Why Call of Duty may possibly be the best multiplayer shooter.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Haven't played enough CoD too judge (got sick of being spawnkilled to neverland. So much for pick up and play), but your argument seems to be; CoD is the best cause even my family can play it.

As many before me have pointed out, this is not entirely a point in its favor, nor is it a good line of argument. Wii sports has sold more units then any individual game in the series and can be played by anyone, therefore it must be the best game ever? You even have to explain that you aren't trolling.

CoD is formula. It save. If you like it, more power to you. I prefer my TF2's, ironically also a game anyone can technically pick up and play but doesn't cost 60 euro's.

Tyrant T100

New member
Aug 19, 2009
Somonah said:
OK game completely ruined by it's community. Deal with it.
I've had less problem with the COD community than I've had with more Niche shooters, COD makes it pretty easy to mute someone so it isn't a problem anyway.

COD definitely isn't the best multiplayer shooter around but the ability to just pick up and play it with the clever rpg mechanics means I've but lots of hours into the series.


King of Okay
Jun 27, 2008
The people who think COD is the best game of all time tend to be the ones who are pretty good at it. A game is far more fun if you aren't dying all the time.

I mean, I don't really like CoD for a few reasons (repetitive game design, I don't engage with the narrative) but one of the reasons is that it's far too multiplayer orientated and I don't enjoy the multiplayer. I tend to just spawn and then run around for a few seconds till I get shot. No fun.

Conversely, I got into TF2 around the beginning of the year and I absolutely love it, but that's probably because I'm actually okay at. Sure, I'm not fantastic, but I still rack up more kills.

Ultimately, you will think a game is better if you are good at it, in the same way you will probably enjoy a movie more if you understand what's going on.

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
Sure, anyone can play Call of Duty, but that's like saying bread is the best food because everybody is willing to eat it. That doesn't quite make logical sense when you think about it. Also, "Best" is a subjective word when it comes to people and their opinions, as one will view something great as terrible and vice-versa.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Baboviolent is the best shooter! "because pretty much anyone can play it."
Deal with it.

Jokes aside I really don't see why we need these threads, yes CoD and BF are both insanely popular and incredibly generic shooters and the FPS genre pretty much prints money.
If you like FPSes then great, don't make threads about it.
If you hate FPSes then great, don't make threads about it.


New member
Oct 18, 2010
I do say old chap you obviously haven't played Timesplitters ahahaha...but seriously, no, COD has far too many pissy little problems alongside it's big problems to be the best in my opinion, if only Crytek would get their collective ass moving and make a fourth Timesplitters!


New member
Sep 8, 2009
I know the reason why I hate it. Because every year I tell myself "This time they will do something different" but its the same overpriced crap I bought last year with different models on the same guns with shitter hitmarkers and maps.

I got into it fairly late with CoD4, I loved it. I was damn good at it too.
Then came CoD5, which I loved even more. I was used to WW2 shooters but not one that looked as good as CoD5 did, not one as fun as it either.
Then I feel it went a bit down from there. MW2 was rather disapointing and became very annoying very fast while Black Ops is a frustrating whinge fest from players complaining that you use a certain scope or weapon. Oh, and Nuketown is not the only map people.

While im content with BF3 at the moment, I will have to see gameplay clips from MW3 before I decide if I want it or not.


New member
May 18, 2009
Radeonx said:
Spritzey said:
Radeonx said:
No, because clearly CoD is for 14 year asshats and anyone who disagrees with anyone who thinks this is just a moronic fanboy.
Care to explain? Because there's nothing really hypocritical about what I just said.
Fanboy:"X is teh best thing ever and anyone who disagrees is an idiot".

Your comment is along very similar lines making you like an anti-fanboy, but it still makes you as bad as one for you support/dismiss something wholeheartedly for little to no good reason.

Nice avatar btw.


New member
Nov 19, 2010
Clive Howlitzer said:
Nothing beats having the asshole who is killing you being within reach!

I see where you're coming from there. It's not technically the best, no. But it's entertaining if you don't get too involved in the noob-hating-metagame and just play it. I prefer TF2, but I wouldn't try and teach my dad to play it. I have, however, taught my dad to play Codblops.

Tyrant T100

New member
Aug 19, 2009
BlueSinbad said:
I do say old chap you obviously haven't played Timesplitters ahahaha...but seriously, no, COD has far too many pissy little problems alongside it's big problems to be the best in my opinion, if only Crytek would get their collective ass moving and make a fourth Timesplitters!
It's coming out next year.

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
Sean Hollyman said:
No, I'm not trolling. Yes, I know CoD has a lof of flaws, and is downright stupid at some times. But what makes Call of Duty so great as a multiplayer game is that it's so easy that anyone can play it. You know, not everyone has to be an awesome or regular gamer to play and enjoy a game. Games like Battlefield and Halo are good yes, but I would think that for a casual game night with some family or something, they wouldn't really be suitable.

I'm not saying that CoD is a family game, hell no it isn't, but pretty much anyone can pick it up and play it. My sister (though she sucks) enjoys playing it. My stepdad, who never plays games, enjoys the odd game of CoD. I'm in no way saying it's the best shooter, but it's the overall best multiplayer, because anyone can play and enjoy it. Isn't that what gaming is about? Having fun, playing with people you know, and enjoying it?

TL;DR For people:
CoD is the best multiplayer shooter because pretty much anyone can play it.

under that logic Mario card has the best multiplayer, it is extremely easy to learn. Pretty much anyone can just pick up the game and play it, they can even win the earlier tournaments. A game being easy to pick up and play with a group of people is only the most important feature in a party game, though being easy to pick is still important in other multiplayer games.

I think battlefield has a much better multiplayer, its balanced, has lots of strategical options though strategy isn't needed to play the game, I have experienced more 'wow this is awesome moments' in 1 hour of playing battlefield then in my entire time playing call of duty (thought this is only a small point as this really changes from person to person), the game can still be very fun when your team is getting its ass handed to them, the combat can vary so much from person v person to uav v helicopter or boat v tank.

I also don't see battlefield being anymore difficult to pick up then call of duty.


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
No way. I'd say it's quite possibly the most functioning shooter, but it's not the best.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Yeah, but I get to fly a jet around in Battlefield. :p

CoD is good, yes, but it has a lot of problems, and Activision's milking of it is getting a bit old now.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
It's all about availability, I know of shooters that are a lot more better (in my opinion) than CoD but because they're developed by smaller studios they don't get as much publicity as a game like CoD and as such don't sell as well.

It's like saying bread is the best food ever because pretty much everyone can and has eaten it.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Halo is my personal favorite casual shooter, and is the easiest to teach someone who's never played before.
Best multiplayer game for people new to games, would be a toss up of: Wii sports (my grand parents can play it), Mario Party (any of them), or Halo.
All of those games teach new players really well, are easy to pick up, and have forgiving multiplayer.
CoD the best multiplayer FPS? Naga please.


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
Irridium said:
But does it have hats?
One day we can but hope. £5 bet on TF2 promo hats for MW3 release?

The_root_of_all_evil said:
Pretty much anyone can pick up a sausage roll and eat it.

Does that make it the best savoury food of all time?
Yes. Ever tried haggis sausage rolls! Mmmmmmmmmmmm