Why don't more self proclaimed Nerds watch Wrestling?


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2009
funguy2121 said:
I wouldn't say professional wrestling was very important in establishing any culture's identity. I also don't care what country likes what fake sport; I don't like fake sports.

The stereotype goes, nerds are smart and like odd, intelligent things. This of course is bullshit; for more, see Duke Nukem Forever defenders, or for that matter Duke Nukem 3D defenders, particularly those under the age of 15 who don't know what a Pentium is. So there's nothing Earth-shattering about being a wrestling fan and a nerd. It is a soap opera, though, which is worth pointing out. Maybe that's why you don't consider it nerdy. Not a lot of geeks and dweebs watching Desperate Housewives.
Well no, I didn't think there was anything earth shattering. I'm just trying to expose some things that I think are awesome to more people who I think would like them.
And, yes, pro wrestling was quite important to making modern Japan what is today.
Kind of like how important El Santo is to Mexico
After the war, Japan was defeated and broken. Not only did it need some entertainment, but it needed to be shown that while it may not be a big military power anymore, that it still had something to be proud of. When Rikidozan got on Nippon TV, and started beating American Wrestlers in big matches left and right, the Japanese people noticed. They camped out in front of TV stores, and Public television stands, to watch a national hero demonstrate the strength of the country's fighting spirit. To this day, pro wrestling and contemporary Japanese culture have been connected at the hip. You can see it everywhere, especially in video games.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
SadakoMoose said:
Biosophilogical said:
SadakoMoose said:
"I watch wrestling"
"Oh that WWE thing? Lol that's so fake/gay"
I don't watch wrestling (I am not a violence kind of person, I'd much prefer a videogame or some british humour. But what I don't get is that some very populr sports in some countries tend to be grown men running with an egg while an entire team of grown men wrestle them to the ground. And I know that in itself isn't overly homosexual (in outward appearance), but in some sports they wear short shorts, and the way they tackle them has a very strong homosexual implications. Now, I'm okay with that, but the fans of the sport seem completely oblivious to it (or in denial). They think one guy getting jumped by four others, then bouncing around to get them off him so he can keep playing (and a guy flopping around when a guy's crotch is in his face, and another guy's is on his arse is about as far from subtle as you can get while still being implicit) is in no way not straight, then they go and call all other sports gay for far less coherent reasons.

I mean seriously, are they in denial of what they see? Do they realsie what they see and bury it beneath insults to other sports?

OT: I'm not a fan of wrestling. I'm not really a fan of watching any sport, let alone ones that revolv around causing harm (fake or otherwise) to other people. Give me some Monty Python, Bones or The Last Airbender any day.
Please proofread before you post, ok?
No, pro wrestling is not an insult to other forms of sport.
No, most wrestling fans do not insult other sports because of the all the homophobic whispering and underhanded jabs that go on in the mainstream.
And no, historically most fans of pro wrestling from after 1950 do not believe that it is a competitive sport. That's just silly. While we're at it, stop throwing in the word Gay as a way of slamming people. It's pretty immature.
First off, I wasn't referring to wrestling, I was referring to the more mainstream Rugby (or the US equivalent, American Football ... or Gridiron or something). Secondly, I wasn't using gay as an insult, I was saying that Rugby fans tend to call other sports (Soccer, AFL, wrestling, etc) gay, despite the fact that their own sport is more implicit of homosexuality than those they bash. I was wondering why they feel the need to use homosexuality as an insult, especially given the nature of their own preferred sport. Admittedly looking back, I can see that my wording was rather poor, but it wasn't my intention to say that homosexuality is wrong or bad, I was just saying that other people seem to think so, and in their context it makes very little sense.


New member
Oct 2, 2009
Well, while this may not be relevant, I don't enjoy how wrestling fans are treated. If I tell people I play video games, I get very little responses about it being childish and how I'll be a virgin forever. I don't know how people react to someone reading comic books, but the vast majority of people I've seen have no problems watching movies based on comic books. Popular ones, at least.

But wrestling? OH. FUCK. Put your flame-retardant suit on, it's flaming time. In more ways than one; people, almost always, will make some comment about it being fake and will berate me for liking it OR they'll call it gay. So there's the flaming pun right there. Mind you, I went to an all guys school, so mentioning you like wrestling would give off the wrong connotations. But back on track.

No, I'm not agreeing with you that people should give wrestling a chance. If they don't like it, they don't like it. However, I DO believe that wrestling doesn't get the best rap.

My two cents on The Escapist for the night.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Oh my god, someone else on this site who watches wrestling that isn't WWE!?

Fuck, your OP had Tiger Mask, Bryan "The American Fucking Dragon" Danielson!

Oh my fucking god.

Also, trying to sell wrestling because it's from Japan isn't going to really work here. As much as I like puroresu, it ain't gonna fly.

Cat of Doom

New member
Jan 6, 2011
yes... because you HAVE to be a nerd to enjoy wrestling/Video games/ Star Wars, "sigh"...

Big fan of wrestling, only watch WWE though tbh. I know WWE has been in decay for about 4 years now, but its slowly picking up. I don't have the time to research Japan wrestling and TNA is so crap its unwatchabul.

Though, you present a weak, condescending and generalizing report on why 'nerds' should watch it.

And, to people who have replied along the lines off "its fake, OMG i cant believe you don't know that. Gosh I am clever" or "Itz GaYZZZZZ". Please grow up or leave this world.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2009
Raziel_Likes_Souls said:
Oh my god, someone else on this site who watches wrestling that isn't WWE!?

Fuck, your OP had Tiger Mask, Bryan "The American Fucking Dragon" Danielson!

Oh my fucking god.

Also, trying to sell wrestling because it's from Japan isn't going to really work here. As much as I like puroresu, it ain't gonna fly.
Good to see I have friends here!
So, did you like those Billzeroism vids?

Ken Sapp

Cat Herder
Apr 1, 2010
To the OP:

Your argument amounts to "some wrestlers are nerds or like comic books/games/insert common nerdy pursuit so nerds should be fans of wrestling". If that argument were true then nerds would be homosexual furry new age hippie emo goth punk pagan... in other words every one who is a member of one subculture would be a member of all the others because in any group you are bound to find people who also identify with another subculture.

It is a fallacious argument.

Personally, I have never found wrestling to be entertaining just as there are geeks out there who don't enjoy anime geming, comics, etc.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
SadakoMoose said:
Raziel_Likes_Souls said:
Oh my god, someone else on this site who watches wrestling that isn't WWE!?

Fuck, your OP had Tiger Mask, Bryan "The American Fucking Dragon" Danielson!

Oh my fucking god.

Also, trying to sell wrestling because it's from Japan isn't going to really work here. As much as I like puroresu, it ain't gonna fly.
Good to see I have friends here!
So, did you like those Billzeroism vids?
Yeah, I did. I didn't think a gay wrestling pair would fly, though.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
SadakoMoose said:
teisjm said:
The few shows i've watched on TV was, no offence meant, some of the lamest shit i've ever seen.

They spend more time acting out poorly poorly written drama that'll make the worst soap opera look like the pinnacle of film making, (like the south park episode on wrestling, only not funny)
And when they got down to bussiness, most of it looked worse than bad a staged amateur.
Some of the parts where they threw each other aorund looked impressive, i'll give them that but honestly, the punches didn't even look like they connected, i know it's staged, i know they don't excpect peopel to believe it's real, but at leats make it look real, people has been sitting through soap drama worse than crappy fanfiction to see the part, and they can't even deliver a staged fight scene better than a bad B movie?

Maybe it wasn't the right show or whatever, but i couldn't be arsed to sit through soemthing like that again, if i wanna watch fighting, i'll watch real fighting tournaments, or action movies...
Did you watch any of my videos?
Or how about this:
It looked better than what i have seen before, i'll give it that.
Most of the strikes and kicks actually seemed to connect (the headbutts not so much), and there was no bad soap opera acting (dunno if thats just cause it's cut out though)
But still, why are they ***** slapping each other all the time, instead of landing an actual punch?
And more importantly, why does the "defender" just stand and take the vast majority of strikes, like a dazzled boxer about to go down, and hardly ever tries to block, or move or anythig?
Thats what i mean with bad stagefight, i mean, of you stage a fight, you can make it look really awesome (see, action movies)
You shouldn't be left with one guy just standing and waiting for the other guys strikes to land, unless theres a rule i don't know about where you agree to just take turns ***** slapping each other, agreeing to take whatever comes your way.

P.s i don't write all this to flame you, we we're asked for why we dislike wrestling, and this is why for me. I don't mind other people enjoying it, and i don't think less of them if they do, i prolly do all sorts of stuff others would consider lame as well.


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Raziel_Likes_Souls said:
Oh my god, someone else on this site who watches wrestling that isn't WWE!?

Fuck, your OP had Tiger Mask, Bryan "The American Fucking Dragon" Danielson!

Oh my fucking god.

Also, trying to sell wrestling because it's from Japan isn't going to really work here. As much as I like puroresu, it ain't gonna fly.
Hell, trying to sell wrestling period is a lost cause as it's a pretty damn niche market, worse off than anime I would venture; I mean look at the responses in this thread. It's pretty much almost word-for-word how I expected people to respond because it's how people ALWAYS respond. Hell, the only reason WWE is doing so well is because Vince (ironically) hates wrestling and, for the most part, abandoned it in favor of storylines and faces for movie potential.

It's sad for us wrestling fans, but the fact is people don't like 2 guys fake fighting eachother (y'know unless you count movies, or TV, or web videos, or....)


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Why do people automatically assume nerd/geek = anime/comic book fan?

I don't watch or read either of them.


I don't watch wrestling because it is shit. Not 'the shit', just 'shit'. As in feces.

Boxing on the other hand, pretty good stuff.[footnote]Not something I watch on a regular basis, however.[/footnote]


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2009
teisjm said:
SadakoMoose said:
teisjm said:
The few shows i've watched on TV was, no offence meant, some of the lamest shit i've ever seen.

They spend more time acting out poorly poorly written drama that'll make the worst soap opera look like the pinnacle of film making, (like the south park episode on wrestling, only not funny)
And when they got down to bussiness, most of it looked worse than bad a staged amateur.
Some of the parts where they threw each other aorund looked impressive, i'll give them that but honestly, the punches didn't even look like they connected, i know it's staged, i know they don't excpect peopel to believe it's real, but at leats make it look real, people has been sitting through soap drama worse than crappy fanfiction to see the part, and they can't even deliver a staged fight scene better than a bad B movie?

Maybe it wasn't the right show or whatever, but i couldn't be arsed to sit through soemthing like that again, if i wanna watch fighting, i'll watch real fighting tournaments, or action movies...
Did you watch any of my videos?
Or how about this:
It looked better than what i have seen before, i'll give it that.
Most of the strikes and kicks actually seemed to connect (the headbutts not so much), and there was no bad soap opera acting (dunno if thats just cause it's cut out though)
But still, why are they ***** slapping each other all the time, instead of landing an actual punch?
And more importantly, why does the "defender" just stand and take the vast majority of strikes, like a dazzled boxer about to go down, and hardly ever tries to block, or move or anythig?
Thats what i mean with bad stagefight, i mean, of you stage a fight, you can make it look really awesome (see, action movies)
You shouldn't be left with one guy just standing and waiting for the other guys strikes to land, unless theres a rule i don't know about where you agree to just take turns ***** slapping each other, agreeing to take whatever comes your way.

P.s i don't write all this to flame you, we we're asked for why we dislike wrestling, and this is why for me. I don't mind other people enjoying it, and i don't think less of them if they do, i prolly do all sorts of stuff others would consider lame as well.
1: This is actually from a promotion called BattlArts. They do Shoot Style Pro wrestling.
Hard strikes and submission wrestling, with predetermined finishes. It's like if pro wrestling had a baby with MMA. Only shootfighting started in the late 80's...

2: One of the rules in Battlarts is no punches to the head. Body blows are ok, but strikes are kept to chops, elbows, knees, headbutts and kicks.

3: The young man in Blue and Black is Fujita Jr. Hayato. He was a 4-5 year vet at this time.
The Man in the Blue Tiger Mask is Tiger Shark, 10+ years.
In the Green and Grey we have Munenori Sawa and finally i the basic black kickpads and trunks there's super rookie Akifumi Saito.

Saito is just a rookie, so he kind of needs to take those level of beatings. It hardens him to become a better wrestler/shoot fighter.

The reason they're not moving is to show their "fighting spirit", and overall toughness.
I know, it seems a bit silly to take all those kicks, but it's just how being manly works over there.
That's why they yell and grunt at each other when they're kicking.
It's like saying:
"COME ON!" but with your fighting spirit...

All of the above men work predominantly in "worked" wrestling, with Tiger Shark being signed to RJPW (Real Japan Pro Wrestling) and with Sawa and Hayato signed to "Pro Wrestling Zero1"
Saito is just a rookie, so he goes wherever he needs to be beat up.

Here's some stuff from RJPW:
Keep in mind, this is worked wrestling, so the emphasis is on spectacle and not so much plausibility.
There's a whole load more from virtually every company in Japan on Billzeroism's page.

Iron Mal

New member
Jun 4, 2008
Why don't more wrestling fans play DnD?

I mean you can totally be a badass dude who goes around German suplexing stuff and making shit tonnes of money off of it.

Seriously, play as a fighter or a monk and you can totally make a guy who goes around doing Choke Slams to dragons and other manly stuff.

Speaking seriously though, just because there are a few thin lines of comparison to something doesn't make it the same and for a lot of self proclaimed nerds (such as myself) wrestling just really isn't their thing, just as for some Sci-Fi isn't or fantasy isn't.

Different strokes for different folks.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: This is my 3000th post on here! Feel free to put a single fist in the air on my behalf and go 'woo' a single time. That is all.

Treaos Serrare

New member
Aug 19, 2009
because most wrestling is fake, where as UFC fights are real, and if I'm going to watch what is supposed to be a visceral fight between two men i want to see some real damage and blood.

also "self proclaimed nerds" wtf kind of backhanded sentence is that?


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2009
Treaos Serrare said:
because most wrestling is fake, where as UFC fights are real, and if I'm going to watch what is supposed to be a visceral fight between two men i want to see some real damage and blood.

also "self proclaimed nerds" wtf kind of backhanded sentence is that?
Well, most people who like things would traditionally be deemed nerdy, don't really call themselves nerds, do they? It's not like "nerd" is an ethnicity or a minority or a religous group. It's a label. Sometimes, people give themselves labels...Whether they know it or not.