Why Derivative Game Design Doesn't Matter


Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
I agree that the character designs aren't great; I recall every character looking like a linebacker (even like Gordon) in Asylum, I think they toned that done in latter games but maybe I just got used to it.
Forgot to respond to this part. Arkham Knight has a more realistic art style. More realistic bodies and faces, the huge muscles (that Unreal Engine may have made worse) largely dropped. But the costumes are just as overdesigned.

Another wall of text, about the Arkham City character designs:


The character designs of the Arkham games are in this ugly middle between cartoon and busy realism. Comic book artists intentionally keep their designs simplistic, because they have to draw them over and over, while many video game artists clutter theirs with too much detail, not understanding that simplicity can make them more visually striking. They don't need to think about it because they only have to model and texture the character one time, aside from slight edits that make them appear more worn and beat up over time.


Batman's physique is so badly balanced. They put so much muscle on him that he looks malformed from certain angles [1]. He had pretty wide shoulders in the animated series, but here it looks strange because the art leans so much more towards realism [2]. I hate how metallic and angular the heavy gloves, boots and belt are. When you add all the punch holes and seams, the design becomes more about the suit than about the man.

[1] Batman_3.mkv
[2] Batman_shoulders.mkv


Talia al Ghul looks like a biker [1]. I understand that those colorful flowing desert garbs she wore in other media might look out of place in Gotham City [2][3][4], but they could have gone with a more minimalist femme fatale appearance or something. There are so many lines, belts, hooks and buttons on the pebbled leather that you focus less on the woman, the character. Why do her assassins have all those ugly tattoos and not she, as a member of the same order?

[1] Talia_design.mp4
[2] talia_in_other_media_1.png
[3] talia_in_other_media_2.png
[4] talia_in_other_media_3.png


I don't understand what they were going for with Catwoman [1]. If the layer with the hexagonal patterns beneath is a bodysuit, then why the flat layers that are split all over on top? I guess it's all sewn together, with the top layer acting as stronger protection, but the straps resembling garters over her butt make it confusing. The way the top layer of the back of the legs makes those flat angles as it runs down makes no sense from a utility perspective, nor does it look sexy.

The zipper goes too low. If you go that low, you might as well continue over the whole pelvis, and then it will just look fetishistic. How low she has the puller and how the artists relied on rigid graphics to keep the open part of her suit always standing up like that bothers me too. The high collar doesn't work for me either, because of how open the chest area already is. If they wanted a prominent collar, then they should have started the zipper and collar at her cleavage.

I don't care for that thong 'n' stocking design in the back. Prior designs clearly had sex appeal, but they were less overt and more tasteful than THIS. [2][3][4][5][6]

The patterns and angles, how they're so intricately sewn together, imply that she has the same resources as Batman, that she can order expensive military or police grade equipment in sectionals (in bulk to reduce suspicion) and then finish putting them together herself, like in Batman Begins [7].

If you look at her neck, you will notice that the mask and choker are a single piece separated by two straps. Either have the mask cover her whole neck or separate the choker. THIS just looks needlessly complicated.

Why the belts on her sides? What are they supposed to do?

Because leather isn't fancy enough, the whip is made of metal [8].

Again, too much information in the design.

Also, why give her the protective goggles if she only pulls them over her eyes while using X-ray vision [9]? I think she only has them over her eyes in one cutscene [10]. Makes them look so useless on her head.

The Catwoman of Arkham Knight has a more human face. Her costume kept many of the problems and put a stupid cat brooch on her chest, but the patterns are at least simpler [11].

[1] play_in_corner_of_Catwoman_character_critique.mp4
[2] animated series scenes > Catwoman_(The_Cat_and_the_Claw).mkv
[3] catwoman_in_batman_returns_1.mkv
[4] catwoman_in_batman_returns_2.png
[5] catwoman_in_batman_returns_3.png
[6] catwoman_designs_through_the_years.png
[7] bulk-order.mkv
[8] catwoman_-_metal_whip.mkv
[9] catwoman_goggles_1.mp4
[10] catwoman_goggles_2.mkv
[11] Catwoman_in_Arkham_Knight.mp4


Those glowing vines on Ivy's body, the green skin with green eyes, the way her floating hair moves by itself, the panties made of foliage... [1][2] Individually, some of those details would be fine, but together they are excessive. Her best designs are the more subtle ones, in my opinion. The ones who could seduce because they are still so human [3]. Who can blend into society with only glasses and a suit [4].

[1] Ivy_1.mp4
[2] Ivy_2.mp4
[3] animated series scenes > ivy_toon_(pretty_poison).mkv
[4] ivy_liar_(Eternal_Youth).mkv


The games may have been aimed most at fans of the DC animated universe, with the reprisals of Kevin Conroy as Batman, Mark Hamill as Joker and (at least in Arkham Asylum) Arleen Sorkin as Harley Quinn. But Clayface, Killer Croc, Bane and Solomon Grundy have none of the humanity and dignity of Bruce Timm's designs. They look so sinister and grotesque. Croc with those long, horrible teeth [X][2]. Clayface with a face resembling a skull [3][4]. Solomon Grundy, now an ugly giant with huge veins and bright glowing eyes [5][6]. Bane's hoses and neon-bright veins are ridiculous. His head is too low or his upper back is too high or both. It almost looks like the back of his head comes out of the neck. Like his brain goes into his neck [7][8][9][10].

[2] animated series scenes > Killer_Croc_(Sideshow).mkv
[3] Joker_is_Clayface.mkv
[4] animated series scenes > Clayface_(Feat_of_Clay,_Part_2).mkv
[5] Ice_gun_and_Solomon_Grundy.mkv
[6] Solomon_Grundy_(Justice_League_-_The_Terror_Beyond_Pt._II).mkv (10:02.601 to 10:22.985)
[7] Bane_1.mp4
[8] Bane_2.mp4
[9] *Bane character viewer*
[10] Bane_(Bane).mkv

Let us not forget Joker's disgusting appearance as the final boss in Arkham Asylum [1]. Why did he have a mohawk after becoming Titan Joker? I don't care for Joker's regular appearance either. The projecting chin and nose stand out on a model that's otherwise pretty normal in a world with mostly human protortions, barring of course the hulking muscle look that's, unfortunately, all over the trilogy.

[1] TItan_Joker.mp4


Harley Quinn's tattoos complete her trashy look. The original jester style was the only one that ever worked for me. [1][2] Also, Catwoman and Harley can't both have chokers in the same game. She is overused, by the way. We didn't need the Joker and her in every game in Rocksteady's trilogy.

[1] Harley_Quinn_1.mp4
[2] Harley_Quinn_3.mp4


Batgirl is cute [1][2]. Putting Barbara Gordon in a wheel chair in the only video games that we'd have for however many years was a waste of a fun character. Robin and Batgirl should both have been playable in their own full stories starting with the second game, even if it meant shortening Batman's campaign. Arkham Knight finally made her playable in a short prequel DLC, but I do not care for her design [3]. At five feet and eleven inches, she is almost the same height as Robin and Nightwing and not that much shorter than Batman. You don't need to read her in-game bio to see that she is pretty tall. It's obvious when she stands next to the criminals [4]. Curiously, Tim Drake grew two inches between Arkham City and Arkham Knight. Another detail that would have helped to differentiate Batgirl from Batman and Robin is a shorter cape. Most of her other designs have shorter capes. Her suit also has too many distracting angles and lines [5]. I can't tell which parts are hard leather and which are plastic or steel.

[1] animated series scenes > Batgirl_1_(Batgirl_Returns).mkv
[2] animated series scenes > Batgirl_2_(Batgirl_Returns).mkv
[3] Batgirl_in_Arkham_Knight.mp4
[4] Batgirl_fighting_in_Arkham_Knight.mp4
[5] Batgirl_in_Arkham_Knight.mp4


*Text saying, "Some of Arkham Knight's other designs..."* [1][2][3]

All the armor and padding take away from the theatricality of these characters and conceal the athletic physiques that are supposed to make them appear extraordinary. As animator Peter Chung said, it becomes more about the costume and less about the person [4]. Realistically, the armor would encumber Batman and his allies and make them more audible when they try to sneak. You would hear all the metal, plastic and stiff leather. Skintight outfits also make gunfire more visually threatening [5].

[1] Batman_in_Arkham_Knight.mp4
[2] Robin_in_Arkham_Knight.mp4
[3] Nightwing_in_Arkham_Knight.mp4
[4] Audio from Aeon_Flux_commentary.mkv played over "Aeon_Flux_1" to "6" clips
[5] Animated series scenes > Batman_vulnerable_no_armor_(Robin's_Reckoning,_Part_1).mkv


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Paul Dini sullied his name by writing for video games with too many characters. I wonder how much they worked AROUND him and how much they had to direct him. "We need this, this and that."

Depressing. Almost grimdark. I'm remembering now Bruce Timm and Paul Dini explaining how they were able to make the death of Robin's trapeze parents in the animated series more impactful by showing only the rope snapping and the audience standing up in shock. They were not even allowed to put in the sound of them hitting the floor. "And again, not needed."

Arkham creators went for visceral violence and suffering whenever they could. They wanted to shock, but just bored.

Cognitive dissonance. Serious story and silly collect-a-thon game design, like Coca Cola in milk. Listen to the scary music become louder as he collects another ridiculous Riddler trophy, as if the writer thought he'd still be just walking slowly. And that stupid "Level Up" sign flashing at the top of the screen through the drama.
The 2 Knight videos don't really count to me because 1) Dini wasn't a writer for that game and 2) that game was pretty meh.

Characters dying isn't inherently grimdark. The reason you'll have more characters dying in a video game adaption (or an adaptation that is shorter) is because the writers don't have to keep the characters around for later episodes or comic books. The cognitive dissonance thing is an inherent issue with most video games that you just hand wave away for the most part. IIRC, Heavy Rain, did an update so trophies didn't ding when you actually got them. Games don't usually try to alleviate those type of issues.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
I bet you have to parry
If anyone wants to play a game that's kinda Soulsy but doesn't give you a parry, I recommend Black Myth Wukong. Honestly that game is probably the most recent case-in-point for this thread's overall point. It starts from a similar place to Dark Souls or Sekiro (more Sekiro than DaS IMO) but does enough things those games don't (removing blocking/parrying, the heavy attack system, wine soaks, transformations) that it creates its own core identity and combat flow. It may be a Soulslike, but it's also strongly itself.

Well, I admit I haven't played that much of it yet, but that's how it seems to me so far.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Dynamic music in games have become more commonplace and I have zero complaints with that. Especially in single player melee action games.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
When derivative design is helpful and useful, and why being sue happy is a stupid decision, Capcom. Especially when said clone is doing its own thing, and the entire roster plays nothing like SFII roster. Max is in favor of Data East, and they did win, so DE didn't get sued.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
If anyone wants to play a game that's kinda Soulsy but doesn't give you a parry, I recommend Black Myth Wukong. Honestly that game is probably the most recent case-in-point for this thread's overall point. It starts from a similar place to Dark Souls or Sekiro (more Sekiro than DaS IMO) but does enough things those games don't (removing blocking/parrying, the heavy attack system, wine soaks, transformations) that it creates its own core identity and combat flow. It may be a Soulslike, but it's also strongly itself.

Well, I admit I haven't played that much of it yet, but that's how it seems to me so far.
Problem with Wu Kong is that once you step outside the crazy hype/anti-hype cycle with critics and the whole China thing, the reviews are rather mixed. So it's like a "when cheap and feel like fighting bosses again" kinda game.

I don't mind and even like parrying, I'm more mocking the way trends work in gaming.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I have this posted for a specific reason. There are several of these types of games now. Also Yahtzee, Capcom always wanted to do a first person Resident Evil since the very first game, but they couldn't get it off the ground, nor work properly. Hardware limitations on the Playstation 1. I find it funny he's complaining about RE7 now, when he sure as hell had no problems praising to the sun, moon, and stars up until recently.



Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Another positive spin is we're seeing a wave of old action game franchise from the 2000s and 6th generation making a comeback or returning. All thanks to Devil May Cry 5 and Streets of Rage 4. Now we got Gungrave GORE, Onimusha, Okami, and now Ninja Gaiden 4 with a remake of II that just came out today! Ninja Gaiden 4 in particular is taking more elements from Metal Gear Rising because Platinum is working on it in co-development with Team Ninja!


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
BTW, Platinum is working on Ninja Gaiden 4. Expect more parries!
yeah well I felt pretty miserable any time I attempted any Ninja Gaiden and I saw the showcase for the new one with the same awkward angles/cuts in the fights that bothered me in the old games so... I guess, I'm glad for the folks that are into this but that's a no thank you from me
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I just find it funny that none of the 3D Ninja Gaiden clones or those touting themselves as spiritual successors, never made it far and only have the one game. Devil's Third had a long production history and hell and was dead on arrival on Wii U. The single player sucked, and the multiplayer, which was superior, you can't even play anymore. It didn't even last a full year. Wanted: Dead Literally plays like a worsw version of Ninja Gaiden II. It's a throwback 360 game of the worst kind, unlike Evil West.

Metal Gear Rising is the only one to stand head and shoulders above these, and I find a much better game than the NG entire trilogy. The is irony that goes in 2 directions. Platinum is noe working on the next main line entry, and Team Ninja took element from the greek era GoW games. For better and for worse respectively with NG2 and NG3 respectively. They at least tried to fix it with 3: Razor's Edge. Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z was ripping off GoW nearly wholesale. Though Spark Unlimited developed the game and then they got shut down building up from their previous failures.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Back on topic: Here's thirty minutes of Woolie and Pat making fun of all of Sony's dumb financial decisions with live services.



Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
Batman not killing

Another interesting post. Perhaps I should make an Arkham thread. Wouldn't be enough participation, though.

"Batman killed enemies in his earliest appearances but they basically stopped it when Robin debuted in 1940. The first Tim Burton Batman movie is heavily inspired by this brief pre-Robin period, right down to him using glass smoke grenades. Once Robin came in, the tone became much goofier since Batman was partnering with a little kid and it mostly stayed there until around 1970, when Neal Adams and Denny O'Neil decided to 'get back to the roots' of the character by making his ears longer and such. It was still pretty goofy but more in the way of a classic Bond movie or something. Then Frank Miller did his stories in the mid-80s and the character has been stuck in that grim tooth-gnashing rut ever since. The Arkham games are hilarious to me in all the wrong ways."


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Another interesting post. Perhaps I should make an Arkham thread. Wouldn't be enough participation, though.

"Batman killed enemies in his earliest appearances but they basically stopped it when Robin debuted in 1940. The first Tim Burton Batman movie is heavily inspired by this brief pre-Robin period, right down to him using glass smoke grenades. Once Robin came in, the tone became much goofier since Batman was partnering with a little kid and it mostly stayed there until around 1970, when Neal Adams and Denny O'Neil decided to 'get back to the roots' of the character by making his ears longer and such. It was still pretty goofy but more in the way of a classic Bond movie or something. Then Frank Miller did his stories in the mid-80s and the character has been stuck in that grim tooth-gnashing rut ever since. The Arkham games are hilarious to me in all the wrong ways."
One of Batman's messages has become rehabilitation. Plus, if you want realism, a vigilante like Batman wouldn't be allowed to exist if he was constantly killing people. Sure, it's already a very thin line even in fictional Gotham, but the only reason he's even sorta allowed to exist is because he doesn't kill people. And that's not to say Batman can't ever kill in rare situational cases. Superman couldn't originally fly but not not having a Superman that could fly would not be Superman.