Why do people hate the army?


New member
Mar 28, 2010
aba1 said:
There is also a difference between defensive military and offensive military as well. If your military is really meant for defense it should be almost solely homeland security.

I mean I get having some security and defense but there is a point in which it is just dragging down the country and holding you back from achieve economic success in a stable environment.
You're kidding,right?

Any "defensive" weapons technology is offensive and any defensive strategies can be offensive. Hell, the army is a great job opportunity if your relatively fit and healthy. I think you've been drinking too much hippie juice.

Agent 45

New member
Jan 7, 2012
In response to sacman and that whole quote, which I can't seem to snip properly, I wouldn't be so sure of America being the most dominant country in the world that can crush any other country under it's heel. Sure, no one has any desire to attack America right now, nor should they, but once America starts to exercise too much influence over other countries, you can bet that they will do something about it. You're going to find yourself surrounded with enemies if you keep this attitude up.


New member
Oct 31, 2011
I don't dislike the army. I dislike what countries tend to use their armies for:

Excuses to produce incredibly expensive equipment that is not needed and line the pockets of companies government officials have or plan to have a stake in.

Case in point: the F-22 Raptor. It is conservatively estimated to cost $137 million per plane (other estimates put it at 3 times the price) and they've never been deployed outside of training excercises. The U.S. owns over 140 of these over-priced pieces of junk costing tax payers like me billions upon billions of dollars and they've yet to be used. Not even in the post 9/11 conflicts.

I don't think entirely eliminating a military is possible for any country. As long as 2 people share a room, one is going to try to have a leg up on the other. It's one of the uglier sides of human nature. But, under the guise of patriotism and/or "defense", too many countries fool their citizens into needlessly spending their hard-earned tax dollars.


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
Well, being American, I can't say why people would be hating on the Irish Army (they have an army? Zing! [I meant no disrespect, just poking some fun at the Irish as I tend to do]), but I'd guess that it's along the same lines as why people hate America's armies: they see them as a bunch of war mongering, baby killing, war junkies that only wish to take over other countries for their resources and kill everyone.

This obviously isn't true, otherwise there wouldn't be much of a world outside of the U.S. And some of the nicest dudes I've met were/are in the armed services. Hell, Fleet Week (which is coming up shortly!) is one of my favorite times of the year, because our servicemen and women come to down in droves, and dat uniform. *drools*


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Because they kill people. Also the UN isn't as neutral as you'd like to think.


New member
Aug 1, 2011
Guilherme Zoldan said:
Because the army is nothing but government-sponsored killers?
I'm in the Army.

I'm an Engineer.

I've never killed anyone in my Life. I have built schools, hospitals, and mosques (not so happy about that last one, being an atheist, but hey ho). I know blokes who've been in the Army longer than me who operated as Firefighters when the greedy cunts were on strike in our nation.(Thats right, those wonderful men who's job it is to save lives, decided that they weren't getting paid enough to do it, so they went on strike... Cunts). [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK_firefighter_dispute_2002%E2%80%932003]

Those are just personal examples of how we're not just 'government-sponsored killers'.

We also have Medics, Lorry Drivers, Clerks, Police, Technicians, Mechanics, IT Professionals, and a shitton of other jobs that don't involve being a 'government sponsored killer'.

Do you know how many jobs we have in the British army that boil down to 'government sponsored killer'? ... Three: Infantry, Cavalry, Apache Pilot.

And with the exception of the Apache pilot, they will most likely not end up doing that themselves, instead they'll find themselves helping me build schools and hospitals, dig wells, and all that other shit that people like you give your two quid to OXFAM for, but they don't actually do because warlords steal all their equipment and money.

So... to summarise: You're wrong.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I've never met anyone who hates soldiers. Like, I'm American, and I've been opposed to our military operations in the Middle East since the beginning, but I've never once blamed soldiers. I have an incredible amount of respect for the men who choose to risk their lives for the lives of their country. The men in charge of the military...yeah I'm not huge fans of them. But the vast majority of soldiers I consider to be heroes.


New member
Apr 12, 2011
I think it's incredibly misguided for any civilian to hate his or her nation's military. Unless, of course, that military has been used against a nation's own citizens, or you have a personal - not philosophical - reason to hate it. (Examples: Personal - You or someone close to you was in it and unfairly treated. Philosophical - Killing/War is bad.)

Hate on the government decision-makers all you want. The military is only carrying out orders. The individual soldiers, marines, etc... are only doing their jobs. (And that's not to say that they have carte blanche to cause harm or to kill senselessly. Anyone with a brain recognizes that there is a difference between killing an armed combatant or killing in self defense and unjustifiably massacring innocents. Those who do the latter are deserving of hatred and should be held accountable for their actions.)


New member
Dec 27, 2009
I hate the escapist community sometimes.

But I have to wonder if this same shitty argument was going on thousands of years ago. Does anyone know what public opinion was on the Roman Legions back in that age?


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Blablahb said:
AWAR said:
Because they kill people. Also the UN isn't as neutral as you'd like to think.
They used to say similar sweeping generalisations about the Jews, and before that the freemasons, and the heretics, and the witches.... Ussually the accusers were wrong and had no idea what they were talking about.

I won't be as naive as to ask if you can back up your accusation, because all I'd get is an anecdote of some American committing a war crime, and him being compared to all armed forces of all countries.
Yes of course. Because America fights FOR OUR FREEDOM and HAS NEVER COMMITTED ANY WAR CRIME AT ALL. Have I done good uncle Sam? OH NO! NOT THE GUANTANAMO NOOOOoooooooooo....

Also FIY the UN is not a race, or a social group of any kind..

In all seriousness now. Nearly no one outside USA thinks of them positively. So you can A) Acknowledge it and deal with it or
B) Continue being blindly ignorant and live in the magical happy fantasy land where USA is loved and approved and everyone lives happy and free :) [small] except for those muslem terrorests they talk funny I dun' like them.. those French too they are faggets[/small]

Cale Lively

New member
Feb 15, 2012
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
It seems if you respect the army you're a patriot, and patriotism is bad because it means you hate everyone that isn't from your country. I've had a few 'debates' with escapist members about 'patriotism' every time I say I respect soldiers people rag on me and tell me that I'm a terrible person that should die in a hole.
Actually you're confusing nationalism for patriotism. Hitler actually had a lot to say about the differences. Patriotism is believing in the founding principles of your nation and supporting making you nation better. Nationalism on the other hand is blindly following your nations agenda and leader. Hitler wanted Nationalism not patriotism. As to the real question, I dont hate the military, I however have meet many members of the US military who have and arrogance about it that is undeserved. Its long the same lines of America fuck yeah!

Ask your self do you put of and air of being better because your in the military?


New member
Dec 27, 2011
As a former member of the the active duty US Army Infantryman, I've had to deal with my fair share of fights on this subject. I am against the war and was when I enlisted. The problem is most people who are against wars do not realize that even if you don't want to be in one, if we didn't have a standing military we would not have as much power as a country. Not saying military power is everything, but it is a deterrent and sadly one every country needs. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I personally believe that we shouldn't be trying to help other countries until we fix our own unless it's in dire need. I believe that serving should be a point of pride for any citizen of any country. We guard the ideals of a nation and hopefully a greater moral good.

The problem now is media. The internet has made this war very accessible and the problem is of course you don't want to see what happens during war. You never want to see what ugly things people have to do to do that job. Most of it is not pretty, specially if you are a combat soldier. People have been doing the same job for hundreds of years and the only thing that has changed is the technology its done with. People have to become that type of monster to do the job effectively. There is always a line you shouldn't cross, but a lot of other lines get blurred.

Every time someone tries to ask me about my service in a negative way my answer is always the same. "Have you ever been willing to go die for an ideal?" They always answer yes, Then I ask "Are willing to kill for the same ideal?" When the few that say yes come around I ask them one final question, "Are you willing to do both for a group of guys that you barely know but at the same time will know you better than anyone else in your entire life? Because that's what being a good combat soldier is, it's fighting and dying with a guy next to you, even if you have nothing in common, who would do the same for you in a heartbeat and that's it. While everyone else might wave a flag or praise their country like they would their favorite sports team, claiming family members or loved ones who served, this group of guys you know gave up just as much as you to be right there. Sacrificing every inch of what they have just for the people around them and for people who aren't strong enough to do it themselves."

I figure if they keep trying to argue after that they are either just being an ass for the sake of argument or they are just trying way to hard to win a verbal battle so they can feel better about themselves. Fuck them at that point.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Weird, here in the US the army has one of the highest trust ratings of any public institution, right up there with firefighters. Congress is at the bottom here. I support the army. Armies don't declare wars, politicians do, armies just die fighting in them.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Mortai Gravesend said:
Funny, dude who dislikes America encounters other dude who dislikes America, and assumes the the other must be an American due to stereotypes. Why don't you can that ignorant stereotype crap? You just look worse when you make such blatant mistakes.
I did that on purpose to make you yankees show how smart you are ;D Absente reo as the Latins used to say