Have you tried Warriors Abyss yet?Rogue liet brawlers are starting to become a more common thing now. It has lead to some pretty interesting results.
Not yet, and I'm holding off on that. I hear it's a good game, I just don't like the overpriced DLC costumes for old or classic outfits. I'll wait for a price drop when they do it for the special editions.Have you tried Warriors Abyss yet?
That all sounds about right, though for sure I didn't play these as much as you. But it's a good reminder of why people praising or criticizing combat in a game as "good" or "bad" is so freaking pointless.@CriticalGaming and @Old_Hunter_77, I decided to give Warriors Abyss at try. So far, it's not bad and pretty fun. Gets difficult in the later stages. The end bosses can kill you fast.
I've noticed a theme going on with action games that followed after Devil May Cry 1 or 3.
Action games like Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Viewtiful Joe, God Hand, and Transformers Devastation are all about being as stylish and looking good as possible. Though Metal Gear Rising is this weird in-between where you can be stylish and precision like Ninja Gaiden. Though the hardest difficulty, unless you're really good, most player will stick with the basics that work.
Ninja Gaiden is anti-style. You can be stylish if you're really good and played the games in and out. But the enemies are trying to legit kill you and won't give you much breathing space. Especially in games like Ninja Gaiden II and 3: Razor's Edge.
God of War, and most of its many clones from either era, are about rule of cruel and brutal than cool. Usually, and the Norse era tones down the brutality slightly or emphasizes in a different direction. Mad World is about being as brutal as possible, because you're in a Running Man style death match show. So the more over-the-top the single kill is or multiple kills, the bigger your score and the higher your multipliers stack up. No More Heroes has this weird in-between of rule of cool, deconstructing it, and then playing it straight and a joke depending on the game.
DmC (2013) starts off as being brutal is stylish, but as Dante gets more weapons, he gets more creative and flexible with them. It's especially noticeable when he gets his Angel weapons compared to how he uses his Demon weapons.
If you are interested in unique world or lore building, I do recommend Evil West. It has a pretty unique take on the vampires you are fighting.That all sounds about right, though for sure I didn't play these as much as you. But it's a good reminder of why people praising or criticizing combat in a game as "good" or "bad" is so freaking pointless.
And why I'm at the point where I kind of don't care, in a sense? Meaning like... telling me about the combat alone isn't enough any more. I think about a game like Nioh which I tried and fell off of but then I read the praise for the combat and it's all true- the stances, the way the different weapons can work, the way you can work the space to fend off multiple enemies- like I get why people love it. But when I play it I'm just annoyed by the ganks and how "light" everything feels and how uninteresting the levels and story are. So the combat to me was "bad" because it's not fulfilling the sense of progress I crave for games.
So like.. I'm kind done with "action" games. I'm in it for the world, the levels, the story.
I got bored with DMC5 (it was available with PS+ or some kind of subscription or something) because, yeah, it was very stylish but I just couldn't care about any of it. And that's on me- it's the 5th game in a series, it offers a high skill ceiling with the combos and whatnot, and it has the over-the-top story that can be fun. But I was just sleep-button-mashing without the personal connection to the characters. But I also didn't ***** about it on the internet because I recognized the game was doing a good job of what it was going for.
Yeah I played Evil West, it was pretty good. Not a big fan of that camera riding the shoulder style of combat for long sessions, especially as it was right on the heels of God War, but it was overall a good time.If you are interested in unique world or lore building, I do recommend Evil West. It has a pretty unique take on the vampires you are fighting.
I appreciate Grasshopper Studios combat when it comes to games like No More Heroes, Killer is Dead, and Shadows of the Damned. While each game is over the top in certain aspects, they have a semi-grounded feel to their combat I do enjoy. Not everything has to be exactly like Devil May Cry.
The camera ain't even that bad. If you really want an over the shoulder camera that messes with you on a first attempt, try popping in God Hand. Anyone can get used to it, but it was one of the first of its kind. It has a steep learning curve.Yeah I played Evil West, it was pretty good. Not a big fan of that camera riding the shoulder style of combat for long sessions, especially as it was right on the heels of God War, but it was overall a good time.