Did you watch you watch any of the videos I posted?sergnb said:I used to when I was a child, but I don't anymore?
Because I used to think they were legit fights, and I realized they were all staged. Don't get me wrong, wrestling as an staged show is perfectly fine, I just don't see the appeal in it.
Yes, I have. Please, don't try to shove your personal tastes through my throat, not everyone is going to like the same things you do, deal with it.SadakoMoose said:Did you watch you watch any of the videos I posted?sergnb said:I used to when I was a child, but I don't anymore?
Because I used to think they were legit fights, and I realized they were all staged. Don't get me wrong, wrestling as an staged show is perfectly fine, I just don't see the appeal in it.
Or anything on Billzeroism's page?
The appeal is in the odd combination of extreme athleticism with both comedy and some drama...
That and you get see things like this:
or maybe this
Please proofread before you post, ok?Biosophilogical said:I don't watch wrestling (I am not a violence kind of person, I'd much prefer a videogame or some british humour. But what I don't get is that some very populr sports in some countries tend to be grown men running with an egg while an entire team of grown men wrestle them to the ground. And I know that in itself isn't overly homosexual (in outward appearance), but in some sports they wear short shorts, and the way they tackle them has a very strong homosexual implications. Now, I'm okay with that, but the fans of the sport seem completely oblivious to it (or in denial). They think one guy getting jumped by four others, then bouncing around to get them off him so he can keep playing (and a guy flopping around when a guy's crotch is in his face, and another guy's is on his arse is about as far from subtle as you can get while still being implicit) is in no way not straight, then they go and call all other sports gay for far less coherent reasons.SadakoMoose said:"I watch wrestling"
"Oh that WWE thing? Lol that's so fake/gay"
I mean seriously, are they in denial of what they see? Do they realsie what they see and bury it beneath insults to other sports?
OT: I'm not a fan of wrestling. I'm not really a fan of watching any sport, let alone ones that revolv around causing harm (fake or otherwise) to other people. Give me some Monty Python, Bones or The Last Airbender any day.
Maybe you should have a word with the people from /co/ or Ponychan...Dom Kebbell said:Oily men grappling is not what I do with my evenings.
But it's okay if that's what you like... and my little pony apparently... wow.
Yeah, that's the legendary Kenta Kobashi right there...SilverIntoSteel said:That second video is an absolutely shocking display of wrestling. That Japanese guy is lucky not to be paralyzed, what an absolutely terrible worker the other guy is.
Anyways, I am a nerd and a wrestling fan, but then i'm also into Sports in general as well which is kind of frowned upon. Doesn't bother me too much, I enjoy most things, and don't really care who likes what.
Some Irish guy...Doesn't matter what the WWE is doing right now.SteakHeart said:I used to be a huge WWE fan a while ago.I guess I just sort of forgot about it. Now I don't know who half the new cast is. Who the heck is Sheamus?
Did you watch any of my videos?teisjm said:The few shows i've watched on TV was, no offence meant, some of the lamest shit i've ever seen.
They spend more time acting out poorly poorly written drama that'll make the worst soap opera look like the pinnacle of film making, (like the south park episode on wrestling, only not funny)
And when they got down to bussiness, most of it looked worse than bad a staged amateur.
Some of the parts where they threw each other aorund looked impressive, i'll give them that but honestly, the punches didn't even look like they connected, i know it's staged, i know they don't excpect peopel to believe it's real, but at leats make it look real, people has been sitting through soap drama worse than crappy fanfiction to see the part, and they can't even deliver a staged fight scene better than a bad B movie?
Maybe it wasn't the right show or whatever, but i couldn't be arsed to sit through soemthing like that again, if i wanna watch fighting, i'll watch real fighting tournaments, or action movies...