Why does old music equal superiority?

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
Well, the rejection of popular music most likely started out as a legitimate rejection of the auto-tuned formula created songs regurgitated ad nauseum on the radio.

Then somebody figured out other people would think they were cool if they disliked popular music, and it all went to hell from there.


New member
May 12, 2010
Scars Unseen said:
AceAngel said:
Beethoven's music makes plants grow much quicker...so yeah, I feel much superior, because I know something else on me is growing bigger too and I'm listening to a contributing music.

EDIT: I just realized how dirty the first part sounded...
On a MythBusters episode, death metal worked better for plants than classical.
As much as I love Mythbusters, one 'event' out of a thousand isn't enough for it to be classified as 'correct'. Yes, it was stated as 'plausible' in the show, and that's what we should consider as.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
I've met those people, and they can get fairly frustrating.

Personally, I like soft rock or some rock between heavy and soft. Pretty much anything heavier than that and it just sounds like some person with a sore throat screaming into a microphone with unfitting music.

I also like a bunch of other things, but more basically some techno, a bunch of music with different languages, such as german, spanish, and japaneese, orchestra, jazz, blues, and some bands that i'm not sure what i would classify them as.

Just not heavy metal...

Mar 9, 2009
Because what do the kids really know, eh?

OT: They don't have a right, although David Bowie is pretty awesome.

PeePantz said:
Older music tends to inspire or be a base for newer music. I really enjoy whiskey and I prefer it not to be tainted with flavors like maple syrup (i.e. Amber). Sometimes changing something or adding to it, doesn't make it necessarily better.
Also, due to the internet, any asshole can get his/her music "out there". The market is so saturated with talentless hacks that I can say music is worse than it was. In much better words, music is much more accessible, thus creating a very low standard. Before, one had to be considered the best in order to be heard. Although there was terrible music still being played, the standard was much higher. One can also attribute this to the death of radio.
There is also way too much technology in music today. It seems that everything has been synthesized, has a computer created beat, and is autotuned. Music has lost a lot of it's "soul" and people with computer skills instead of actual musical talents are creating a new generation of shitty music.

TL;DR: Technology destroyed music.
While I agree with some of what you say, I do not agree with most of it. I don't believe that electronic music has no soul. Have you heard Aphex twin? Have you heard of Brian Eno? Caribou? Animal Collective? Go look at those artists and tell me electronic music has no soul.

I wouldn't say that there is too much music technology today, because if you will you allow me to paraphrase Yahtzee: "As technology increases, the potential for a song only gets better". I think what music tech does to people is it makes un-creativity far more obvious. Since people usually have low standards, music tech makes it easier for people to acheive their low expectations. I would say that the problem is not with music technology, but with most of the artists using it. I would not say that a technology, such has autotune is bad, but i would say it has a very specific set of uses, and that when it is as used as it is today, it becomes very tacky. But I wouldn't say that technology has made music worse. I would say it has made the potential for music better.

Also before you say things like what you said, I would suggests listening to more stuff. It's true, there is a fair amount of bad music, but only in certain places. I would listen to more music before you say everything now a days is computerized and autotuned. I would also listen to more music before you say things like music has lost a lot of it soul.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
The only old stuff that people still listen to is good stuff.

30 years from now, no one will be listening to Ke$ha.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
To be honest, I think a lot of it is a matter of kids trying to be a part of the anti-culture. But the thing is, when you've got junk like this...

...I can see where they're coming from... but to be honest, these are huge generalizations. You've got to remember, this...

... also came out this year. And by "this year" I mean that CD came out two weeks ago.

Another thing you've got to remember is that just because something is old doesn't make it good. You can't just say that every song made in the 80's is good, because that's simply not true.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
insaneHoshi said:
Because most 'Music' Today is manufactured, auto-tuned crap
While this is true, it generally comes down to preference. I like some music today if it has a good tune.


New member
Oct 17, 2010
Can we change the title of the thread to "Old music ON VINYL equals superiority"

Fact of the matter...CD's suck... you're lucky if you get two thirds of the full analogue harmonic range that's available from vinyl.. and the range you do get is just the middle bit...forget upper and lower frequency... AND GUESS WHAT PEOPLE... those missing bits are the very bit that fire off the chemical reactions in the brain.. REAL music with an analogue frequency is actually mood altering..The digital crap you listen to now is harmonically as flat as a pancake and just as dull.

Also it's no use going in to a studio to press NEW vinyl.. because the music is still mastered digitally.. albeit with a slightly higher frequency range (before being downsampled to CD).. so you still don't use all of the 'available bandwidth', so to speak, of a vinyl platter...... Finally you need analogue speakers.

Oh.. and for the people about to pip in with.. "..but you can't hear the missing harmonic frequency anyway, so it doesn't matter..!!"......it doesn't matter if you can CONSCIOUSLY hear it.. it's only at certain high and low frequencies that certain brain chemicals are produced and it's THOSE that dictate the effects the music will have on you.

Digital music is music with all the soul taken out.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
I'm going to go with the fact that most old music is well....... dead. I mean, if the beetles were to be alive, they'd probably be doing generally what modern pop sounds like now, and people would hate it. Then I'd finally be done having to hear about how great they are..... but back to my original point, bands like Nirvana get an easy out because they've died BEFORE their music could become an abomination which would get them shunned. While modern bands, who shall remain nameless *Cough cough LINKIN PARK cough* are still making music even though they've alienated most of their fans to play the boring monotonous garbage you'd expect to hear come out of the mouth of George Bush.(Sorry if that's too American for you, but I'm not great with other cultures. So it's not that old music is better, it's that it's had enough time to gather a large number of fans, then get out before they fucked it all up. Excuse the overlong rant.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
DesiPrinceX09 said:
Its because these people grew up with it and when new stuff comes up its not that good to them.

But honestly, some artists, if not most, early works are their worst, they take one or two albums more to get good.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Older stuff is good for its outright influence on later music, but what all these 40 something year olds blinded by nostalgia fail to grasp is 95% of classic rock just doesn't hold up or hasn't aged well.

And today, it's the same thing. Most music is crap. But more and more unique gems are popping up. The medium is getting better as a whole and that's all you can ask for.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
To me it seems like a lot of care and for lack of a better word, love went into making older music.

Today's music is filled with such heavy editing and overdubbing that it hardly sounds the same when heard live. There is a lot of great talent out there now, but unfortunately it's overshadowed by the process.

It's like the early Star Wars films vs the newer ones. The newer ones use heavy CGI to fill in the gaps where the older films used models and camera trickery. There's just something more earnest about that kind of work in my opinion.
Apr 24, 2008
I very much dislike todays pop music, we have 80's synth pop revival which doesn't do it for me...and we have those awful shows like the X-factor that decide what is going to be on the radio. It's never artistic people, creative types that could sustain a decent career. It's the pretty people with the worbely voices(that we're made to believe are definitly objectivly great)singing other peoples songs, destined to have one hit cover song and then vanish forever.

I like blues music, Howlin' Wolf is the obsession of the week.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
bahumat42 said:
Estocavio said:
There is no such thing as Good music.
There is no such thing as Bad music.
All music is a matter of personal taste.
No exceptions

There are exceptions good music is music that people can enjoy if theres a song which nobody can enjoy than its bad. (basically all music has the potential to be good but if nobody likes it then it is bad)
Its still a matter of opinion to call it good or bad; Not a matter of superiority
Name a song you dislike, and which you see disliked on a broad scale, and theres bound to be a fan page for it somewhere.


New member
May 1, 2010
I grew up with the car radio set to a rock station most of the time so that's why I usually have rock music playing on the cpu. Most modern pop music that I've listened to on the radio is about living the good life in upper-middle class societies or romance. It's not something I can relate to, wheareas some rock music have lyrics that sound relfet the things that were around me as I grew up. On another note, my parents did have Michael Jackson playing every now and then. His music sounded pretty cool.