Why do you hate the new COD IW trailer?


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
The new trailer is current sitting at 2.2 million dislikes, and it is arguably the most hated video in gaming category on youtube.

So why did you press the dislike button? How can you tell it'll suck just by looking at it? If your answer is "Because it's same shit every year", please be more elaborate.

IMO; I hate it because of just how ridiculous and over the top the campaign has become. remember when the series was about fighting the enemies in WWII or stopping the terrorist in modern time? Well now I seriously have no idea what's going on. Also, while the space battle is fresh new concept for a COD game, it has already featured is so many other games (Halo Reach, EVE, SW: Battlefront 2, just to name a few).


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
I don't

Boom. Flipped it on you. I bet you didn't see that coming. Although you probably did. But I'm going to pretend you didn't and are so utterly shocked that your monocle broke when it popped off your face due to your surprise.

While I would much prefer the present than the future, I'm curious to see what they will do with the concept as they go further and further into the future. I really do like to play the single player and while my faith in Infinity Ward has plummeted since they shit out GHOST, I am still optimistic that they can make a good product. Probably not Modern Warfare 1 excellence anymore but I'm hoping for a solid Modern Warfare 3 good time.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
I don't.

Yeah, it wasn't witty when tippy didn't and I ain't bringing back in style... Anyway, I don't hate it. It looks like CoDs have looked for the last half decade if not more and even if the aesthetics are sort of sci-fi, the graphics look pretty much the same. Some of the concepts presented are interesting (the mix between space flight and ground combat), but they are presented in the most derivative and formulaic way possible. It is CoD being CoD and that doesn't really make me excited, but as far as trailers go it could be much, much worse.


New member
May 8, 2009
I gave it a like because I'm actually looking forward to it.

I'll wait for a sale since I only play COD for the campaigns (and I don't feel they're long enough to warrant full asking price) but when it's down to the 30$ range I'm buying it.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
I don't dislike it. Compared to recent CoD games, it actually looks interesting.

But let's face it, a lot of people would give it a dislike just because it is CoD. It could be the greatest trailer in the world, but mere association will throw a lot of dislikes its way. That's been common place for years.

And then there are people that dislike the music. That hasn't helped.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
I didn't press the dislike button. I feel like I've only done that for a handful of videos on YouTube.

That said I did hate the video, mostly because it was just all over the place, did nothing but tell us it's gonna be in space, and the cover of the Bowie song really didn't help matters.

But my hopes and expectations for the game aren't really painted by the trailer. The fact that Infinity Ward are making it is reason enough to know it will be bad. For the record I've nothing against the series going into space, Hell I've nothing against the series still being in the future, but I really don't like the CoD trailers and this one is no exception.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
I didn't see what the big deal was. It seemed like a pretty natural progression of the formula. I never liked COD, though, so maybe I'm just confused about the whole thing.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
I didn't dislike it, but I work with with teenagers (high school teacher here) and have watched the CoD craze grow from MW2 onward so I may have some insight.

I've heard many younger people who have grown up with CoD since the early MW days say that it's better than games like Halo because it's "realistic." Now, with a little logical analysis, we know that that's absurd. CoD lost a lot of its claim to actual realism in MW2 when Russia invaded the EASTERN coast of the United States. Despite this, it's maintained at least a pretense of realism, and that's a big part of it's appeal to a (seemingly) large amount of its demographic. Many of these "CoD kiddies" who have loved the games for years probably see the future/sci-fi angle as some kind of betrayal.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Add me to the "I don't" list. Honestly, I don't understand why everyone's suddenly grabbing their torches and pitchforks NOW when it seemed like the fanbase was fine with the status quo angling more and more towards a sci-fi setting. A part of me suspects this is a "straw that broke the camel's back" scenario, where people are finally venting years' worth of pent-up frustration over...something.

I dunno, I've been out of the loop for a long time now. My last CoD game was the first Modern Warfare back in '07.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
maybe people don't like it because they decided to gate the CoD 4 remastered edition behind the new CoD's collectors edition. So now if anyone wants to get the remastered edition they have to pay $80+ for a game they don't want to get one they do want.


I hate Dire Wolves...
Dec 4, 2008
I actually don't. Its honestly baffling why this particular game is getting so much hate.

If you are the type of player who wants classic, boots on the ground CoD, like I do, then frankly this trailer gives me lots of hope(among other hints). In the advance warfare and black ops III all the flying thrusting stuff was front and center, whereas in this trailer you see maybe one guy do a thrust jump over a tank in the corner of the screen and maybe some zero g stuff. I'm reserving my judgement on that front until we see some proper gameplay.

As far as the setting goes frankly AW and BO3 both had just as much crazy sci-fi weaponry/technology if not more so. Hell, most of what we saw in the trailer was pretty standard looking military equipment with a sci-fi bent, Space battleships instead of seaborne ones, that sort of thing. Otherwise there is a mech and the occasional robot compared to literal laser beams in AW and swarms of robot bees in BO3. I've found much of the criticism of the setting to be pretty petty and superficial. Saying that infinite warfare 'looks like Halo' means all sci-fi looks like Halo by that logic.

I can understand disliking the David Bowie cover(I liked it but I also fully acknowledge my own shit taste in music) or being disappointed with the graphical quality or perhaps even the editing itself, but the hate for the game itself just doesn't make much sense to me given what has already come before.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
I'm going to add my voice to the "I don't" list, but I can easily guess why people would dislike it:

-It's a CoD game. That generates dislike automatically these days. Doesn't help that CoD seems to have peaked around Black Ops 2 in terms of sales.

-Use of the David Bowie song. I can understand it rubbing people the wrong way.

-It's the trailer that confirms that the Modern Warfare remake is locked behind purchasing the game itself.

-It goes into sci-fi territory, and IN SPAAACE! at that. Looking at comments on the trailer's page and elsewhere, I see a lot of people yearning for the more grounded Modern Warfare days. Doesn't help that this is the fourth sci-fi CoD game (counting Ghosts as an example).


The biggest boss
Dec 31, 2009
I never dislike any videos, including this trailer. The trailer is still bad though and deserves all the dislikes, it just looks like more of the same, incredibly boring. I would've hated if the new Battlefield looked like BF3 and 4 as well.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Isn't the main gripe the fact that Activision are holding the highly sought after COD4 remaster hostage in this game's special edition?

Don't get me wrong the game doesn't look great on it's own. Apparently doubling-down on all the stuff that many people found shit about the most recent COD games. Basically over-the-top spectacle that just feels like a bland firework display and leaning heavily on sci-fi tropes to give the illusion of originality when other series have already done them far far better.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
I don't hate it but if I was invested enough into the CoD franchise I would hit the dislike button.
The start of the trailer is nothing new and nothing ground breaking. Just good old, working stuff.
But when the singing starts the trailer goes to shit.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
tippy2k2 said:
I don't

Boom. Flipped it on you. I bet you didn't see that coming. Although you probably did. But I'm going to pretend you didn't and are so utterly shocked that your monocle broke when it popped off your face due to your surprise.

While I would much prefer the present than the future, I'm curious to see what they will do with the concept as they go further and further into the future. I really do like to play the single player and while my faith in Infinity Ward has plummeted since they shit out GHOST, I am still optimistic that they can make a good product. Probably not Modern Warfare 1 excellence anymore but I'm hoping for a solid Modern Warfare 3 good time.
(Shakes hand in firm gesture of camaraderie)
You have the same feelings as I do on this whole matter, which is refreshing to see. I too, lost faith in Infinity Ward after the terrible snore-fest that was Ghosts. I enjoy playing these games for the single player as well, and this trailer has made me hope that maybe, just maybe Infinity Ward can pull off another fun game. While MW3 wasn't the greatest of the trilogy, it was still miles above Ghosts and Advanced Warfare, so I'm hoping they can at least hit that bar.

If not, then I fear I will finally be done with this series. Black Ops III was a step up for me for sure, but it wasn't enough--especially once I found out what really went on in the campaign.

Michel Henzel

Just call me God
May 13, 2014
Why can't I just dislike something without someone making a "why you hate" thread about it. Those are not synonyms!


You Are Interested. Certainly.
Feb 25, 2015
I don't. I don't even dislike the game.

Say what you want about review bombing or trailer-thumbs-down-bombing harassment, but just let me ask you:

What's more effective? How does one get someone to some degree responsible for anything related to that to react?

I haven't bought a CoD since MW2. It didn't help.

Now, I personally haven't thumbed-down the trailer. I simply can understand it. If I would be less cynical and more optimistic, I would thumb it down, though.

Why would I do that? Because having to buy the CE, being forced to buy a more expensive product in total with a dead-weight just to get what I want instead of the option that would be reasonable is an insulting move. If I want a cheeseburger, I only want a cheeseburger. If McDonald's decided to force me to buy a whole Happy Meal in order to get a cheeseburger, I not only won't buy the Happy Meal but also will give my feedback in the letterbox and tell everybody how I feel about McDonald's' Happy Meal. The last part can be as easy as a thumbs-down.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
I don't.

CoD, to me, is a dumb game. If you are going to be a dumb game, you may as well harness and embrace that as much as you can. Modern Military and WWII are fine settings, but you can do a lot more crazy stuff in a futuristic setting than you can do with today's, or yesterdays technology.

This is the same reason why I think that Saints Row understands itself a lot more than GTA does. GTA is dumb, but it grounds you to a realistic setting, whereas Saints Row is dumb too, but it goes out of its way to give you as many tools to be as dumb as it can.

As for the game itself, it actually looks okay. I haven't played a CoD game in a while, but this one actually looks okay. I never jumped at Advanced Warfare or Black Ops 3, but this looks like a decent enough game. Whether or not I will get it? I still don't know.