Why don't more self proclaimed Nerds watch Wrestling?


Jabbering Fool
Mar 31, 2010
Oily men grappling is not what I do with my evenings.

But it's okay if that's what you like... and my little pony apparently... wow.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2009
sergnb said:
I used to when I was a child, but I don't anymore?


Because I used to think they were legit fights, and I realized they were all staged. Don't get me wrong, wrestling as an staged show is perfectly fine, I just don't see the appeal in it.
Did you watch you watch any of the videos I posted?
Or anything on Billzeroism's page?
The appeal is in the odd combination of extreme athleticism with both comedy and some drama...
That and you get see things like this:
or maybe this


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I'm a self-proclaimed nerd. Why don't I like wrestling? Because it's loud, it's crude, and I don't really care to watch large men grapple each other.

Granted, the stuff I generally see is all the staged stuff, but I don't think I'd like the "real" stuff either. I dislike most sports because I just can't see the point.


New member
Jul 8, 2010
I enjoyed the colourful characters of the Rock 'n Wrestling era and occasionally watch the WWE Vintage Collection. I loved hearing the banter between Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse the Body. I will still mark out if I hear the first chord of "Hart Attack."

Everything just faded for me between the Montreal Screwjob and the fall of WCW. I guess it was how WCW turned into a farce with Vince Russo doing the writing. I turned to WCW because they seemed to promote the good guys as faces instead of jerks like Stone Cold Steve Austin and had competitive cruiserweights (and Chris Jericho was always fun to watch), but the nWo oversaturation almost turned me off. The Wolfpac schism kept my interest until the Fingerpoke of Doom, and then I wanted out. Then Warrior showed up, and I remembered how much I enjoyed watching him. Then I saw how bonkers he'd gone. Then the company folded.

Then WCW fell, the ill-planned, poorly-executed InVasion angle started, and that was it for me. I never watched TNA, especially now that it's becoming even more of a farce under its recent creative direction. Professional wrestling in North America has passed its zenith.

Just because some wrestlers are nerds doesn't mean all nerds should like wrestling.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
SadakoMoose said:
sergnb said:
I used to when I was a child, but I don't anymore?


Because I used to think they were legit fights, and I realized they were all staged. Don't get me wrong, wrestling as an staged show is perfectly fine, I just don't see the appeal in it.
Did you watch you watch any of the videos I posted?
Or anything on Billzeroism's page?
The appeal is in the odd combination of extreme athleticism with both comedy and some drama...
That and you get see things like this:
or maybe this
Yes, I have. Please, don't try to shove your personal tastes through my throat, not everyone is going to like the same things you do, deal with it.

Being that said, I KNOW the appeal is that it's an unlikely show where people happen to smack each other in extravagant manners, but as I said, I just don't see the appeal anymore. I just think it's a lame spectacle.

And let me be clear with this, I don't think wrestlers (or rather, actors) are to blame here, they do their job extremely well, they are prepared physically to the extreme and bare the most intense pain, but the actual SHOW is just boring and not exciting.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2009
Biosophilogical said:
SadakoMoose said:
"I watch wrestling"
"Oh that WWE thing? Lol that's so fake/gay"
I don't watch wrestling (I am not a violence kind of person, I'd much prefer a videogame or some british humour. But what I don't get is that some very populr sports in some countries tend to be grown men running with an egg while an entire team of grown men wrestle them to the ground. And I know that in itself isn't overly homosexual (in outward appearance), but in some sports they wear short shorts, and the way they tackle them has a very strong homosexual implications. Now, I'm okay with that, but the fans of the sport seem completely oblivious to it (or in denial). They think one guy getting jumped by four others, then bouncing around to get them off him so he can keep playing (and a guy flopping around when a guy's crotch is in his face, and another guy's is on his arse is about as far from subtle as you can get while still being implicit) is in no way not straight, then they go and call all other sports gay for far less coherent reasons.

I mean seriously, are they in denial of what they see? Do they realsie what they see and bury it beneath insults to other sports?

OT: I'm not a fan of wrestling. I'm not really a fan of watching any sport, let alone ones that revolv around causing harm (fake or otherwise) to other people. Give me some Monty Python, Bones or The Last Airbender any day.
Please proofread before you post, ok?
No, pro wrestling is not an insult to other forms of sport.
No, most wrestling fans do not insult other sports because of the all the homophobic whispering and underhanded jabs that go on in the mainstream.
And no, historically most fans of pro wrestling from after 1950 do not believe that it is a competitive sport. That's just silly. While we're at it, stop throwing in the word Gay as a way of slamming people. It's pretty immature.

Dom Kebbell said:
Oily men grappling is not what I do with my evenings.

But it's okay if that's what you like... and my little pony apparently... wow.
Maybe you should have a word with the people from /co/ or Ponychan...
You know, because watching MLP FIM makes you look gay...which is funny!
Because gays are inferior and laughable, right?
You might as well just use "Black" as an insult, for all it's worth.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
I find the combat an uninteresting vessel for a comedy.
If wrestling isn't supposed to be a comedy then I missed the point.

Watching people fight in real life physics isn't fun to start, grappling is my least favorite of all combats.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
If I want to watch two people fight, then I want to watch two people who are masters of their respective martial arts go at it. And not that BS "Ultimate Warrior" TV show.

I'm more of a "nerd" than most of my friends. And most of them like wrestling and I don't, so your definition of a "nerd" doesn't hold water. But then again MovieBob did a nice segment on the whole "nerd" definition [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/the-big-picture/2522-A-Nerd-By-Any-Other-Name]. So a "nerd" is really anyone who is really into something, so they're a "[their hobby] nerd".

So your question should be: "Why don't more self proclaimed wrestling nerds watch wrestling?"


New member
Jul 20, 2009
I used to be a huge WWE fan a while ago.I guess I just sort of forgot about it. Now I don't know who half the new cast is. Who the heck is Sheamus?


New member
Feb 10, 2011
That second video is an absolutely shocking display of wrestling. That Japanese guy is lucky not to be paralyzed, what an absolutely terrible worker the other guy is.

Anyways, I am a nerd and a wrestling fan, but then i'm also into Sports in general as well which is kind of frowned upon. Doesn't bother me too much, I enjoy most things, and don't really care who likes what.


New member
May 13, 2010
Because it's dull, poorly choreographed and extremely cheesy only it seems to take itself seriously while it's doing it which makes it more pathetic than funny.

I mean, watch any fight scene and the whole thing screams lame. Or rather, mutters it quietly while playing with a barbie doll.
If I want to watch fighting I watch fighting, if I wanted to watch Japanese anime then I would.

It's not the homosexual aspect, I don't get that really and don't get me wrong some of the athletics is impressive. It's just less impressive then stuff done elsewhere. Stuff which is done better without all the pathetic bigging yourself up and fake mini orgasms from the commentators.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2009
SilverIntoSteel said:
That second video is an absolutely shocking display of wrestling. That Japanese guy is lucky not to be paralyzed, what an absolutely terrible worker the other guy is.

Anyways, I am a nerd and a wrestling fan, but then i'm also into Sports in general as well which is kind of frowned upon. Doesn't bother me too much, I enjoy most things, and don't really care who likes what.
Yeah, that's the legendary Kenta Kobashi right there...
He took a lot of bumps like that, survived cancer, and still wrestles to this day...
Just not like he used to, thanks to his knees being destroyed...

SteakHeart said:
I used to be a huge WWE fan a while ago.I guess I just sort of forgot about it. Now I don't know who half the new cast is. Who the heck is Sheamus?
Some Irish guy...Doesn't matter what the WWE is doing right now.
The real action is on the indy circuit or overseas...


New member
Mar 3, 2009
The few shows i've watched on TV was, no offence meant, some of the lamest shit i've ever seen.

They spend more time acting out poorly poorly written drama that'll make the worst soap opera look like the pinnacle of film making, (like the south park episode on wrestling, only not funny)
And when they got down to bussiness, most of it looked worse than bad a staged amateur.
Some of the parts where they threw each other aorund looked impressive, i'll give them that but honestly, the punches didn't even look like they connected, i know it's staged, i know they don't excpect peopel to believe it's real, but at leats make it look real, people has been sitting through soap drama worse than crappy fanfiction to see the part, and they can't even deliver a staged fight scene better than a bad B movie?

Maybe it wasn't the right show or whatever, but i couldn't be arsed to sit through soemthing like that again, if i wanna watch fighting, i'll watch real fighting tournaments, or action movies...


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2009
teisjm said:
The few shows i've watched on TV was, no offence meant, some of the lamest shit i've ever seen.

They spend more time acting out poorly poorly written drama that'll make the worst soap opera look like the pinnacle of film making, (like the south park episode on wrestling, only not funny)
And when they got down to bussiness, most of it looked worse than bad a staged amateur.
Some of the parts where they threw each other aorund looked impressive, i'll give them that but honestly, the punches didn't even look like they connected, i know it's staged, i know they don't excpect peopel to believe it's real, but at leats make it look real, people has been sitting through soap drama worse than crappy fanfiction to see the part, and they can't even deliver a staged fight scene better than a bad B movie?

Maybe it wasn't the right show or whatever, but i couldn't be arsed to sit through soemthing like that again, if i wanna watch fighting, i'll watch real fighting tournaments, or action movies...
Did you watch any of my videos?
Or how about this:


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Sorry Wrestling is a bunch of acted fights... doesnt really peak my interest...

prefer UFC... there theyre really fighting...


New member
Oct 20, 2008
I am an nerd and I watch Wrestling. I find that it doesn't require much thought to watch. It's a good way to rest my brain.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
I wouldn't say professional wrestling was very important in establishing any culture's identity. I also don't care what country likes what fake sport; I don't like fake sports.

The stereotype goes, nerds are smart and like odd, intelligent things. This of course is bullshit; for more, see Duke Nukem Forever defenders, or for that matter Duke Nukem 3D defenders, particularly those under the age of 15 who don't know what a Pentium is. So there's nothing Earth-shattering about being a wrestling fan and a nerd. It is a soap opera, though, which is worth pointing out. Maybe that's why you don't consider it nerdy. Not a lot of geeks and dweebs watching Desperate Housewives.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
Because it is senseless and boring?

Yet, I will admit it is better than The Escapist now forcing us to watch ads in order to post instead of the captcha, unless we pay them. This is getting as bad as Activision is...