I, personally, generally don't like Fiction Novels (With some exceptions, obviously). The only time I read fiction novels is/was for school/college. On the other hand, I generally do enjoy just plain text books, even for things that I wouldn't normally bother reading (like on Science for instance).
My guess is that books are boring to you because you live in the 21st century, and you were probably born and raised in the late 20th century. You're probably more audio/visually oriented, education or entertaining wise, instead of writing oriented. That's not necessarily bad, but considering a lot of places still use physical literature (or at least encourage it) over digital literature or other media, it could be a bit of a problem depending on what you want to do with your life. My advice is that you try several different types of physical literature; try novels, short stories, text books, poetry books, and other kinds of books. Try several of each group too. If you honestly have a problem getting through the first page for all kinds of physical literature, then your out of luck as far as I'm concerned.