Who was your FIRST Video Game Hero? And who is your Current Favorite? AND WHY!?

Sep 14, 2009
Tohuvabohu said:
My first hero?

I grew up with lots of videogame heroes throughout NES and SNES. By the time PS1 came along, there was lots of new heroic sorts of people whom I've never really seen the likes of before. It was different, and although I enjoyed playing PS1 games a lot, there wasn't many 'heroes' that struck a chord with me.

Until MGS and Snake came along and changed how I felt about games and their heroes. He was the first character I could say I felt a real connection with. [/spoiler]

Current favorite hero? hmm... that's a toughie.

[spoiler]There's quite a few lately I enjoy.

I appreciate characters that can resonate emotionally with me.
[spoiler][img src='http://fronttowardsgamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/lee-everett.png'][/spoiler]

I enjoy characters who stand for something greater than themselves, and allows us to control how they develop and handle the events around them.
[spoiler][img src='http://www.extrahype.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Adam-Jensen2.jpg'][/spoiler]

And I enjoy characters who are undergoing deep internal turmoil, and experiencing their crumbling mentality first hand.
[spoiler][img src='http://www.heavemedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/spec-ops-3.jpg'][/spoiler]

Yes, I appreciate all manners of 'heroes'. But, I think most of all... I like heroes who are [i]entertaining[/i].

[spoiler][img src='http://www.original-gamer.com/og/images/chainsawlolli4.jpg'][/spoiler]

Sure, you can say she's the biggest cosplay bait ever created, 1-dimensional, has cringe-worthy lines. None of that really matters to me, because to me; she is just so damn entertaining and loveable. Her banter with Nick, constant upbeat attitude and sincerity is refreshing, and the perfect platform in which to experience this crazy ass game with.
Honorable shoutouts to: Classic Dante and Bayonetta

^Out of all those, it's really tough to pick a single favorite.[/QUOTE]

nice post, liked reading all that in the spoiler section.

and I'm gonna steal from you in a second here.


My first video game hero? twas a LONGGG time ago indeed. But that would probably have to be:

[spoiler=oldies but goodies][img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/209/4/b/pokemon_trainer_red_by_jord_uk-d41y2m0.jpg

makin friends, beating up the bad guys, and being your best every day? for a guy who says nothin, his actions sure say alot.

honorable mention: Green Power ranger on the sega genesis, I lovedddd getting him as a character after you beat him and save him from evil, but he is technically a tv character so left him out.

Adam Jensen ladies and gentleman, he takes the gifts/curses he's been given, and uses them for what he thinks is right. I've always identified myself as a chaotic good, if i had to use a alignment, and i believe he rolls right around that area himself (despite that he used to be an officer of the law). He always uses passion to drive his logic, and he always does whatever he can to save the little guy while never being afraid to put his foot down on the bully.

Just overall heroes though, I'd probably have to say superman, justice and all that shnazzy stuff, not believing he is better than anyone, all feel good stuff that can make any bad day i'm having and make it better.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
When I was younger, I loved all of the Pac-Man action games on the PSX and Gamecube, so for my first hero it'd have to be him.
However, my current favorite would have to be:

Yes, the King himself.
I could go into a long list of personal and practical reasons as to why I enjoy Duke Nukem as a character so much, but I'm feeling brief, so I'll give one of my main reasons, the one I cite more than any others:
Because I'm freaking sick and tired of protagonists who take everything so seriously.


Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
First, this guy here

Kazuki motherfucking Takemura, the protagonist of Front Mission 3. The reason I love him so much was probably because it was so easy for me to associate myself with him. I kinda look him, I'm stubborn like him, we both kinda calm but overprotective of our friends and we're both kinda dumb. Although, now I'm wondering, whether I liked him so much because he was so like me, or I liked him so much that I grew up to become like him...

For current favorite I'm gonna pick this pretty lady

She's not my favorite HERO, but if someone would ask me "QUICK! Name me an awesome video game character!" I would immediately reply "CHIE SATONAKA!!!"


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
[Img_Inline align="left"]http://dioxaz.free.fr/sprites/thumb/tails.png[/Img_Inline]My first one was Tails, little sister syndrome means I was always stuck with second player, but I liked the flying fox more than Sonic. Also I sucked so I liked flying through areas I couldn't get enough speed to do, kind of ruins the point of Sonic but I never play by the rules >:D

My current favorite would be Dante.

mmm... huh? Sorry what was I saying?

Oh yes, Dante is the most entertaining character ever. He's an immortal badass who acts like a backtalks to everyone. Even though his remarks may be cheesier than kraft that's one of the reasons he's awesome. He still has a serious side which makes him much more likeable than other characters like him.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Originally: The big square guy from the Atari 2600 game "Adventure" :)

Now: Any hero from any RPG where I get to create them.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
Ah man, my first game hero was...

Man that series really opened my eyes to the world of gaming! I can't stress how awesome the J&D series is.
My current favorite game hero is...

Dante is just a really cool character. There's no other way to describe him. I honestly have mixed feelings about the new Dante but I'll always love the original!


New member
Jul 18, 2011
My first ever real investment in gaming, and one of the biggest icons in the industry was easily my own personal hero:

Nowadays I don't really have a single hero or role model, because games don't often affect me in the same way these days. It could be the new Lara, but we'll have to wait and see.

Gmans uncle

New member
Oct 17, 2011
My first? These clowns!

My current?... Hmm... this is actually a tough one...
I don't usually take much intrest in the "hero" of allot of my favorite games, usually I'm more enamored by the supporting characters or the villain...
But if I where to nail it down definitivly I'd say...
Those are the two that really pop up when I think of heroes from games that I genuinely either like or find interesting enough to deserve such a title.


New member
Oct 22, 2007
First one... hard to say. Possibly Gribbly Grobbly.

We didn't have a lot of characters back in the 8 bit days.

And now? Paul Phoenix.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
First game came with my first console, Sonic 1 on the Sega Genesis, still have both the system, game, controller yadda yadda and they all still work.
First: [HEADING=1]Sonic the Hedgehog[/HEADING]


I don't really have any favorites of any kind, I sort have ditched bias ages ago. But that's boring so uh...

How about complete bias!!

[HEADING=1]Neige Aneganda[/HEADING]

From Antares Complex, some silly webcomic series by an idiot.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Headsprouter said:
Same. Those games, along with Spyro games, WERE my childhood. Crash was always easier to empathise with because he's more anthropomorphised (mostly in terms of being ACTUALLY biped), and I guess I preferred mutants to fantasy creatures...today that's not so true, though because I prefer The Elder Scrolls series to Fallout overall.
It's sorta the opposite with me. I kinda preferred Spyro's games to Crash's. However, Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back was the very first video game I've ever played. So of course, Crash always holds a special place in my heart.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
When you put it like that, I guess my first 'Hero' would be the protagonist from Loom (Which was an AWESOME game)

Probably would be some earlier heroes from my Atari or Commadore64, but at that time I couldnt read english.

Current hero is probably Frank West since I just started playing Dead Rising 2: Off the record (again)


New member
May 25, 2010
Jerram Fahey said:
First hero? That would probably be this little club guy:

Current favourite? Hmm...

Tough choice, but I think I'll go with Metroid. That dude's pretty cool.

Oh come now...save that stuff for trade chat on WoW.

As for the topic at hand...I would have to say Spyro was my first hero. That or Lara Croft. I use to watch my mom and sister play tomb raider quite a lot, it was a family thing you see. I would point out where they missed items, and help solve puzzles, and they would do the fighting and footwork.

Current hero? Hard to say. Ellis from Left 4 dead 2 has grown on me a lot. I can see a lot of myself in him, just bsing around and telling stories to friends while gunning through the zombpocalypse. I like Solair of Astora as well. Bah...this is hard. The Rose of Sharron Cassidy comes to mind as well; I just love her attitude, same then with Veronica.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
My first video game hero. Pokemon was my first video game ever so it'd have to be...

[HEADING=1]Trainer Red[/HEADING]

Pokemon master ftw

Current favorite is a certain green clad skirt wearing awesome guy...


<3 Legend of Zelda


New member
Nov 2, 2007
The first? Dangeorus Dave of course.

Although luckily he got replaced by Commander Keen not too long afterwards.

My current favorite hero would probably have to be The Engineer from Torchlight 2. But honestly, most characters these days are rather blank slates for you to fill with your actions (at least in the games I play, usually FPS and RPG or hybrids, like Fallout 3/NV, Skyrim, STALKER or whatever).


New member
Jun 8, 2010
first video game hero:

Reason: Link embodied pretty much everything the child me craved. Adventure, sword fighting, a horse, and elf ears :3 Link was also technically my first cosplay since I went as him for Halloween one year.

current favorite hero:

Reason: It seems like cop-out for me not being original enough, but I honestly cannot think of any other video game character that means as much to me as Link. He was, is, and forever will be my hero.

Honorable Mentions: Samus Aran (Metroid), Zidane Tribal (FF9), and Locke Cole (FF6)

Sack of Cheese

New member
Sep 12, 2011
First one? Hmmm, this is a hard one. I suppose it's Cloud in Final fantasy 7.

Current one: Commander Shepard. *swoons*


New member
Mar 15, 2009
When I was younger I played games, but never really payed any attention to the story or characters.

And then I played RE4

My god, I loved Leon, he was so cool, and to this day he is still one of my favourite characters and heroes!

[Kira Must Die]

Sep 30, 2009
First game hero?

Spyro the Motherfucking Dragon!

As for currently, Travis Touchdown is such a lovable psychopath: