shadow skill said:
This is pretty stupid, I mean really fucking stupid. All of your examples fall apart with one question "Would someone be wrong for wanting to participate in a sport or other activity that currently does not feature those like themselves?" If you can include someone else without damaging things for someone else where is the problem in including others? Oh wait there isn't a problem. This is like saying "Who cares if a disabled person can't get into a moview theatre to see a film? If I couldn't get into a movie theatre I just wouldn't watch movies." before you say "well that is different" ask yourself what the difference is, I doubt you will be able to come up with a logical reason for them being different.
wrong my examples don't fall apart easily
see the difference is this, in business not allowing a disabled person into your business is not only denying yourself good money it is also ILLEGAL in most countries. the changing of sports so it's more enjoyable for everyone to watch is not, same goes for giving every kid a medal for just showing up
also the idea of giving everyone a medal and everyone wins removes any need for real competition, you just have to show up and you automatically win, where's the fun and satisfaction that comes from actually winning and earning the victory? there is none and that's the whole point of competition.
also there is the fact that a person in a wheelchair can't run and play normal football or other sports due to severe limitations of their motor controls, the same goes for anyone with a disability, this is why it's called a disability because there's a lack of ability, so you'd say no one should be able to play normal tackle football or do wrestling or judo or brazilian jiu jitsu cause some one is in a wheel chair?
so there are not one but three very logical reasons that disprove your point and prove mine even more. so you were right i couldn't come up with one