously when it first came out. Plus he beat up Cody when he was walking out on Jessica, after you'd fought half of Metro City to get her. What a tool!


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Sep 18, 2010
Cette said:
Kyle Katarn

Between that beard and the massive balls it takes to turn off your lightsaber and start punching a sith in the face mid duel he's the epitome of star wars manliness.
Y'know, I wasn't sure who to pick when I opened this thread, but the Chuck Norris of the Star Wars universe gets my vote too. After all, there's no chin behind Kyle Katarn's beard... just another Bryar blaster pistol.


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Jul 1, 2009
Gilder from Skies of Arcadia. A cross between Morpheus, Dave Grohl, and every duel-pistol wielding, trench coat and pince-nez wearing, tripped out sky ship-sailing guy you've always wanted to be (or meet).

In his words, "Women are like sunsets. They go, but there's a new one every day."

Lunar Templar

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Sep 20, 2009
KefkaCultist said:
*looks at username* Yeah... It's Kefka...

I admire him because he knows how to get stuff done. He's not afraid to do whats necessary to achieve his goals and it shows. I mean, what other Final Fantasy villain can say that they successfully destroyed the world AND became a god. Lil' Sephy came close until he got cut down by mr. spikyhair and two friends, whereas It took FOUR people (one of which being half esper mind you) to stop Kefka and only after it was too late.

EDIT: Oh yeah, there's FFVI spoilers in this post.
word, Kefka is my favorite villian.(well, a tie between him and The Joker) but not my favorite character. also, technically, it took closer to 16 people to bring kefka down, where as it only took half that to bring seph down.

that is reserved for Terra Brandford. i like her whole arc in FF6, watching her grow as a person was probably one of the highlights of the game for me