Why Call of Duty may possibly be the best multiplayer shooter.

Corporal Yakob

New member
Nov 28, 2009
I'm going to be a filthy heretic here and say I'm actually looking forward to MW3's multiplayer over BF3's after finding the latter's a bit disapointing-don't get me wrong, its hilarious to kamikaze a jet fighter into a small house wether I intended to or not but I find I've been getting more rage then fun out of the game online: maybe the maps are too big and death too sudden or maybe I just suck at it.....


New member
Aug 20, 2009
WindScar said:
CoD is not the best because anyone can pick up and play. What does that mean, the players who invest heavily in a game aren't to be rewarded? Or does that mean that you think ANY player can actually compete with the veterans? Either way, in my eyes, your argument is flawed and shallow.
Here's an anecdote from when I tried to get into Metal Gear Online. It's an experience point-driven shooter where you can level up, thus rewarding skill. Thing is, if you're just starting, you will NEVER get XP because everyone's too good for a noob to beat as well as having high-tier perks and abilities. So rewarding vets with anything other than satisfaction can horribly unbalance a game against newcomers.


New member
Jan 12, 2009
If it was on modern machines, Star Wars Battlefront 2 would be better. Playing that on Net Play was amazing, just no one actually had netplay so it took awhile to get a game.

Nathan Atkinson

New member
Jul 10, 2011
TF2 is much more original, easy to pick up and play as well, and I've only gotten on one server full of assholes in the 2 years I've played... so... yeah...

and I don't have to pay for new content every month to keep playing after paying 20$ for it too. lol

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
Dangernick42 said:
If it was on modern machines, Star Wars Battlefront 2 would be better. Playing that on Net Play was amazing, just no one actually had netplay so it took awhile to get a game.
Im not sure what NetPlay is...but Stars Wars Battlefront 2 was a beast of an awesome game! IMO They need to make Battlefront a series of games... -Insert Franchise/Setting/Series- Battlefront

OnTopic....CoD was a good MP game to play BEFORE it became an RPG....back when you picked a kit and headed into battle....also it seems team worked still exsisted...


New member
Sep 4, 2009
I'mma let you finish, but putting 3D shapes through 2D shaped holes is the best toy of all time; of ALL TIME. (because pretty much anyone can play it).

I don't even care if there are better games that are better built, more entertaining and worth more for their price; but shapes through holes is the best!


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Aug 6, 2008
Nieroshai said:
WindScar said:
CoD is not the best because anyone can pick up and play. What does that mean, the players who invest heavily in a game aren't to be rewarded? Or does that mean that you think ANY player can actually compete with the veterans? Either way, in my eyes, your argument is flawed and shallow.
Here's an anecdote from when I tried to get into Metal Gear Online. It's an experience point-driven shooter where you can level up, thus rewarding skill. Thing is, if you're just starting, you will NEVER get XP because everyone's too good for a noob to beat as well as having high-tier perks and abilities. So rewarding vets with anything other than satisfaction can horribly unbalance a game against newcomers.
So now you are assuming everyone will fail that hard at balance.


New member
Oct 29, 2011
Nathan Atkinson said:
TF2 is much more original
Well... it's kind of hard to call TF2 original, considering it plays almost exactly like TFC... which played exactly like TF1. But I get your drift.

COD's multiplayer is really, really good. It's easy to pick up and play and it's very addicting. But that was the case for MW1. The question is what's so damn different in every single installment of the series since that warrants this hype and these sales.

Also, as good as it is, it's hard to really call it "the best multiplayer shooter", because inevitably a good chunk of this depends on taste. I played a lot of MW1 and liked it a lot, but Counter Strike (1.5, in particular) and TFC/TF2 are still my preferred options.


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Mar 16, 2010
Evill_Bob said:
Waddles said:
Nothing has ever come even remotely close to Goldeneye, even after all this time. CoD is no exception.
What about everything that ever appeared in the history of ever in the paramenters of after the Nintendo 64? Like nearly any game from the following series: Tribes, Unreal, Quake, Half-Life, Counter Strike, Halo, Team Fortress 2, Metro 2033, and Killing Floor?
None of them come close even still imo. Nothing is as fun, as easy to pick up and play yet hard to be really good at.

Also I've never heard of Tribes, Metro of Killing Floor.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Call of Duty is not a particularly easy game to play, and if it was, I don't see why that would make it the best multiplayer shooter.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Waddles said:
Evill_Bob said:
Waddles said:
Nothing has ever come even remotely close to Goldeneye, even after all this time. CoD is no exception.
What about everything that ever appeared in the history of ever in the paramenters of after the Nintendo 64? Like nearly any game from the following series: Tribes, Unreal, Quake, Half-Life, Counter Strike, Halo, Team Fortress 2, Metro 2033, and Killing Floor?
None of them come close even still imo. Nothing is as fun, as easy to pick up and play yet hard to be really good at.

Also I've never heard of Tribes, Metro of Killing Floor.
Never heard of Tribes? Killing Floor and Metro I can kind of understand but TRIBES!? KIDS THESE DAYS! Let me guess, only experience you've had with Unreal has been Unreal Championship?


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Spritzey said:
Radeonx said:
Spritzey said:
Radeonx said:
No, because clearly CoD is for 14 year asshats and anyone who disagrees with anyone who thinks this is just a moronic fanboy.
Care to explain? Because there's nothing really hypocritical about what I just said.
Fanboy:"X is teh best thing ever and anyone who disagrees is an idiot".

Your comment is along very similar lines making you like an anti-fanboy, but it still makes you as bad as one for you support/dismiss something wholeheartedly for little to no good reason.

Nice avatar btw.
Except for the fact that it was blatantly obvious sarcasm.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
You'd have an easier time trying to defend why Football or Soccer is the best sport to someone from opposing opinions.

That sure is one of the reasons WHY CoD appeals to more players than anyone. BF3 takes more teamwork but in today's gaming world that can be a liability than a positive. One thing I enjoy about CoD is that I can start it up and jump into matchmaking faster than any other game and have fun.

Doesn't matter if the team I'm on sucks I can still do well and have fun while the team loses the game by 10 kills because I personally did well and had fun doing it. Games like BF can be frustrating when stuck with bad teammates because of how teamwork is important. I personally am lucky to jump on and have one friend online let alone enough to make a team in any game.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Call of Duty easy to play? I'd contest that on the grounds it most certainly isn't; I've witnessed newbies to it (people who I know face-to-face) who have spend days trying to get into CoD and failing due to the sheer difficulty; I know its hard for them because as soon as a player who is not even prestiged yet appears on the opposite team, they're mine; I seem to have a knack for destroying said individuals, causing them to leave after a game or two. And I know what its like to be that person; I took somewhere in the region of three months to get good at Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare; I really wanted to and it took a lot of pain before I was good at; suffice to say those first three months were very unenjoyable; thankfully I had new games at the same time when I couldn't take it any more and needed a break from dying. And then of course since then, its been even less newbie-friendly, especially when they introduced "experienced players-only" stuff that raped at higher levels. In terms of multiplayer, I'd say its the worst out of the big shooter series out at them moment (save perhaps Gears...).

Battlefield is definitely worse in terms of accessibility, as is Halo (Halo is, in my opinion, one of the most newb-unfriendly games I've ever seen), but there are games considerably easier to get into than CoD.


New member
Jan 12, 2009
Lt. Vinciti said:
Dangernick42 said:
If it was on modern machines, Star Wars Battlefront 2 would be better. Playing that on Net Play was amazing, just no one actually had netplay so it took awhile to get a game.
Im not sure what NetPlay is...but Stars Wars Battlefront 2 was a beast of an awesome game! IMO They need to make Battlefront a series of games... -Insert Franchise/Setting/Series- Battlefront

OnTopic....CoD was a good MP game to play BEFORE it became an RPG....back when you picked a kit and headed into battle....also it seems team worked still exsisted...
NetPlay was like PSN/XboxLIVE on the PS2, it was only on a very limited number of games, and as I remember, had very little else you could do except for play multiplayer (no DLC etc). Also, not sure about other settings, LotR Conquest was basically battlefront and that didnt really work at all.


New member
May 18, 2010
TheGreekGeekPrick said:
Nathan Atkinson said:
TF2 is much more original
Well... it's kind of hard to call TF2 original, considering it plays almost exactly like TFC... which played exactly like TF1. But I get your drift.
not really, but I get your drift as well

TFC and QTF were much more tactical than TF2, since its weapons weren't exactly... normal
like the Spy having sedatives, or the nailguns that had slow... well, "nail" trajectory
or even the sniper that required charging up before firing

which was still polished and balanced, just that they weren't exactly for anyone