Why don't people like anime?


New member
Nov 9, 2010
The main thing I hate about anime is that there are only three main art styles:
Triangle Eyes
Round Eyes

So yeah.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Honestly, haven't ever read or seen any, unless dragonball stuff is counted as anime :p. Theres just something about the art style that turns me off it :/


New member
Jun 25, 2009
viranimus said:
Cant speak for anyone else.

Its repetitive

Its predictable

Its oversaturated

It imposes cultural conventions that go against personal ideology (such as how Conformity IE a rag tag group of teens and some anthropomorphic chibi comic relief will always vanquish stronger oppresive overlords who represent individualism, drive and ambition

People who love anime seemingly dont get that if you dont love anime you really dont want to listen to someone prattle on endlessly about how awesome one piece is, how deep Deathnote is or how much you spent on getting a naturo headband which you intend to wear to Graduation.

While I have a myriad of other reasons, that is just enough vile and venom needed to illustrate the point.
Well you certainly had enough vile and venom but your point seems to have the curious problem of being a list of generalisations which could be applied to almost any form of media.

Simply replace 'anime' in your post with some other popular entertainment say the twilight novels for instance and you might as well be deriding them, or anything else which people enjoy and you or others may not.

So while you might have a myriad of other reasons sitting in your bank of reason, might I suggest you actually post something of substance next time? For example if you don't like something simply saying so is far more honest and useful than mud slinging in an attempt to justify your venom.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
deathandtaxes said:
Well you certainly had enough vile and venom but your point seems to have the curious problem of being a list of generalisations which could be applied to almost any form of media.

Simply replace 'anime' in your post with some other popular entertainment say the twilight novels for instance and you might as well be deriding them, or anything else which people enjoy and you or others may not.

So while you might have a myriad of other reasons sitting in your bank of reason, might I suggest you actually post something of substance next time? For example if you don't like something simply saying so is far more honest and useful than mud slinging in an attempt to justify your venom.
You are absolutely correct. They ARE generalizations. The point of my post was to illustrate my personal reasons for dislike of it. While it is very true that you can apply that to all sorts of media, hell, lets for the sake of argument say "FPS shooters". Thing of it is is that those other media may well be the same way, but personally I might favor the way that another form of media is repetitive compared to the ways anime is repetitive.

My point is this. They are generalizations because Anime is liked by a lot of people, and some of those same people are likely to take offense at saying something negative toward their favored media. A point that has seemingly been illustrated, be it intentionally or inadvertently.

It is also harder to pick apart generalizations than specifics. I mean if I wanted to say something like "Anime is reflective of a culture that has a lost sense of spirituality and is indoctrinating a generation of children outside of that culture to be equally as spiritually indifferent" only to be picked apart by anime fans, quoted 6 ways from sunday with 1200 different examples out of 10k that illustrate how faith is encouraged with basically no other reason than trying to sway opinion and accept the initial opinion posted was wrong after all. That would be counter productive to what the subject of the thread.

IronStorm9 said:
what are your reasons for not liking anime?
So, Sorry, I used generalizations in the hope that my statements would not be ground down to troll fodder.

Edit: Given that an abundance of the posts have been in praise of anime, I felt it was sort of relevant to give reasons why I hold that opinion. Generalized or not, they were ample enough to get the point across.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Why don't I like anime? I'm in my 30's. Even the anime that I don't consider to be "kids stuff" will generally put me off with the art style, the voice acting, the storyline etc etc. I rarely watch films or TV anyway so anime is just part of a long list of motion pictures that I don't like. Although I can actually stomach western live action stuff even if I don't actively like it, anime repulses me.


New member
Jun 25, 2009
viranimus said:
deathandtaxes said:
Well you certainly had enough vile and venom but your point seems to have the curious problem of being a list of generalisations which could be applied to almost any form of media.

Simply replace 'anime' in your post with some other popular entertainment say the twilight novels for instance and you might as well be deriding them, or anything else which people enjoy and you or others may not.

So while you might have a myriad of other reasons sitting in your bank of reason, might I suggest you actually post something of substance next time? For example if you don't like something simply saying so is far more honest and useful than mud slinging in an attempt to justify your venom.
You are absolutely correct. They ARE generalizations. The point of my post was to illustrate my personal reasons for dislike of it. While it is very true that you can apply that to all sorts of media, hell, lets for the sake of argument say "FPS shooters". Thing of it is is that those other media may well be the same way, but personally I might favor the way that another form of media is repetitive compared to the ways anime is repetitive.

My point is this. They are generalizations because Anime is liked by a lot of people, and some of those same people are likely to take offense at saying something negative toward their favored media. A point that has seemingly been illustrated, be it intentionally or inadvertently.

It is also harder to pick apart generalizations than specifics. I mean if I wanted to say something like "Anime is reflective of a culture that has a lost sense of spirituality and is indoctrinating a generation of children outside of that culture to be equally as spiritually indifferent" only to be picked apart by anime fans, quoted 6 ways from sunday with 1200 different examples out of 10k that illustrate how faith is encouraged with basically no other reason than trying to sway opinion and accept the initial opinion posted was wrong after all. That would be counter productive to what the subject of the thread.

IronStorm9 said:
what are your reasons for not liking anime?
So, Sorry, I used generalizations in the hope that my statements would not be ground down to troll fodder.

Edit: Given that an abundance of the posts have been in praise of anime, I felt it was sort of relevant to give reasons why I hold that opinion. Generalized or not, they were ample enough to get the point across.
No the point you have got across is that you both dislike anime and that you don't wish to describe why you don't like it and instead chose to vent your proverbial spleen in this thread much like the trolls you also deride.

That and you seem to have made yourself a rather ironic justification 'the troll will get me' for making what could be easily mistaken for a troll post.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
1. some of the stereotypes of anime puts people off.
2. the 'otaku' stereotypes may also put people.
3. the art style isnt liked my many
4. its seen as quite a childish thing to do is watch cartoons, whether its in the anime style or otherwise


New member
Oct 5, 2010
PureChaos said:
Christopher N said:
PureChaos said:
i like it, looking for a new one to watch actually but don't want to do yet another recommendation thread. got one in mind anyway, Kuroshitsuji (AKA Black Butler). anyone seen it? someone mentiioned it a while ago and said they really liked it.
I saw that. not sure what to make of it entirely. sometimes its borderline yaoi, sometimes its got some gags, sometimes its got some action scenes, sometimes its got that evil psychopathic thing going on
got a little bit of everything, should be good. what's yaoi?
probably best you just watch it and figure it out


New member
Jul 4, 2009
Well, as a person who cannot watch most Japanese cartoons, I am here to answer your question. Japan is crazy, insane, has unhealthy fixations and even they know it. I do not enjoy stories about high schools (I hated my own high school, why would I want to watch someone else' high school drama?), prepubescent incarnate adolescent power fantasies (seriously, I don't know how much Karate he knows, a ten year old is no match for a grown man), women who act like women act in Japanese cartoons, giant robots (with the possible exception of Battletech, but that's neither here nor there), or people who get special powers by CHANGING CLOTHES (a la Sailor Moon). The whole scene is populated with silly people doing silly things for silly reasons; which would be bad enough, but they appear to want me to take them seriously.

Also, I used to be able to get through a not completely terrible Japanese cartoon without gnawing my own leg off, but what really turned me off altogether was Japanese cartoonaphiles. These people are some of the most obnoxious, smelly, socially maladjusted shut ins I have ever met. So, that's why I don't like Japanese cartoons, or games, or comics.

Space Spoons

New member
Aug 21, 2008
I enjoy a good anime every now and then, but the super-hardcore fans really kill it for me sometimes. Especially the ones that seem to think it's their God-given duty to tell everyone and the mother about how "inferior" Western animation is.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
1) I don't like the art style because it looks really lazy and cheap (even in its native language). This art style pervades all manner of animes.

It isn't identical among all anime (that would be like saying Pixar and Dreamworks look identical; they don't), but most of the time the elements I dislike about anime are present.

Like the lack of good shaders. The abusive amounts of key frames, panned shots, and stock repeat animation.
The fuck-awful harpy-hybrid freakshows they get to do at least ONE of the female roles (like it's required by law to have a screeching pre-pubescent **** in every bloody show).

And of course, the bloody padding...so after I sit through 20 minutes of screeching and stock footage, the plot might have moved up maybe one page. The pacing issues can be atrocious in ways I seldom see in other genres.

2) The mass-production business material. It has been brought to my attention that many of these shows are following a Manga. This creates a time discrepancy. The shows have to pad out their episodes because writing the Manga takes FAR LONGER to publish in real time than the cash-in show does.

As a result, you get episodes that are literally nothing but filler and padding (DBZ is infamous for this).

Just as an experiment, I read a few mangas for comparison. It's sad that the artwork and overall presentation is BETTER THAN THE BLOODY SHOW'S. How the hell do you do that?!
I guess the networks won't continue to host your show if you miss a week. Contractual obligations etc. That's my guess.

3) I abhor the assholes who dare to tell me that it's the best artwork or animation out there.
You're not only being pretentious, but you're also blinding yourself to other mediums.
I at least tried to give anime a chance, and with maybe 3-4 exceptions, I could not bear to watch it.

You can tack on an "In my opinion" to everything I wrote there if you must be anal about it.
Most of this is a rant, but that basically sums up my experience with anime in the last 12 years.

All in my opinion of course.
Summary: I don't like anime.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Different strokes for different folks.

Some people just can't get past the art style, or the animation design.

Personally, I love a nice, deep, anime like Spice and Wolf or FMA: Brotherhood. Some of the stories you find in a good anime are just as good, if not better, than those found in other creative outlets.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Christopher N said:
PureChaos said:
Christopher N said:
PureChaos said:
i like it, looking for a new one to watch actually but don't want to do yet another recommendation thread. got one in mind anyway, Kuroshitsuji (AKA Black Butler). anyone seen it? someone mentiioned it a while ago and said they really liked it.
I saw that. not sure what to make of it entirely. sometimes its borderline yaoi, sometimes its got some gags, sometimes its got some action scenes, sometimes its got that evil psychopathic thing going on
got a little bit of everything, should be good. what's yaoi?
probably best you just watch it and figure it out
hmmm, that doesn't sound good...WIKIPEDIA....OH DEAR GOD!!!!


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Well, i guess there are a lot of reasons that people don't like anime. I don't like anime because i don't like the art style, and the stupid over the top expressions and reactions. Those are the main reasons anyway.

Rock 'n' Soul

New member
Nov 15, 2009
The reasons I don't watch anime any more is because;

1. The fans that admit it are usually obnoxious. (See college students to take japanese language and culture classes and call each other "san" and "chan") Keep in mind this doesn't apply to everyone. I'm a good example of a fairly moderate anime fan.
2. It's expensive.
3. There is a lot of stuff out there to sift through to get to what you're going to like.

So, it's hard for me to find new things. Since I don't have a lot of anime fan friends, it's hard to borrow their stuff and I'm not about to endlessly troll the internet for episodes here and there that may or may not have subtitles, be full episodes, etc.

As far as converting people into anime fans, see scary socially retarded enthusiasts that would try to convince you in the first place. Anime has got quite the stigma attached to it.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
PureChaos said:
Christopher N said:
PureChaos said:
Christopher N said:
PureChaos said:
i like it, looking for a new one to watch actually but don't want to do yet another recommendation thread. got one in mind anyway, Kuroshitsuji (AKA Black Butler). anyone seen it? someone mentiioned it a while ago and said they really liked it.
I saw that. not sure what to make of it entirely. sometimes its borderline yaoi, sometimes its got some gags, sometimes its got some action scenes, sometimes its got that evil psychopathic thing going on
got a little bit of everything, should be good. what's yaoi?
probably best you just watch it and figure it out
hmmm, that doesn't sound good...WIKIPEDIA....OH DEAR GOD!!!!
yeah sorry about that. I've probably spoiled it a bit

Regular Guy

New member
Sep 4, 2010
I find it weird, personally, and those who watch that kind of thing are usually the type of people I can't stand.

Yeah, I'm that kid who was a dick to 85% of you Escapists in high school. My bad.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
The more anime I watch, the more I find I dislike the majority of it. If I say 'I like anime' oftentimes people misunderstand me and start blathering on about shows I absolutely abhor. Most of the stories I find good are still not as complex and well thought out as any good book, the voice acting is not always at its best, and the level of creativity is usually low.

Character wise. . .finding mature characters with a good degree of characterization is like finding a needle in a hay stack. It rarely happens, and when it does it was probably based off of a manga.

Most anime bores me after a few episodes (or partway through a movie) because I do not find the story interesting or engaging enough, and the characters are not relatable (or get mired in needlessly dramatic shenanigans that. . .ugh).

I like anime as much as I like any sort of video media, which is to say the vast majority can go hop in a toilet and get flushed. But, that's only my opinion and I can understand why others like it. For the most part, I'll prefer to go read a book. . .unless I'm in the mood to try to find another needle. You'd think by now I'd realize it's just not going to happen that often.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Christopher N said:
PureChaos said:
Christopher N said:
PureChaos said:
Christopher N said:
PureChaos said:
i like it, looking for a new one to watch actually but don't want to do yet another recommendation thread. got one in mind anyway, Kuroshitsuji (AKA Black Butler). anyone seen it? someone mentiioned it a while ago and said they really liked it.
I saw that. not sure what to make of it entirely. sometimes its borderline yaoi, sometimes its got some gags, sometimes its got some action scenes, sometimes its got that evil psychopathic thing going on
got a little bit of everything, should be good. what's yaoi?
probably best you just watch it and figure it out
hmmm, that doesn't sound good...WIKIPEDIA....OH DEAR GOD!!!!
yeah sorry about that. I've probably spoiled it a bit
it'll be a surprise when it pops up