Who was the worst teacher you ever had?


New member
Dec 31, 2009
My grade 7 French teacher basically made us clean her classroom and silently read random books that we found for a year. She was huge, and smelled really bad, all the time. Also, she had a pet spider named Agatha. Now I hate French.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
7th Grade English teacher by far, she never taught us anything she just bragged about her life and her famous ancestors (she claimed to be related to Emily Dickinson and to have had an ancestor who was on Henry Morgan's fleet I call BS on both). She was sexist and didn't even try to hide it always giving girls higher grades.


New member
May 6, 2011
My worst teacher was my Biology teacher for my last two years of highschool.

I entered the IB program to get away from the bad teachers but there she was.

Highlights included but weren't limited too. Teaching us things and then none of those things appearing on the test including handing out study guides which did not match the tests. I'm serious about this, we would take our tests (after grading) and compare them with our study guides/notes and they did not match. Also, many of the things she taught us were outdated and wrong.

Randomly going off on weird tangents. She would often tell us about this research study she had to do in which she gave rats crack and meth and then would study their brains. She went into excruciating detail about the miniature guillotine she had to cut off their heads, and other tools to break them open and study the physical brain. She would also often accompany this story with imitating what a rat on meth and/or cocain would act like.

Another rodent story she tried to convince was true was that, and to this day I can still quote her, "Did you not know? Gay people stuff gerbils up their asses to get off." It's memorably 'cause I had two gerbils back then and my WTF-you-talking-about-crazy-woman reaction took most of the day to overcome.

There's a lot more, but she was so bad that we actually had enough evidence (anecdotal and physical) that we actually felt comfortable starting a petition against her. Our junior IB class signed, the senior IB, all of the AP and Honors bio classes of that year, and some of the regular bio students. This was presented to our principle and the local paper. The paper didn't run the story, over summer there was an investigation. When we returned for senior year it was to the news that this would be her last school year teaching and she was entering into 'forced retirement.'

Of course she hated us all and made us as miserable as possible. After the IB exams (we had two months of free school since IB exams happened earlier than regular ones) she tried to make US clean out her storage room. It was a horrible room filled with some 15 odd years of collected junk and science stuff. There were petri(sp?) dishes with bacteria cultures stuffed in one corner, uncovered, and never disposed off! After one girl dropped an uncovered container of some undefined powder that then went airborne and had as all hacking and coughing as well as breaking out in rashes we just stopped going to her class. On the days we should have been showing up for her class we'd just join to lunch crowd, hang out in the IB lounge and/or library, and those of us that could just drove home.

To this day no teacher has ever matched her terrible badness.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
Summer School before 9th grade Academics Writing teacher. He would verbally abuse us during class. I am not kidding. He spent much of class yelling at us about how stupid we were, especially the Sophomores and Freshmen. Not only did I not learn anything, but I always left class an emotional wreck. Rumor had it that he hated Freshmen the most, yet for some reason he was a 9th grade English teacher during the regular school year. Luckily, I didn't get him for the actual school year, but I heard that his class was much smaller at the end of the year than it was at the beginning...

teh lurker

New member
Nov 11, 2009
I think the worst teacher I ever had was when I was going to computer school back in 1998. I don't recall her name, but she was supposed to teach us MS-DOS (I forget which version, whatever the last one was, 6.1 maybe), and then teach us Windows 3.11. The class was called DOS and Windows PC technology.

She skipped over DOS entirely, and started right in with Windows 3.11. That part I wouldn't have minded so much, except for the fact that I knew more about the subject matter than she did. One of the first things she told us to do was "Insert the hard disk into the CPU". She meant for us to inset a 3.5" floppy into the disk drive. When I told her that she was using the wrong terminology, she said I was wrong and that a floppy disk was one of the old 8 and 3/4 inch records that they used to use way back in the 70s. She then told me that the 5.25 floppy was a figment of my imagination. I think probably the dumbest thing she ever said was "To start a program using Windows, move the arrow over the picture of the program, then double tap the left critter button". Right after she said that, I raised my hand and asked to be handed the final exam, so I could test out of the class. The course was supposed to be 20 days long, and we were on day 2.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
My high school Spanish teacher is in the running for this. She tested us on subjects she hadn't taught yet. 25% of her students failed Spanish 1, and 70% failed Spanish 2.

My 10th grade English teacher was actually chased out of our school. She had a a creepy, almost sexual obsession with Edgar Allen Poe. We studied him all year long, every day, in violation of Pennsylvania teaching standards, and was just flat out CREEPY. She also tried to expel 4 students, including myself, for ridiculous things like laughing in class, or the vague 'not paying attention.'


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Every PE teacher I've ever had 'nuff said

also my yr 8 RE teacher. I said "Jebus" in the very first lesson and she kicked me out and said she never wanted me in one of her lessons ever again. The feeling was mutual.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
My worst teacher presided over my favorite "class". Advanced Computer Technology. She really didn't know much beyond a few inner workings of Mac OS (I think version 7 was current at the time), so we as students would maintain the schools network and build new systems out of discarded parts for use in classrooms without computers.
We would also function as a sort of roving tech support team for teachers who wound up breaking something in their machine.

Of course, the biggest up side to this is that we got to keep all of the fastest parts we got our hands on to tinker with and play games on during downtime.
Those are my favorite memories of early high school, really. Then my junior year I actually started getting paid to do the same thing after school... which began my workaholic years.


New member
Feb 4, 2011
Probably the Woman's Studies professor I had my sophmore year of college. There were about 15 people in the class and aside from me and one of my male friends everyone in the class(professor included) were man hating feminists who thought I was the lesbian equivalent of an Uncle Tom.

I got a B, but it was the least fun i've ever had doing anything. I'd rather watch paint dry then listen to that pyscho.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
my 5th and 4th grade teacher. she was a total *****.

she ounce pushed me over some chairs and yelled at me to get up.


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2009
Being Asian, my second grade teacher loved to beat the ever loving shit out of me.
I got one question wrong on my spelling quiz and the entire class got slapped across the face for each question wrong.

I grew about 5 inches by the next year and when I met him on the hallway, his attitude changed completely.
so he was probably projecting...something.. rather..


New member
May 27, 2009
I had a teacher, english 10th grade, who i swear to god, fit harry potter's Professor Umbridge's description almost to a T (minus the student torturing too, but i bet she would if she could get away with it). i dont think the rest of the faculty even liked her.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
a really leftist hippie teacher who had the most skewed view on history i have ever seen. wouldn't be so bad if me and my classmate didn't beat her in every discussion and she could back up a claim or two.

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
I used to have a teacher, and this was 5th grade mind you, that for about 6 month of the year, did almost nothing but play guitar and give out grammar sheets, almost none of which were ever marked. after 6 months, he left on stress leave and never returned. I heard that he went to teach at another school.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
My freshman year Spanish teacher was just awful. She had no idea what she was doing, yelled at everyone constantly, and spent most of class rejecting students who kept asking her out. Yeah, it was really weird.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
gabe12301 said:
(I'm not saying any names because my teachers know I have an escapist account.)
I currently have the worst teacher I've ever had. It's not that she's strict, it's that she literally has not taught us a single thing.No one in the class could think of anything she taught us and now were getting ready to take the finals. ;_;
Either my 1st grade teacherS
or my 7th grade teacher

let me start out with "My Life Sucks" (in terms of luck)

first off I'm a DUDE, and my first, first grade teacher was horribly sexist
plus she didn't want to deal with me after I outsmarted her (well smart alacked her?)

either way everyone got a turn to play on piano (girls went first) she said you could only play the higher notes (of course the girls didn't but she said that was okay)
due to my last name I went first out of the guys, I started playing Mario (yeah I was a nerd back then too) went down 1 too many notes, she started yelling at me saying "We don't hit those notes, those are SAD notes, we don't use SAD notes" I said "these are all treble notes, if you mean bass notes thoes start here *hits B right below middle C a few times*"

I got suspended...
then every day afterwords for stupid reasons, like not wanting to read until she said she was sorry (yeah I held gruges too)

eventually I got moved to a different teacher
she was crazy
she had had her first kid and every night the baby kept her up she took it out on us

as for 7th grade, well let me put it this way
he hates me because of this

Teacher: Now class I want you to know, I take Language arts Serious
Me: -ly
Teacher: Excuse me..?
Me: You said "I take language arts serious" that's an improper statement, you need to use an adverb for it to make sense, so it's "I take language arts seriousLY" not "serious" ...you think a language arts teacher would know that
Me: I don't know CAN I..? I think you meant to ask "MAY you step ouside for me"
Me: it's not yours, it's the school
Teacher: NOW!

...yeah he sent me to the office, forgot I was there, I was there for 4 hours before the office ladies felt sorry for me and sent me back

did I mention he got fired after 1 year of teaching..? heh heh