Why did 3D gaming fail?


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
3D is the awkward stepping stone between regular 2D and VR. It doesn't have the ease-of-use and cheapness of the former , nor does it have the immersion and potential of VR. It's a nice extra if it works like with the N3DS, but I'm not surprised that barely anybody went out of their way to have it in their homes to game on.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
I have a 3DS and played the Star Fox, and both Zelda 3D remakes. Besides of giving more depth perception (arguable somehow useful for shooting), I try hard to think about something interesting that the 3D added to those games (besides of being a gimmick). I heard that it made Braverly Default's background look gorgeous, but I have yet to confirm that. I think that was the reason it fell out of use in general. It was a novelty; but once you overcome the hype, there isn't much left that may be worth the inconvenience (being cost, glasses or headaches).

PS captcha: top drawer No, captcha. It's still in my pocket. Better luck the next time!


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
HardkorSB said:
Shaun Kennedy said:
3D isn't that niche, the success of 3D movie sales in theaters is pretty good
Is it?

Umm, I just want to point out that this chart, by itself, doesn't show much useful information. Sure, it seems to show a downward trend in 3D movies watching, which is consistent with it being considered "a gimmick" but...that's not the actual information it communicates. It doesn't give us the actual numbers of 3D screenings, so, for all we know, those reducing percentages could actually show increasing number of 3D screenings attended.

It's also a bit odd to show percentages, too. What percentages? Does this show how full the 3D screenings were as opposed to the 2D ones? Revenue? I dunno: price? Something else?

I don't like that chart at all.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Doom972 said:
It's a gimmick. It doesn't make the game more immersive (You need true 3D for that, not an illusion) and it requires a more expensive TV/Monitor.

Shaun Kennedy said:
3D isn't that niche, the success of 3D movie sales in theaters is pretty good, but the entry price point for at-home 3D is a bit high (though not inaccessible). I think the biggest issue though? It's not cross-platform friendly.

Basically if you're sitting the appropriate distance from your 3D TV with your glasses on playing your game on a console then it looks fine. Put that same game on a PC and you're going from a distance of like 20-30 feet to 2-3 feet away from the monitor, which is bound to have an impact on how well the 3D works. Very few people have 3D capable PCs at the moment I would wager, they are very much a novelty right now and don't have the presentation quality you would get from a 3D home theater which has a similar price point.
Actually, most people these days who have an Nvidia/AMD graphics card, have 3D-capable PCs. The problem in the monitor, as you need a 120 Hz monitor for that. Those glasses aren't that cheap as well (are they still required though?).
This is where the price point falls, a 3D capable GPU isn't too cost prohibitive (as GPUs go) but an afforadable 3D capable monitor is a bit rare, and software that supports it even rarer. Glasses aren't too prohibitive if you go for passive 3D over active 3D which in my mind is far superior.

Passive 3D is what cinemas use, doesn't require expensive glasses (you can get them for a few bucks) and doesn't require synchronization or risk going out of sync if you so much as break line of sight.

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
It was a gimmick. It was too complicated to set up, and usually required you to uses glasses, which needed power... Why bother with all the hassle of yet another device that needs charging, tidying and wearing when you could just play it normally. The 3D barely adds to the experience, and in fact increases the chance of the game having adverse effects on you (lots of people get nausious).

I have owned a 3D TV for 2 years now... I have never used the 3D feature! :/


New member
Apr 7, 2015
Oh I remember the times when there was a "this game is amazing in 3D" topic for most games on the Steam forums. It was just as annoying as the "when will you port this to Linux / Mac" topics that will still constantly show up. The 3D thing died though. Thanks for that because it seems no one cared either way.


New member
Oct 27, 2011
what people probably dont realize is that 3d gaming wih 3d glasses has been around since around 1st 3d video card from 3dfx company rleased around 1996(fu nvidia for forcing that awesome company off the market). it sucked then and it sill sucks now. the 2000s push for 3d is just another marketing gimick to sell newer tvs imo

could be that I dont get the whole 3d thing as I also hate how almost all movie theaters are 3d only in my area. that pisses me off as having optical glasses + 3d glasses is shit not to mention it doesnt add anything to my enjoyment of the picture


Dib dib dib, dob dob dob.
May 25, 2009
Because those assholes keep on taking up all the space in the LAN rooms at MAGfest.